Chapter 5
Chen Xue felt a little resentful in her heart.

Originally, she had some regrets when she said that sentence out of impulse, but now she just felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said.

If she followed to the office, Chen Xue would be the one Shen Bei wanted to help; if she was the representative of the Chinese class, then it would be Chen Xue who was spoiled by the Chinese teacher and brought back some snacks from time to time to make others envious. What happened to Lu Nancheng?

But the reality is that she is standing pitifully in the English office alone, under the strange eyes of so many other teachers, and is severely criticized by her own English teacher for not having the concept of time.

reason?Isn't it just that the homework was handed in late, isn't it that the homework was confiscated?But can these blame her?It's none of her business if those people don't hand in their homework, maybe she has to remind them one by one?Didn't she want to learn by herself?

As for snacks such as melon seeds and candies, her English teacher never gave her a class representative.She didn't care much about these small snacks, but these small snacks were enough to show that a teacher valued her class representative.

They are also class representatives, how can people be so different!
She has been mentally unbalanced for a long time, so she gradually doesn't want to go to the language office with Nancheng, and doesn't want to see Nancheng being hypocritically spoiled by the language teacher.

Of course, not wanting to be a coolie moving notebooks is also part of the reason for not wanting to go to the language office.

Here, she blames herself, is secretly unwilling, and attributes all the faults to other people, but she never thought that as a class representative, if she fails to do her own job well, it is understandable to be criticized a few words.But she is a glass heart, and there is Nan Cheng, who is loved by teachers, by her side, so her mentality collapses unconsciously.

She only saw the insignificant similarities between herself and Nancheng, but ignored the difference between herself and Nancheng, or the gap between herself and Nancheng.

She felt that she was the same as Nancheng, and she even worked harder than Nancheng in some aspects, so she should have what Nancheng should have.

For example, the teachers' preference and Shen Beiwang's different treatment.


Here, Lin Jinchu watched his cousin who always had a bad stomach show a dreamy honey smile at a bag of handmade candies in pink packaging from time to time, and said calmly that he was used to it.His facial expression has changed from horror at the beginning, then chills to the present——

His face was expressionless.

Whoever hears the inexplicable low laughter from the people around him from time to time after a class, if it is not a myocardial infarction, it is because the spirit is tenacious and the vitality is tenacious, okay?

Didn't you see that he was too scared to play on his phone?

As for the few girls in the classroom who were excited but tried hard to suppress, "So handsome! So Su!" Lin Jinchu looked indifferent.

Shen Beiwang couldn't care about Lin Jinchu's full of resentment who was sitting next to him. He propped his forehead and stared at the blackboard, but he had already lost his mind.

There are still two self-study classes before school ends, it's so long...

Thirteen Middle School has always had a fine tradition of evening self-study since its establishment. Day students go to school until [-] o'clock and boarding students go to school until [-] o'clock. It is semi-mandatory and basically does not accept applications for self-study.

Of course, doing so also has great benefits. For example, the day's homework can be basically completed at school, and the efficiency and accuracy will be higher than those at home. After all, the classroom has a strong learning atmosphere.

When Shen Beiwang came to Class [-], Nancheng had just stopped writing and was slowly packing his schoolbag.Seeing him, she was a little surprised.

It came so fast that she thought she would have to wait at least a while.

Nancheng speeded up the packing.Resident students still have to study by themselves in the class, and everyone unanimously relaxed their movements. Except for one or two unclear conversations, the discipline is almost the same as before.

Of course, this was before Shen Bei looked over.

When Shen Beiwang was standing at the window of class [-], looking in, many students had already spotted him.

While whispering with others, their eyes unconsciously drifted towards Nancheng.Sure enough, after a while, they saw Nan Cheng picking up his bag, holding something in his hand, and walking straight to Shen Bei.

Ignoring everyone's gossiping eyes, Nancheng directly led Shen Beiwang to the door of the empty classroom on the far side of the fourth floor to avoid the flow of people starting school.

