Chapter 43 Why

Nancheng didn't know anything about the turmoil on the Internet. At this moment, she was holding a signature pen in her right hand and leading Shen Beiwang in her left hand, sitting obediently in the ward writing papers.

Shen Beiwang didn't have anything else to do, and he couldn't disturb Nancheng, so he took a random book and spread it out in front of him for entertainment, and also checked the progress of Nancheng's homework from time to time.

When he looked up for the third time and found that Nancheng was still working on the last big question of the physics test paper, he was surprised.

He looked at the problem-solving process written by Nancheng on the test paper, and reminded, "The charged particles are injected from point O to point C, and after the action of the compound field, they move along the negative direction of the y-axis..." He reached out and clicked on the test paper , fingertips follow the trajectory of charged particles, "so it should be positively charged."

Nan Cheng followed his train of thought and frowned, and the answer he brought into the formula was not as outrageous as what he calculated at the beginning, so he immediately smiled, and praised him with a smile while revising the answer process with a pen, "So that's how it is! You are amazing!"

Nancheng just boasted so casually, but Shen Beiwang felt flattered in his heart. He pressed the corners of his lips, feeling that he was too unreserved.

Shen's mother flew back to the imperial capital as early as the second day after Shen Beiwang woke up. In her words, it means, son, anyway, he is rough-skinned and thick-skinned. The family coaxed Shen Beibei.At that time, Nancheng asked Shen Beiwang curiously who Shen Beibei was, but Shen Beiwang's expression at that time was rather indescribable, "...a dog."

To be precise, it is a Samoyed, a Samoyed with good looks and good acting skills.

I don't know if this attribute of being coquettish and cute has touched a certain point of Shen's mother. Shen's mother loves it so much that she specially named it Shen Beibei. She almost raised that Samoyed as half a son, but Shen's father Still indulge her.Shen Beiwang felt that if one day that stupid dog in the family could call his parents, the two elders in the family might happily agree.

Nancheng stayed in the hospital until nine o'clock, until Gu Zheng and Lu Chengrang came to pick her up, and then reluctantly left.

The winter night was very cold, Lu Chengrang drove alone, while Nancheng and Gu Zheng waited at the glass door of the hall on the first floor, so that they could not only avoid the wind but also see the outside situation.

Nancheng seemed to hear someone calling her from a distance, and just as soon as she turned her head, she saw a middle-aged woman in an army green down jacket and a dark camel scarf dragging a person and rushing straight towards them. Gu Zheng, who subconsciously protected her daughter, was knocked back a few steps.

Nancheng was protected by her, and was also affected, staggered a bit, Gu Zheng couldn't help frowning, and shouted in a low voice, "What are you doing?!"

The woman's face was flushed red, she didn't know whether she was frozen out or she ran out of strenuous exercise, she spoke quickly and anxiously, "You, you are Lu Nancheng's mother, right? I'm Chen Xue's mother, let's have a private , Private, don’t want the police to private, okay? You see, she is still young! She didn’t do it on purpose, I asked her to apologize, apologize! You can beat and scold her as you like!”

While talking, she started to pull the collar of the person behind her who had been bowing her head, and pointed that person straight in front of Nancheng, and pressed that person's neck, "Apologize, quickly apologize to him!"

This person was about to yell at Nancheng, Gu Zheng pulled Nancheng to avoid him.Ever since he knew who was standing in front of him, Gu Zheng's expression had turned cold.

Seeing that Nan Cheng and Gu Zheng seemed indifferent, the woman's complexion became more and more unsightly, and her movements became more and more rough when she pressed Chen Xue, and she directly hammered Chen Xue's back desperately, cursing in a high-pitched voice, "Why didn't I beat you to death! I asked you to apologize and ask others to forgive you. What about your mouth? Please!"

When a child does something wrong, parents often deliberately teach the child a lesson in front of others, so that others will be embarrassed to say anything, which is called preemptive strikes.If it's other things, Gu Zheng might really forget about it, but this time it's about Nancheng, Nancheng is her life!Someone wanted to kill her, how could she forgive so easily.

So, she just held Nancheng tightly in her arms, and then looked at him coldly.

Chen Xue endured the humiliation in her heart, and let her mother beat, scold and push with a numb face. She hammered her fists on her back through the thick winter clothes. Like a bad show, to achieve a certain purpose.

She even had fantasies, what expression does Nancheng have now?Condescending?Contempt and disdain?No, no, how could Lu Nancheng show such an expression, she should be indifferent and calm, as if she didn't see anything in her eyes, she wasn't even qualified to be a clown for her entertainment, it was disgusting!

She twitched the corners of her mouth sarcastically, but in the next second she seemed to be crying, her mouth was incoherent, as if she was about to be driven crazy, "I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it ..."

