Chapter 62
Anyway, at that time, Young Master Leng cut down several meetings at once, and kindly reminded all the employees not to work overtime too late, and to go home to spend time with their wives and children, and the female employees should also go home and have dinner with their husbands and children.

At that time, the employees felt that the world was a fantasy, and Mr. Leng, who had always existed like a non-human being, was actually short-sighted by his parents!
"Then I will arrange it?" Leng Muxuan could see that Ran Zijin was very excited, so he was also in a good mood.

"Of course you made the arrangement. You are the president, and time is precious. I dare not rely on me for everything, because that would be a crime!" Ran Zijin unknowingly joked with Leng Muxuan.

She is not a very cheerful person, and she will only let go in front of her closest relatives. She used to be like this in front of Gu Mama and Hu Die.

Now, without even realizing it herself, she has gradually revealed her original appearance in front of Leng Muxuan... She loves to laugh, can joke, and can act like a baby...

Anyway, she would have the behaviors that girls in their twenties should have, but her own experience and living environment made her hide them all.

After meeting Leng Muxuan, she changed again, as if she had returned to her original self, but she didn't realize it.

"It's up to you." Leng Muxuan smiled brightly, and felt that Ran Zijin, who could make jokes, was much cuter than usual, "It doesn't take time to make money, it also uses here..." He pointed to his brain, "Brain! IQ is more important than anything else!"

"That's right." Ran Zijin smiled sweetly at Leng Muxuan, and continued to play with the telescope.

Of course, making money is a job with a high IQ. Leng Muxuan's brain structure is different from that of ordinary people. It is impossible to say that someone with a high IQ is just beyond reach.

Suddenly thinking of Leng Muxuan claiming to be a god, she thought it was funny, so she giggled.

"See what's so funny?" Leng Muxuan said as he put on the binoculars, Ran Zijin stepped aside, but he saw nothing, except the building of Guangbo Group.

"No. It's..." Just as Ran Zijin was about to explain, he heard his cell phone ring, so he gave Leng Muxuan a look, and went to answer the phone.

It was Mama Gu who called, and she told Ran Zijin the good news as soon as she opened her mouth, "Zijin, the orphanage is saved. Young master Leng not only found a new place for the orphanage, but also said that he would pay all the construction costs. This is really nice!"

"Really?" Ran Zijin was also excited, and turned his head to look at Leng Muxuan with a heartfelt smile, "Mother Gu, it's all over now. We don't have to rush to move anymore, do we?"

"That's right. The government said that when the new orphanage is built, the children will be able to live there, so we can just go here." Gu Meihua did not expect that Ran Zijin could make friends like Leng Muxuan.

At the beginning, she always opposed Ran Zijin's going to work in Guangbo Group, and she felt like selling her daughter no matter what.But Zijin kept insisting that only Leng Muxuan could save the orphanage. She went to work and he kept the orphanage. .

The orphanage was rushed by the government, and she had no choice but to follow Ran Zijin's order.

"That's good. I knew Young Master Leng wouldn't lie to me. He's a good man." Ran Zijin laughed more and more happily, looking at Leng Muxuan with sparkling eyes, like crystals, capable of soul-stirring.

Leng Muxuan also felt very happy seeing Ran Zijin who was so happy. He felt that as a man, his desire to protect had been brought into full play. big.

"Zijin, when you meet Mr. Leng, you must thank him on my behalf. The orphanage is really thanks to him." Gu Meihua was worried at first that Ran Zijin would make a deal with Leng Muxuan in private, but Later, based on her own observations and Zijin's character, she chose to believe that Zijin was not the kind of person who would sell her body for money.

The children she watched growing up were all good children.

"En. Okay. I know this!" Ran Zijin pointed to Leng Muxuan and then to the phone, which meant that Mama Gu was talking about him.

She hasn't told Mother Gu that she is already living under the same roof as Leng Muxuan, because she thinks it is unnecessary, she will move away from here sooner or later, she will have her own house, and it is impossible to live in his house for the rest of her life.

Leng Muxuan understood for a moment, of course he knew, as soon as he heard Gu Meihua's call just now, he knew that she would definitely mention him.

"Mama Gu, then goodbye. I'll go back to see you in a few days, and Fatty and the others." Ran Zijin hung up the phone and said to Leng Muxuan, "Mama Gu said let me thank you! Well, I want to thank you too Young Master Leng, you are such a good person!" She walked over to Leng Muxuan, looking at him with burning eyes, "Do you know? Before I met you, all the rich people in my mind were cold-blooded animals , Every cell in their body knows about money, and they don't understand a little human touch. But you are different, you are very caring! You are a good person, and good people will be rewarded!"

"Everyone has a human touch, some thick, some light." Leng Muxuan pinned a strand of hair from Ran Zijin's forehead behind her ear, and smoothed her bangs, "The human touch is light." It’s not that there are no people, but only those who care about you will show your humanity.”

He spoke slowly and carefully.

She listened carefully and attentively.

Both he and she knew that the person he was talking about was himself.

Leng Muxuan is not a kind person, he is always cold at ordinary times, but he only smiles and shows kindness in front of people he cares about.

"So I'm someone you care about too?"

Ran Zijin opened his big eyes, and his pure eyes fell between Leng Muxuan's brows, but his heart seemed to be illuminated by the bright sunshine, and the sunlight shone in through the small hole opened for her, shining in his eyes. There is an equally bright place in my heart.

"What do you think?" Leng Muxuan smiled lightly.

"I don't know." Ran Zijin looked at him, he smiled, but he didn't show any emotion, so she couldn't see what he was thinking.

"Fool!" Leng Muxuan still smiled, and stretched out his hands to mess up the bangs that had been smoothed out for her just now, turned around and went back to the seat, drinking coffee with a coffee cup.

Ran Zijin didn't understand what Leng Muxuan meant, but she knew he wouldn't say anything if he didn't want to, so she stopped asking and continued to hold the binoculars to look at the scenery outside the window.

Leng Muxuan turned slightly sideways, holding the coffee cup to look at Ran Zijin's sideways.

Just now when she asked the phrase "So am I the one you care about?", his heart suddenly beat rapidly, which was a feeling that Ruan Yifei never felt at the moment when he promised to date him.

In fact, the answer to this question couldn't be simpler. He has indeed figured it out, but it's not the time to say something.

Whether it was to bid farewell to his past self or to find out Ran Zijin's identity, he had to continue to investigate Ruan Yifei's whereabouts.

Only when the truth came to light did he dare to speak out the promise in his heart, and only then could he be sure whether he was really capable of protecting his feelings this time, so as not to hurt himself again.

Leng Muxuan is a man, an upright man, but he also has weak moments, and emotional injuries will make him suffer.He is not a saint, he is an ordinary person, he has seven emotions and six desires.

Although Ran Zijin was looking at the buildings outside, what he was thinking about was the conversation with Leng Muxuan just now.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself, so she asked such a nonsensical question out of nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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