This classroom is the place where the papers are divided after the monthly exams, and it is usually idle when there is nothing to do.There is a key to this classroom in Nancheng, which Xu Wenli asked her to keep, but she won't need it tonight. She just came here to find a clean place, and didn't want to go in.

The surroundings were very dark, and occasionally one or two students saw them from a distance, but they just thought it was some young couple dating, and thought to themselves that this would be a good place to talk about love.

"Here are some reading comprehension and problem-solving skills I compiled tonight. There are not many types of questions, only four categories. You can go back tonight and look for yourself. There are corresponding sample questions on it. If you have time, you can do it. Give it to me tomorrow."

Nancheng handed the stack of A4 papers to the stunned boy in front of him, with a deadpan face and businesslike.

Shen Beiwang didn't realize it, it was completely different from what he had imagined!

It shouldn't be an empty classroom with ambiguous lighting, lonely men and widows sitting side by side, and the girl is giving a lecture to the boy with her head tilted, her voice soft and her face soft.Then the boy stared affectionately at the girl's side face, the girl and the boy looked at each other, and then the thunder struck the ground, and then the Dzogchen HE?
This is the youth campus. Is the standard procedure for male and female tutoring?How come he is just a stack of papers?
The font on the paper was round and neat, which looked very good-looking, but he wanted Nancheng to "pass it by word of mouth".

Seeing that he just looked at it but didn’t answer it, Nancheng thought that he disliked the handwriting and it was inconvenient to read, so he explained, “It’s not convenient today. I’ll organize the knowledge points into a document format for you in the future, and then you can print it out yourself.”

Shen Beiwang was full of disappointment, he took the stack of papers from the girl slowly and even reluctantly, and asked unwillingly, "That's it?"

Nancheng: "..." What else do you want?
She raised her head and looked at him expressionlessly, she turned her head only when Shen Bei looked uncomfortable.

Nancheng twisted his neck calmly and relaxed.

That's right, my neck is a little sore.

"It's too late today. I haven't greeted my family yet. If I go back late, my family will be worried."

family?Shen Beiwang thought for a while about his cheating cousin who was finally dumped, he showed absolutely no brotherhood, so ignore him.

"Then I'll take you back?"

Shen Beiwang asked Nancheng tentatively, seeing her showing some hesitation, he continued his efforts, "Look, it's late, and there is no one else."

Nancheng followed Shen Beiwang's gaze and looked around. It only took about ten minutes after school. Except for the boarding students, almost all the students in the school had left.It was quiet, bright and shadowy, and looked a little eerie.

Nancheng was startled by his own imagination for a moment, goose bumps popped out.

Normally, she would go with the flow of people, and the noisy atmosphere wouldn't make people think so much, but now it's so quiet...

Nancheng's eyes unconsciously swept towards the bamboo forest in the distance, and as soon as he touched a piece of Heiyou, he quickly retracted it.He moved his footsteps to Shen Beiwang's side, and then responded as if nothing had happened, "Then let's walk to the school gate together."

There is a security room at the school gate.

Nancheng usually reads that kind of suspenseful mystery novels very enthusiastically, and he is not afraid at all.That's because she knew that no matter how weird the modus operandi was, the murderer must be human in the end, there was no doubt about it.And she really enjoys the process of deliberating and reasoning, a little bit of unraveling.But ghosts and gods are different. Those things cannot be seen or touched.

Fear because of the unknown.

Shen Beiwang didn't know that his girl had imagined so much in just this moment.There is a lesson to be learned, what he said was really pure because he was afraid that she would meet a bad person, but he didn't want to lure her to supernatural events.

But it's good right now, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and there are no men and no women.

What a great vibe!

The two walked one after the other, neither of them spoke.Except for the footsteps of the two, the surrounding area was quiet.

Shen Beiwang followed Nancheng in a good mood, taking his time.Except for the stack of papers in his hand, he took nothing back with him.

He saw the bag on Nancheng's shoulder, and he wanted to help her carry it, but the key was that he didn't have that position.This is the first day they met, he has to be measured.

(End of this chapter)

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