The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 73 What Qualification Does He Have 3

Chapter 73 What Qualification Does He Have 3
But Ye Simiao didn't know at all, he didn't know what was going on in her heart, and he didn't know that the second she was let go by him and turned around to run away, the tears in her eyes stayed like broken threads. They all looked at her with crazy eyes.

She cried all the way, there was no mother to talk to, and she still had nightmares at night, dreaming about the person she hated to death, and constantly dreaming that someone was going to bully her, and she couldn't find anyone to rely on.

The despair and sadness brought about by the dream lingered around Ran Zijin for several days before slowly disappearing.

So far, she never wanted to see Ye Simian again.

Seeing him made her uncomfortable.

"I'll go first. You're fine, so don't come to the company to look for me." Ran Zijin took two steps, then turned around and said, "Thank you very much before."

"Zijin!" Ye Simian called out Ran Zijin's name, and wanted to reach out to grab her, but he was afraid of being abrupt again, so he didn't dare to reach out, and just followed behind her.

Her indifferent appearance was like a sledgehammer, hitting his heart hard, breaking his heart, and even shattering all his hopes.

It was broken into powder, and it seemed that it could never be put together again.


As soon as Ye Simian finished speaking, someone called Ran Zijin's name again.

Hearing the familiar voice, Ran Zijin stepped forward immediately, closed his eyes slowly, and looked back at the man who was walking towards him... the father whom he could never forgive!

Under Ran Zijin's fiery gaze, the man walked up to her and stood between her and Ye Simiao, separating them.

He asked Ran Zijin: "Zijin, is this person here to pester you?"

Ran Zijin was so angry that he didn't speak, he didn't want to talk to this person.

He kicked her out of Ran's house and failed to fulfill the obligations of a father. What kind of fatherly image is he playing at this moment?
Ye Simiao looked at Ran Zijin, whose mood had changed drastically, and was about to explain when he was interrupted by the man.

"Young man, Zijin doesn't seem to like you and doesn't want to talk to you. I advise you to leave early and don't come to pester Zijin in the future!" Ran Huabo reached out and flicked the dust that was accidentally on Ye Simian's clothes, warning The meaning is very obvious.

Ye Sizhen didn't know who the man was, but judging by his age, he guessed that it was probably one of Ran Zijin's elders.

He was shocked by Ran Huabo's aura, so he could only call out: "Uncle."

"I'm not your uncle." Ran Hua poppily smiled, although he looked very kind, but the words he said and the aura radiating from his body were very tough, "It's good for young people to be polite, but it's not easy to recognize people casually." it is good."

"Ye Simiao, you go!" Ran Zijin couldn't stand Ran Huabo's role as a loving father, and didn't want Ye Simiao to know the inside story, so he drove him away.

"Zijin. I'll accompany you." Ye Simian didn't want to leave, because he no longer knew what this man was going to do to Ran Zijin, and whether it would bring her any danger. After all, this man was too strong, and he didn't look like a good person.

"Who wants you to accompany me? You go!" Ran Zijin's sudden appearance by Ran Huabo stimulated the small universe in her body. The small universe is erupting raging fire at the moment. Anyone who talks to her will be mercilessly spit out a mouthful of fire to burn her once. .

Ran Huabo raised his eyebrows at Ye Simiao, "Ye Simiao, right? I remember. Now leave now, I have something to discuss with Zijin."

Ye Simian looked at Ran Huabo, then at Ran Zijin, "Zijin..."

"I don't want me not to talk to you in the future, so let's go now." Ran Zijin said coldly, his aura at this moment was very similar to that of Leng Muxuan when he was cold.

Ye Simiao was really afraid that Ran Zijin wouldn't talk to him, so he took a deep breath, reluctantly and said very worriedly: "I'm leaving. Zijin, if you need anything, remember to call me."

Ran Zijin looked at Ye Simian without saying anything, neither agreeing nor objecting.

Ye Simian turned around and walked away slowly, turning his head to look at Ran Zijin after walking a few steps.

After his figure disappeared, Ran Zijin stared at Ran Huabo and said, "Now you can go too!"

After finishing speaking, she also turned to go to the cafeteria.

He didn't drive Ran Huabo away in a hurry just now, firstly because he wanted him to help him drive away Ye Simiao, and secondly because he didn't want Ye Simiao to speculate and ask him something.

There are some things that she has undertaken by herself for so many years, and she will still be able to bear them by herself in the future.

She didn't want to tell anyone, because, talking about such things, she felt ashamed!

Yes.It's a disgrace!

Shame on her!

And all this shame was brought to her by this cruel man behind her!


Ran Huabo called out to Ran Zijin, but Ran Zijin didn't look back, so he waved, and immediately two people stepped forward to block Ran Zijin.

After all, he is also the president of a group, with one or two attendants walking around him at all times to protect his own safety and to run errands.

"Miss Ran, Mr. Ran has something to talk to you about, please get in the car with us." One of the men said to Ran Zijin.

"Miss Ran, see you more, Lei Zi, I want to call you Miss." Ran Huabo stepped forward, stood beside Ran Zijin, and patted her on the shoulder, "This is the only lady in our Ran family."

Ran Zijin frowned, extremely displeased, and looked at Ran Huabo with disgust, "I have nothing to do with the Ran family, not at all, so don't say it so disgusting!"

"Zijin, be obedient, get in the car with Dad, let's go out and have a talk, okay?" Ran Huabo didn't get angry at her when Ran Zijin turned his eyebrows coldly at him, but looked at her with a smile, "You Look, this is the entrance of your company, with people coming and going, aren't you afraid of ruining your image and being gossiped about?"

The second half of his sentence obviously worked. Ran Zijin knew his reputation in the company, so he always wanted to stand up.And if you want to stand up, you must always establish a positive image, and there must be no bad rumors.

And she thought of Leng Muxuan, who had given her the job opportunity, and she couldn't lose his face and discredit his company, so she followed the two men to Ran Huabo's car.

After getting into the car, another of Ran Huabo's cronies named Shishi drove them to a small restaurant.

Ran Zijin thought that if he came, he would be safe, and followed Ran Huabo to see what he was going to do again.

Going upstairs and entering a private room, Ran Huabo left the two cronies outside the door.

Ran Zijin found a seat casually and sat down, "What's the matter? Tell me quickly! My time is limited."

"Order first, and talk while eating." Ran Huabo took off his coat and sat opposite Ran Zijin, with a smile on his face all the time, "Zijin, I asked you for leave, you don't have to go to work when you go down. Tomorrow is the weekend again. Just stay with Dad."

"You don't want daddy to be long and daddy to be short. I feel like vomiting." Ran Zijin was absolutely unceremonious when talking to Ran Huabo.

Ran Huabo wasn't angry either, after all he needed Ran Zijin's help, so he relied on her for everything, and only when he made her happy could he be saved.

"Zijin, come to order." Ran Huabo pushed the menu to Ran Zijin.

Ran Zijin raised the menu and threw it in front of Ran Huabo's eyes, "If you want to eat it, you can eat it yourself! When I saw you, I lost my appetite and couldn't keep eating! I feel like vomiting!"

Ran Huabo picked up Ran Zijin's smashed and messed up menu, flipped through it, and said to her, "Then let me order. Don't be angry, drink some water."

He asked Lei Zi to set up the box while he was on the way, so the tea and other things were prepared and put on the table before they came.

Ran Zijin yelled at Ran Huabo, his throat was really uncomfortable at the moment, so he held the cup and drank all the tea in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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