Boss, his language is not good

Chapter 2 Afraid, Afraid

Chapter 2 Afraid, Afraid
Shen Beiwang has always known where his advantages lie, so when Nancheng looked in his direction, he subconsciously put on the most seductive expression.

The eyelashes drooped, the corners of the lips were slightly pursed, and the head was tilted, showing the best side profile. Coupled with the slightly pale complexion now, there was a proper expression of 'uncomfortable, I want to coax'.

It's not that who said it, the fragile and beautiful boy paper is the easiest to arouse the motherhood of girls.

Sure enough, he heard his girl ask something softly, and when he was thinking about how to make a concave shape, two girls walking by his side suddenly walked by holding hands.

It doesn't matter to the two girls, the key is that the two girls smiled and said to his girl while walking, "Just after the run, I happened to pass by, so I stopped by to see you."

Shen Beiwang hesitated for a moment, who were they talking to?
His eyes turned to Nancheng's face smiling at the two of them, and he fell silent.

So, didn't you just smile at him?

... This is embarrassing.

Shen Beiwang acted as if nothing had happened, adjusted his expression, and picked a bed farthest from Lu Nancheng, the distance between the two of them...

two meters.

He felt a little awkward, and seemed to be a little unhappy. This emotion was too strange, but it swept through all his emotions in an instant.

He deliberately made a little noise, clumsily trying to prove his existence, attract Nancheng's attention, and let her take a look at him?
In the end, he looked at it, and that light, inadvertent glance made his back subconsciously straighten, and there was an uncontrollable feeling of tension and joy in his heart, and he slowed down his breathing...

But before he finished being nervous, the girl turned her eyes away, and continued to chat with the two in front of her softly, as if...

As insignificant as he is.

This realization made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Shen Beiwang suddenly felt that his breathing was not smooth. He was sitting on the hospital bed with the pillow behind him, his face was expressionless, and he was so depressed that he was dying.

Relying on the keen intuition of small animals that have been trained for so many years, Lin Jinchu subconsciously moved away from his cousin. Seeing that the air pressure around his brother seemed to be getting lower and lower, and he was about to be black, he couldn't help thinking:
Is it the sequelae of the injection?
Zhao Manman and Chen Xue didn't pay attention to the two tall boys walking in front of them, but when they heard the sound, they turned to the source of the sound subconsciously, just like Nancheng.

This sight made the two of them very excited. If they were not worried about being in front of others, they would have screamed aloud.

Of course, the two screamed for different reasons.Zhao Manman is a little nerd because of Shen Beiwang's excellent science grades, while Chen Xue is purely because of his good looks.

Nancheng looked into the bright eyes of the two of them, expressing his puzzlement.

"What's the matter?" Fu glanced at Shen Bei again, "Do you know each other?"

Chen Xue nodded first, then shook her head, her cheeks were slightly flushed due to excitement or something, "We know him, but he doesn't know us."

She lowered her voice, with a trace of longing and regret, "I heard that he was transferred from the imperial capital, and his family background does not seem to be simple!"

"Pass the academic examination with full marks in mathematics, physics and chemistry!"

Zhao Manman added something in a low voice.

This time Nancheng took care of his gaze and didn't let it wander to Shen Beiwang.It is impolite to talk about other people behind their backs.If the eyes are still wandering towards others, isn't it telling others clearly, Hey, I'm talking about you behind your back!
I'm afraid it's not stupid.

"How do you know this?" Nancheng was very puzzled, she didn't even know that there was such a person in the school.

"It's strange that a person is suddenly airborne from the first class of materialization, okay? Everyone should figure out what is so special about that person, otherwise why let him airborne to the first class? It's not fair to others."

Class One of Materialization is recognized as the best class in No. [-] Middle School. This best class is not only reflected in the teachers, but also in the base of the students.

The 45 students with the best grades in the whole grade will be selected to form a class, and the assessment will be conducted once a month.

Few people can guarantee that they will stay in the first class all the time.It is also for this reason that the pressure of competition in the Physics and Chemistry class is beyond the reach of the Biology class and the remaining liberal arts classes.

So Thirteen Middle School has always had this sentence: a teacher who is hard-working, and a student who is smooth.

I'm talking about a class.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Nancheng.Although she enrolled in the science class when she was divided into arts and sciences, she chose biology because of everyone's interest.

Chen Xue is different. She will unconsciously show a sense of superiority of science students in front of liberal arts students, but she will show a little inferiority complex in front of materialization classes.

She always seems to feel that liberal arts are not as good as science, and biology is not as good as materialization. She has a natural sense of hierarchy, and she longs to be the so-called "highest" class, but she can't stand the competitive pressure of the materialization class, so she retreats. Second, I chose Biology.

The voices of the people in Nancheng were very low, after all, the person at the center of the topic was nearby.Therefore, even though Shen Beiwang was not far away from them, he could only hear a few vague words sporadically.

This annoyed Shen Beiwang, who was silently paying attention to what his girl was saying with his ears closed.

Nancheng raised his eyes to look at the clock on the left wall, and reminded the two of them, "Class is about to start, you should go back quickly, Lao Yang's class is here!"

The two stood up, and Chen Xue complained in a low voice: "It's good for you, you don't need to go to math class, I'm so bored, you always know to ask me to answer questions."