People who come to the hospital usually have serious business, but there are also some good people.When Lu Chengrang noticed something was wrong and came over, there were already several people surrounded in twos and threes. When he came, he immediately broke the precarious balance between the two sides.

On one side is a tall man protecting a mother and daughter who look expressionless and even a bit ruthless, and on the other side are orphans and widows who are busy in the world and look miserable, not to mention that the girl looks so pitiful that she is about to kneel down .The people around immediately pointed at Nancheng and them.

Hearing the voices of people around them defending them, Chen Xue's heart moved, and she cried even more pitifully.

"I really didn't mean it, I never thought of hurting him..."

"You said you didn't do it on purpose?" Nancheng, who had been guarded by Gu Zheng all this time, suddenly spoke out, and Qing Lingling's voice was very obvious in this noisy environment.

Chen Xue cried for a while, raised her head subconsciously, and met a pair of dark eyes, calm and unwavering.

"Yes..." Chen Xue suddenly hesitated for some reason.

"So... you didn't intentionally copy my work, distorting the facts and smearing me with rhythm, did you? Boundless Fallen Tree? Hundred Leaves? Or Peach Blossom Fairy?"

Every time Nancheng uttered an ID name, Chen Xue's face turned pale, and the so-called tears of remorse hanging on his face were like a joke, and because he was too surprised, he didn't know what expression to do for a moment, The pitiful look on that face became stiff, distorted and hideous, extremely ugly.

Nancheng smiled, "Of course you didn't mean to harm him, you meant to harm me, right?"

Nancheng laughed lightly, even Gu Zheng who was behind her didn't hear clearly, the only one who heard it was Chen Xue's eyes widened in horror, just like meeting Nancheng for the first time, she would think Nancheng was scary.

"Can I know why?" Nancheng lowered his eyes slightly, his tone was a little soft, he looked very fragile, like after being hurt by an unimportant person, he was not hysterical but purely confused.

"Why?" Frightened to the end, Chen Xue was not afraid anymore. Her expression seemed to be crying and smiling, and the emotion in her eyes was filled with hatred and jealousy. Smash you?"

Nancheng was silent, and Chen Xue didn't care, as if the jar had been broken, she suddenly smiled, "Do you know the Fenghua English Speech Competition? I don't know, but the teacher chose you. Obviously I am the representative of the English class, Obviously I was the one who first heard the news and started to prepare, but the teacher decided to appoint you without saying a word, why? Why!"

Nancheng suddenly thought that one day, the English teacher called her to the office, and without saying anything, she found a short English essay for her to read. At that time, she didn't know what the teacher wanted to do, but now she understands.

She asked why?Does it count because her level is higher than hers?

Chen Xue suddenly turned her head and looked to the side, a gleam of brilliance flashed across her eyes and then faded instantly. She looked at Nancheng, without the madness and sharpness just now, her tone calmed down a lot, but still showed a lifeless unwillingness , "How can you get all the good things?"

Family background, background, appearance, grades, love... and him.

Looking at the person running towards this side from a distance, Chen Xue stiffly curled the corner of her lower lip.

Chen Xue herself couldn't tell what her attitude towards Shen Beiwang was.Like it?It should be a little bit, after all, who doesn't like boys with good grades, good looks, good family background?It's just that this liking is far less than her jealousy of Nancheng, so that Shen Beiwang didn't arouse even half of her remorse after saving Nancheng's injury, she just felt extremely angry.

Obviously, at the beginning, she was only interested in him based on a vague affection for an outstanding boy, and the unspeakable ambition after knowing the other's prominent family background, but she never thought about doing something , because she knew that the other party was an existence beyond her reach, and they were not from the same world.

This secret thought should have gradually disappeared with the passage of time, but before that restless thought faded, an accident occurred.

The young master who transferred from the imperial capital seemed to treat Lu Nancheng differently, and was very close to him.Since Shen Beiwang can fall in love with ordinary people like Lu Nancheng regardless of his family background, why can't he fall in love with the same ordinary himself?With such a mood, all kinds of grievances and jealousy towards Nancheng in his heart swelled, gradually grew, and finally turned into paranoia towards Shen Beiwang.

It's also because Nancheng is too low-key. If she had revealed her identity as a young lady early in the morning, then a person like Chen Xue who is conceited and inferior would not compete with her everywhere. She would only look at her from a distance with envy and inferiority. , envy and longing, because in her heart, Nancheng is also out of reach for her.

Nancheng followed Chen Xue's bewildered eyes, and saw Shen Beiwang wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown with a black down jacket casually on, running over in such a hurry.

Her eyes sank slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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