The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 60 Flaming Roses Add Interest 2

Chapter 60 Flaming Roses Add Interest 2
The shopping guide took a few more sexy underwear while talking, and went to the checkout to pack the bags.

Ran Zijin looked up at Leng Muxuan, seeing that he was also looking at him, he hurriedly dodged and walked to the checkout counter.

Since Leng Muxuan heard what the shopping guide said just now, she has been looking at the underwear they are holding. It really is a sensual lotion, and everyone who sees it is in a state of mind, let alone the effect after wearing it.

Thinking of Ran Zijin's appearance in these clothes, Leng Muxuan felt that Xiaoyue Fu's place was burning up, and somewhere was uncomfortable.

He has seen Ran Zijin's good figure, and he has seen it more than once. Every time he sees her, he wants to directly pull her into his bed, and then do it properly to vent some of his anger.

Leng Muxuan stood where he was, forcibly suppressing the rising flames, before going to the checkout counter to swipe his card.

When Ran Zijin saw him coming, he rushed out of the store with his bag in hand.

"Your girlfriend is very beautiful." The shopping guide returned the card to Leng Muxuan and praised without hesitation.

"Otherwise, how can I be a girlfriend." Leng Muxuan took the card in awe, and walked out.

The shopping guide stared at his back YY: How can this man be so domineering!How can you be so rich!How can you have such a good figure!If this goes to bed, the woman will definitely be bathed to death by the bath fairy he made, right?Poor me, why am I not that girl!Why is my life so bad... blah blah...

Ran Zijin sat directly in the back seat of the car because she was shy.

After Leng Muxuan got into the car, he raised his head to her, "Sit in front, I don't want to talk to you, I have to turn around. My neck hurts!"

Ran Zijin touched his burning face, and suddenly realized that Mrs. Leng was shy, right?

It turns out that the arrogant and rich CEO is also shy?
She got out of the car and went around to the other side and got into the passenger seat.

Leng Muxuan took Ran Zijin to buy some jewelry and other small things, and took her to a candlelight dinner together.

Ran Zijin followed Leng Muxuan to the top floor of Tianyuan Hotel.

The top floor of Tianyuan Hotel is very ingeniously designed, the whole is a circle, all the private rooms are planned next to the outer wall, and the large open space left in the middle is used as the lobby.

The vacant walls of each private room are all made of glass, through which one can almost see the panoramic view of the city.This floor is constantly turning, two hours can just go around, and the scenery of the city can be completely seen.

As soon as Leng Muxuan got out of the elevator, someone came to greet him immediately.

"Hello President!" The lobby manager Rao Xueying bowed to Leng Muxuan, and then asked, "Are you two today?"

Leng Muxuan nodded, and said to Rao Xueying, "Take Miss Ran into the box first."

Rao Xueying made a gesture of invitation to Ran Zijin, "Miss Ran, please follow me."

Leng Muxuan's usual box was never open to the public, no matter how much money anyone had, it was impossible to buy the right to use that room.

Ran Zijin followed Rao Xueying into a box called Elizabeth. The decoration inside was completely based on personal preferences, and it was completely different from other boxes that are open to the public.

She could tell that everything here was designed according to Leng Muxuan's taste. Leng Muxuan prefers European decoration style, the home is like this, the office is like this, and this box is still like this.

Rao Xueying arranged for Ran Zijin, and ordered two cups of coffee, just when Leng Muxuan also came back.

"President, do you have any other orders?"

"I've already arranged it, you don't have to worry about it here."

"Then I wish the CEO a pleasant meal." After Rao Xueying finished speaking, she bowed again before walking out of the box.

Rao Xueying has a tall figure, waist-length hair, and completely uncut hair, which is straightly combed into a ponytail behind her head. Although she is in her thirties, she is still very capable, without losing her figure at all. And the look of the skin turning bad.

Ran Zijin looked at her back, suddenly envious, and wished he could still look at such a natural beauty when he was in his thirties.

"Manager Rao is actually 42 years old." Leng Muxuan knew that Ran Zijin was observing Rao Xueying, so he said to her.

"Are you 42?" Ran Zijin was surprised, "She looks like she is only 27 or 40 years old, but I guess her actual age is only in her thirties. How could she be in her [-]s?"

"Her sons are already studying abroad."

"She looks too young, I'm so envious." Ran Zijin's eyes shone brightly, expressing his envy clearly.

"Maybe, you are 50 years old, younger than you look now." Leng Muxuan looked at Ran Zijin's fair face and neck. Her skin is also very good. She has never used any cosmetics. She is already a senior Yes, it looks like a junior high school student.

"I hope!" Ran Zijin shrugged and took a sip of coffee. Every woman wishes to be young and beautiful forever, and she is no exception.

Putting down the coffee cup, Ran Zijin walked to the glass wall, looked at the scenery downstairs, and suddenly thought of something, asked Leng Muxuan: "Is the Tianyuan Hotel yours? Is this box reserved for you too?" "

"En." Leng Muxuan walked to Ran Zijin's side, and looked at the scenery downstairs with her. As the floors turned, they could see the whole city scenery in a while.

It's just that the floors rotate very slowly. Standing in front of the glass wall, if you don't look carefully, you can't usually find it.

"I like to stand here and think about things. After turning around, many things can be figured out. If you can't figure out anything, you can also come here and ask Manager Rao, and she will take you in. You just stand Here, you can not only enjoy the scenery, but also think without being disturbed by people.”

"Does this floor rotate?" Ran Zijin knew that Tianyuan Hotel was a five-star hotel with luxurious decoration, and he also saw glass walls around the boxes on the top floor on the street, but he didn't know that this floor could also rotate.

"Well. Next time you have time, come and experience it. Let's eat today." Leng Muxuan reached out and tapped a spot on the glass, then turned back to the dining table.

Ran Zijin curiously walked to the place where Leng Muxuan stood, and then tapped the place he had just pointed with his hand, and suddenly found that that point happened to be the building of Guangbo Group.

"Have you used the telescope here to see Guangbo's building?" Ran Zijin suddenly returned to his seat excitedly and asked Leng Muxuan.

Leng Muxuan shook his head, Tianyuan Hotel is the highest floor in City H, with a total of [-] floors and a very wide view.

After being reminded by Ran Zijin, he suddenly remembered that it seems that he should get a telescope or something here. If he has time, he can take a look at the surrounding industries and see how far the competitors have developed.

"With a telescope, you can still look at the stars. This is the tallest place, and you can definitely see the brightest stars." Ran Zijin recalled that in TV and novels, those rich people did this.

Set up a telescope at a place you like, and then look at the stars when you have nothing to do, and increase your elegance.Of course, I will bring my girlfriend to watch it together. The two hug under the telescope and have a French kiss.

"I'll bring you here from now on." Leng Muxuan looked at Ran Zijin's eyes that were brighter than the stars, and unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth. He will ask Luo Yining to set up a telescope tomorrow.

"Really?" Ran Zijin tilted his head excitedly, suddenly looking forward to the day when Leng Muxuan took him to watch the stars, "Young Master Leng, do you know? This kind of star-watching scene is often played on TV. Seeing this, I will be very sad. Not because no one took me to look at the stars with a telescope, but because my father was very busy at that time and seldom came home. My mother was in a bad mood and often sat in the yard with me in her arms waiting for my father to come back. Home. My mother hugged me, and we looked at the stars together. When I watched, my mother would cry. At first I was young, and I didn’t understand why my mother cried. Later, when I grew up, I realized that it was because of the love my mother gave Not getting anything in return. Mom loves that guy..."

(End of this chapter)

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