Nancheng just smiled and went back to class without explaining.

She knew that Chen Xue was not good at math and didn't like the math teacher, but she didn't know whether she didn't like the math teacher because she didn't like the math teacher, or whether she didn't like the math teacher because she wasn't good at math.

After the two girls left in a hurry, apart from Lin Jinchu, only Shen Beiwang and Nancheng were left in the room.

Two people, how nice.

So Shen Beiwang looked at Lin, who was sitting at the end of the bed, wearing earphones and playing games on his mobile phone, oblivious to the outside world, and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Can this person still have the self-consciousness of being a light bulb?
Lin Light Bulb Jinchu shivered for a while, rubbed his arms, and looked up at his cousin belatedly. When he met his cousin's unfriendly eyes, he was stunned for a moment.

He didn't do anything, did he?

Lin Jinchu didn't get what Shen Beiwang wanted to express at all, and moved his butt towards Shen Beiwang, tentatively asking, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Lin Jinchu felt that he was really innocent, no matter how distracted he was, he would never have imagined that his cousin would fall in love at first sight just because of the girl's voice and smile.The point is, does his brother know what his name is?

Idol dramas dare not act like this!
Shen Beiwang didn't care whether he was innocent or not, in order to live a "two-person world" with the little girl, he didn't mind stabbing his brothers twice at all.

The first knife: "Aren't you going back to class?"

Lin Jinchu blinked his eyes, pointed a finger at himself, slightly confused, " class, me?"

Shen Beiwang felt that this cousin seemed a bit stupid, and even blinked, but he didn't even notice.

"What do you want to do if you don't go to class?" Shen Beiwang raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Nancheng casually, looking at Nancheng with his eyes closed, he became more determined to send his cousin away.

Lin Jinchu rolled his eyes, and rubbed his eyes against Shen Beiwang again, with a humble expression on his face, "Aren't I accompanying you, brother? I don't feel at ease if I leave you here alone."

He paused, carefully watched his cousin's expression, and asked tentatively, "So, won't you go back to class?"

Shen Beiwang just looked at him expressionlessly, making Lin Jinchu feel guilty for a while.

He knew that the next class would be old man Guo's physics class, and he also knew that his physics was a little weaker than the rest of the class.

Others think that the assessment of Class [-] is simply calculated according to the grade ranking, but they themselves know that the so-called merit selection is to select the best among students with similar levels, and this best is reflected in the three majors of mathematics, physics and chemistry. subject.

The [-]th Middle School emphasizes science, and the goal of setting up this class is to create a "science-heavy class", which correspondingly weakens the requirements for Chinese and foreign languages.

The reason why the other students thought that the assessment of the first class was based on the grade ranking was because among the real top students, the subjects like Chinese and English could not get much points at all, and it was mathematics that really widened the gap between them.Those with high math scores will naturally be ranked high in the grade without any accidents.

In addition to mathematics that is included in the total score, the scores of two elective courses that only record grades are also used as assessment references.Therefore, the results of the two subjects of physical chemistry also determine the fate of a class of students to a certain extent.

The teacher was able to turn a blind eye and let Lin Jinchu take sick leave to escape from self-study. In addition to his extraordinary background, there is another point that he has good grades and can be regarded as a permanent garrison.

Lin Jinchu was also very entangled in the physics class that might affect whether he would have the privilege after the next assessment.

The first class has always been tight, and he himself does not have the perverted learning ability of his cousin, so the best choice is to go back to class.

But, he, he is playing a game match!
Only games and sweets can't be let down!

Reluctantly handing the mobile phone to his cousin, after thousands of exhortations and instructions to his cousin to help him kill all directions and win a complete victory, Lin Jinchu just walked away slowly step by step.

Shen Beiwang casually played with his mobile phone, tapping the screen with his fingertips from time to time, operating one or two operations, but he was secretly rehearsing various strike-up scenarios in his heart, but he couldn't come up with an optimal solution until the end of the game.

Just when he was immersed in his own world, secretly annoyed that he was wasting this hard-won world of two people, suddenly an afterimage flashed in front of him, carrying an imperceptible faint fragrance.

Shen Beiwang raised his head subconsciously, and when he saw Nancheng who had reached the corner between the inner room and the outer room, he was a little dazed.

Did he overlook something just now?What about needles?Before he could react, his mouth surpassed the speed of his brain for the first time, and he spoke first, "...wait a minute..."

Hearing the sound, Nancheng's footsteps paused slightly.

She turned slightly sideways and looked at the boy who was said to have an unusual family background and excellent grades, but now he seemed a little nervous (?), with some doubts in his eyes.

When he saw his eyes wandering dazedly over the back of his hand where he had just pulled out the needle, he understood, "I pulled it out myself."

After waiting for a while, seeing that the boy hadn't responded, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Hearing the question, Shen Beiwang shifted his eyes to the girl's face, his eyes were a little complicated, obviously he hadn't recovered from the blow of "My girl seems to be very strong, but my needle faint seems to be very low".

Seeing the girl's normal expression, Shen Beiwang felt a stomach ache.

With a little difficulty showing a smile, Shen Beiwang felt that the flirting plans he imagined just now seemed useless to his girl, a girl who can pull out needles by herself...

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

The Second Young Master Shen, who was dizzy from needles, really felt that the girl who could conquer needles was amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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