Chapter 97 Adding Spice to Tonight

"Oh. Yes. Wait a moment." Ran Zijin didn't close the door, and didn't invite these people in. Instead, he rushed to the study and asked Leng Muxuan, "Someone outside the door said they were here to deliver a new bed. Do you want to invite them?" Come in?"

"I'll go take a look." Leng Muxuan put down a book in his hand, followed Ran Zijin to the living room, and let those people in.

Ran Zijin was secretly happy that now that she had a new bed, Leng Muxuan would no longer snatch her bed.However, didn't he say yesterday that the new bed would only come back in three days, why did he come back today?

Leng Muxuan watched those people move the so-called new beds to the master bedroom, and then assembled them before sending them away.

The bed sent by those people has been in the cold house for several years, and he only went back to sleep occasionally. This time, he tried every means to squeeze a quilt with Ran Zijin and hug her to sleep.

He began to complain that the part-time workers did not wash the sheets and quilt covers, so he would not go to sleep because of his cleanliness.Then pour a lot of water on the bed every night, and run to tell Ran Zijin that the bed can't sleep anyone.Later, it was said that the bed was damaged by water and had to buy a new one.

In fact, his bed wasn't soaked at all, so a high-end bed can be ruined by pouring a glass of water, so he wouldn't buy it even if he was cold!

Now that the lie can no longer be made up, he can only move the bed from the cold house to complete the previous lie.

In fact, he originally planned to move in three days later, but seeing Ran Zijin's pitiful cry today, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he called Luo Yining in the study just now, and asked someone to move the bed Come here, the previous bed was moved to the cold house again.

"Master Leng, it's time to eat." Ran Zijin pushed open the study door and shouted.

After those people left, she started to read again, and Leng Muxuan also started to work again.

The part-time worker finished the meal and called her to eat, and she came to the study to call him again.

"In a good mood now?" Leng Muxuan's eyes were like detectors, and he could tell at a glance that Ran Zijin was in a good mood at the moment.

"I don't know." Ran Zijin casually agreed, turned around and went to the restaurant first.

She would not admit that it was because of Leng Muxuan's new bed that she was so happy.

Leng Muxuan smiled, and it was right that the bed was delivered in advance, the little thing was finally happy.

"Where have you been recently? I haven't seen you for a long time." Ran Zijin asked Hu Die who was sitting opposite.

Her injury was healed, but Leng Muxuan still refused to let her go to work, so she made an appointment with Hu Die for afternoon tea. Of course, the place where the two met was "Maggie's Gift".

"I went abroad for shopping. I also bought you gifts. Later, I will send someone to Isa Garden for you." Hu Die smiled brightly. A few days ago, he and He Yacheng did go abroad for a walk. Several countries came back.

"I haven't used up the cosmetics you bought for me last time." Ran Zijin said, every time Hu Die went shopping, she would bring her gifts, which were basically for her to wear, and rarely bought her her favorite watch book of.

She always said that she was too bookish, and she would become a fool if she read books again, so she couldn't read any more.

"This time it's clothes. I didn't like the cosmetics, so I didn't buy them." Hu Die chatted about her recently made big wave curly hair, which looked very charming, and asked Ran Zijin, "Tell me how you and Leng Muxuan are doing recently. gone?"

"It's okay. He's the boss, and I'm the subordinate, what else can I do?" Ran Zijin answered Hu Die's question, but his eyes turned to one side, flickering.

"Why don't you take the initiative? Leng Muxuan treats you well now, you are neither hot nor cold, and later on people don't care about you anymore, what do you do?"

"I'm working in his company, and I'm not going to marry him. He treats me well, it's just polite."

"Politeness?" Hu Die looked at Ran Zijin with a look of 'you got it', "Which woman have you ever seen the cold Leng Muxuan be nice to? Don't say it, he didn't even show a good face! Didn't you Look how disgusted he was when he looked at me back then."

"Our beautiful classmate, some people will dislike her?"

With a coquettish smile, Su Maiqi, who was wearing heavy makeup, sat beside Ran Zijin, that is, opposite to Hu Die, and looked at Hu Die with a smile.

"It seems that the master is not at home, Boss Su is very free today!" Hu Die's good mood was completely ruined by this unexpected guest, so her words were extremely mean.

"Don't say that, you may not know who is the master!" Su Maqi still had the usual yin and yang, talking around the bush.

"Su Maiqi, is this shop yours?" Ran Zijin didn't like Su Maiqi either. He didn't want to talk to her at first, but when he heard her and Hu Die fighting each other, he said something to divert their attention so that they wouldn't spend a while In this store, the two pinched again.

"Yeah. It's mine. I'm the boss, so I'll treat you to coffee and dessert today." Su Maiqi looked at Ran Zijin with a smile, and then turned to call the waiter, "These two are my friends, and I'll treat you today."

"Yes, boss." The waiter nodded and left under Su Maqi's gaze.

"Hu Die, I said don't be so hostile to me. I don't like to snatch things from others, but the rabbit jumps over the wall when I'm in a hurry. If you say I'm being forced, there's nothing I can do!" Su Maqi raised her head He casually took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag, took out one, lit it, and took a puff between his lips.

Hu Die saw that it was a box of men's cigarettes, which was the brand she saw when she was upstairs last time. Up to now, she hadn't thought of who liked this brand of cigarettes the most.

"What does it matter to me whether you grab other people's things?" Hu Die asked coldly, and then said very suggestively, "Don't make up your mind around me. The people around me are talkative, but I am not so talkative."

"Don't worry! I promise with my life that I will never get any ideas from the people around you." Su Maiqi laughed twice, stubbed out the cigarette she had only smoked in her hand, and put it in the ashtray.

She knew best what Hu Die meant, Hu Die was afraid that she would snatch Leng Muxuan, and Leng Muxuan seemed to be very close to Ran Zijin now.

But no one knew, she didn't have Leng Muxuan in her heart at all, and she wouldn't fight Ran Zijin for something like Leng Shao, there was someone else in her heart.

"It's best!" Hu Die didn't even look at Su Maiqi in disgust. What she hated most was this kind of person who didn't speak directly.

Su Maiqi smiled strangely, and in front of Hu Die and Ran Zijin, took out her mobile phone, pressed it with her nail-painted fingers, and put the mobile phone to her ear.

After a few seconds, I heard her say to the person on the phone: "Are you coming now? I was in the store and met two old classmates. If you come, I will prepare it. What do you want to eat tonight?" ?”

She paused, waiting for someone to speak, and then continued: "Well, then I'll see what's new and I'll prepare it for you. When you come over, don't forget to bring red wine. I like you the most The wine in the 'poison' wine cellar...well...then that's it, hang up first, I'll wait for you."

Hu Die and Ran Zijin watched Su Maiqi kiss the phone before hanging up the phone, and the two of them felt a chill.

"Oh, there is no way. When dealing with things like men, women should always take the initiative, but they can't take the initiative too much. Getting bored with each other every day will make men boring. Fortunately, I am not such a lazy person." Su Maiqi Putting away the phone, he looked at Hu Die pointedly.

Hu Die frowned slightly, and just about to say something, her cell phone rang.

She glanced at the caller ID, it was He Yacheng, she felt better immediately, and happily connected the call.

"Where are you?" He Yacheng asked Die as soon as he got on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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