Chapter 88 Love Is Made 1
Ran Zijin blinked.

Thinking back carefully, she has been in Leng Muxuan's master bedroom, but she has never found any pillows on his kingsize bed, and there is nothing in other places in the bedroom that can be used to hug and sleep.

Could it be that he slept with the cup in his arms?Thinking of this, Ran Zijin suddenly felt that Leng Muxuan's noble and glamorous temperament was greatly discounted.

Noble and glamorous are all floating clouds, but Leng Shao should be a cute one!
"Don't you think it's weird to sleep with a cup in your arms?" Ran Zijin thought to herself, and opened her mouth to ask. She was curious, when he was hugging the quilt, did he ever think that this behavior was not in line with his identity and age? ?
"Why are you hugging the quilt? Just hug a woman!" Leng Muxuan just wanted to find an excuse for hugging Ran Zijin, but she didn't want her to think wrongly, and think him so sissy!
Sleeping with the quilt in your arms is something Xiao Shou only does. Will he do it?
Ran Zijin raised her head, and she seemed to see a crow flying over her head, screaming.

She pouted, she had never seen Leng Muxuan have a woman before, and he even said that he was sleeping with a woman in his arms.

Is it that difficult to admit that you sleep with the quilt in your arms?You admit it, and I won't tell anyone!Because I think it's so cute!
Ran Zijin secretly thought, his eyes fell on Leng Muxuan's handsome face, and he was inadvertently attracted by his beauty.

"Are you not sleepy? If not, do you want to do something else?" Leng Muxuan knew that Ran Zijin was looking at him without opening his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Ran Zijin really couldn't sleep.

Imagine that you are hugged by a big man, and he still touches you from time to time. He is neither your boyfriend nor your husband, but your immediate boss. Can you sleep?
"In the dark night, a man and a woman, what do you think you can do?" Leng Muxuan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were shining brightly, without any sleepiness at all, instead they gave off a faint and dangerous luster .

"Sleep!" Ran Zijin pulled off the quilt, covered his head, closed his eyes, and forced himself to sleep.

But I was muttering in my heart, are all men so lustful, as long as there is a woman in their arms, they will have a physiological reaction, regardless of whether she is the woman he likes?
The next day, Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin got up, washed up, and just after eating, Luo Yining brought Ran Huabo to the hospital.

"President, someone brought them here, and they are outside now." Luo Yining entered the ward, while Ran Huabo was left outside the door.

Leng Muxuan turned back and asked Ran Zijin who was sitting on the bed, "Ran Huabo is here, today's matter will be settled, do you want him to come in?"

Ran Zijin didn't expect that Leng Muxuan would intervene in this matter. She no longer wanted to owe him any more favors, so she said, "Young Master Leng, I can solve my own affairs by myself. When I recover from my injury, I will go to Ran Huabo to solve it myself. Leave it alone. This matter is troublesome."

"Things that can be solved with money are not considered a problem, nor are they troublesome." Leng Muxuan insisted on taking care of it to the end, "If you don't want to see Ran Huabo, I will deal with it according to my wishes. Don't worry, He won't come to you again."

"Master Leng!" Ran Zijin looked at Leng Muxuan in surprise, was he going to pay that inhuman Ran Huabo?

"Tell me." Leng Muxuan waited patiently for Ran Zijin's answer, not wanting to go against her wishes.

Seeing this, Luo Yining opened the door and went outside to wait.

"There's no need to give money to people like Ran Huabo. Whether his company goes bankrupt or not has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with you." Although Ran Zijin knew that the most important thing Leng Muxuan lacked was money, but all his money was his. The points were earned by working hard, so why should people like Ran Huabo take advantage of them.

"Zijin, my purpose is not to help Ran Huabo. As you said, he has nothing to do with me." The only bottom line in Leng Muxuan's heart was that no matter what choice he made, the final result was to be good to Ran Zijin.

He will never do anything that is not good for Ran Zijin.

"Then what are you doing for it? Ran Huabo's company is about to go bankrupt, and even if you invest money in it, you won't get any benefits." Ran Zijin's heart was beating violently.

All of a sudden, she hoped that the answer Leng Muxuan was about to give her was what she thought, but at the same time, she didn't want it to be what she thought.

It was already her blessing that she met him, how could she expect more without being satisfied?
No, she can't be that kind of dissatisfied girl!
Therefore, his answer must not be what she thought in her heart, it must not be!

"For profit, there is no benefit now, not necessarily no benefit in the future." Leng Muxuan said casually, but these words were not what he really thought in his heart.

He wanted to say: I am for you.

But he still didn't say it.

Everything he did was not to show off in front of her.

As long as she does it silently, she can see it silently, and then she will silently remember his kindness to her, and such feelings will last forever.

True love is not spoken, and it does not need to be shown to others all the time.

True love is made, revealed in the daily ordinary life, in the slightest contact, in the little things.

"Oh. But I think there are still risks. Ran Huabo's company is really failing." After hearing Leng Muxuan's answer, Ran Zijin felt a little disappointed, but felt that this was in her expectation and she shouldn't be disappointed. So I deliberately concealed that strand of loss.

In these years, she has not been in contact with Ran's family, nor has she deliberately paid attention to the Camry Group of Ran's family, but she still heard more or less that the Camry Group has almost become an empty shell.

In the past few years, Ran Huabo has invested in several projects with a lot of capital, but because his vision is not accurate enough, not only did he not make money every time, but he also lost a lot of money. The company's capital chain has long been broken.

"Is my vision still suspicious?" Leng Muxuan raised his eyebrows, and asked rhetorically, as long as I invest less, I can only make profits and not have the momentum to lose money.

"You should invest in another company." Ran Zijin really didn't want Leng Muxuan's money to go to waste.

Ran Huabo didn't know if he was unlucky in the past few years. Anyway, all investments are bound to fail, and he has never succeeded.

"I have a sense of proportion, you don't have to worry." Leng Muxuan walked up to Ran Zijin, and tucked a strand of hair in front of her behind her ear. "I said you'd do the things that worry you again, and you do."

"You..." Ran Zijin looked up at Leng Muxuan standing there with tears in his eyes, "How can you be so great! Are you so kind to everyone?"

"It depends." Leng Muxuan smiled, and brushed Ran Zijin's eyes with his fingertips, wiping away the tears that were about to fall. "Do you want Ran Huabo to come in? Don't you want to talk to him?"

Ran Zijin nodded, and Leng Muxuan went to open the door for someone to come in.

Ran Zijin looked at his back and thought to himself, how did he know that she wanted to talk to Ran Huabo?Could it be that her expression is obvious?

The door opened, and Ran Huabo was pushed in by Luo Yining.

Ran Huabo couldn't stand firmly and almost hit the door panel.

He had been controlled by Luo Yining for the past few days, and he knew that Leng Muxuan had intervened in this matter, so he was very scared.

Today, when Luo Yining said that Leng Muxuan was going to see him, he was so scared that he didn't even eat breakfast, and trembled nervously along the way.

Everyone in the business circle knows what kind of person Leng Muxuan is, and of course Ran Huabo also knows that Leng Shao is someone he can't afford to offend.

(End of this chapter)

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