Boss, his language is not good

Chapter 60 The Last Lesson

Chapter 60 The Last Lesson

The girl's long hair is a little messy, the boy's face is reddish, his breathing is a little short even if he deliberately suppresses it, the lights above his head are dim and ambiguous, and the whole scene reveals a kind of literary violin.

Lin Jinchu felt that something had been interrupted. Under his cousin's oppressive eyes, he smiled stiffly, and then slowly backed away, saying, "Go on, continue."

It wasn't until he exited the door that he let out a long sigh of relief.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Nancheng poked his head out of Shen Beiwang's arms, and looked at the door worriedly, "Have you left?"

"En." Shen Beiwang's voice was a little hoarse, he got up slightly, picked up Nan Cheng, and tidied her messy clothes.

"Didn't you say that he won't come back?" Nancheng's face was a little red, and the pink was very cute.

Shen Bei glanced at her and hummed in a low voice.

He is a little uncomfortable now, and he doesn't particularly want to talk.

"Then shall I go back now?"

Shen Beiwang paused, trimmed Nancheng's hair, and then answered her slowly, "He must have brought something when he came back, and he should be waiting outside the door now."

"What should I do?"

Shen Bei glanced at the cell phone thrown in the crack of the sofa, and said: "My cell phone is about to run out of battery, you can accompany me to the room to recharge it for a while, just to avoid him."

Nancheng hesitated for a while, "That's fine."


Lin Jinchu stood outside the door anxiously for more than ten minutes, and finally felt a little worried, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his cousin.

[Brother, Nancheng seems to be underage!Be careful. 】

Shen Beiwang was charging his phone at the moment, when he saw the message, he clicked on it, then twitched the corner of his mouth, and replied:

Lin Jinchu came of age last month, because the college entrance examination was about to happen, so there was no big deal, but Lin's mother generously gave him a luxury car directly, and he came back just now to pick up the car keys.

Shen Beiwang was earlier than him, it was past the end of the last semester of the third year of high school, and Nancheng was one year younger than them, so he was really a minor now.

Shen Beiwang pondered for a while, Nancheng didn't become an adult until the Chinese New Year in his freshman year, it's still early!

Lin Jinchu waited outside the door for another ten minutes before carefully pushing the door open and entering.

There was no one in the living room, he glanced at his brother's closed door, didn't dare to stay any longer, he took his things and was about to leave.

When he passed by the small table in the living room, he paused, looked at the small snacks on the plate very happily, then unceremoniously squeezed one and threw it in his mouth, and took two more in his hand.

Probably what he likes most about Nancheng is that she also likes desserts!
His brother will always prepare the things Nancheng likes at home, such as desserts, drinks, and those cute and soft pillows on the sofa, all for Nancheng.

He likes to eat sweets, and most of his pocket money is used to buy desserts, so his mother severely deducted his pocket money because of his big white teeth. Fortunately, his cousin still has a bit of humanity. Under the monitoring, you can still find opportunities to help him occasionally.

In addition, Nancheng likes to eat desserts, so when his brother prepares them for her, he will always bring one for him. He followed Nancheng to eat all the desserts, and he never stopped eating desserts.

Before Shen Beiwang came, Lin Jinchu lived alone and didn't need a nanny, and his life was very rough. Later, when Shen Beiwang came, the two of them lived together, didn't need a nanny, and they were rough together.Lin Jinchu didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, they are boys, isn't it normal to be rough?
In the end, it wasn't until Nancheng was with his brother, and then occasionally sat here, that he realized that his brother could live such a delicate life!

Of course, as a beneficiary of a refined life, he didn't say anything.

Nancheng and Shen Beiwang stayed in his room. The two of them didn't do anything, but Shen Bei looked out for a while. A call happened to come in. She took a look at his mobile phone. She didn't know who the caller was. No matter how careful she was, she just saw Shen Bei looking at the full battery on his phone.


Nancheng snorted softly, put down his phone again, then returned to the place where she was sitting at the beginning, and continued to read.

Since he lied to her so sincerely, then she should pretend that she didn't know anything.


The time passed really quickly afterwards, and the college entrance examination was about to take place in a blink of an eye.In the last month of the school, every evening self-study will arrange the teacher to sit in class, and students can directly ask the teacher if they don't know it.

The evening self-study on the last day belonged to the math teacher. In the past, he would sit in front of the podium, frowning and changing the test paper. Sometimes when he encountered an answer that was too outrageous, he would pull the classmate who wrote the answer out to have a good "discussion" with him. One time".

I don't know if it's because it's the last day, and he didn't have any test papers to correct. He has been standing for the whole night of self-study, just standing in front of the podium, looking deeply at his students.

Occasionally, a classmate who is dizzy from reviewing will look up and feel very relieved.

During the break, as agreed by the physical and chemical class upstairs, they collectively started throwing the test papers downstairs. The test papers were torn to pieces, and papers all over the sky floated down from upstairs, like a snowfall.

The dean was yelling over there angrily, and he laughed and sighed, "It happens like this every year, this year's class is finally here, and this year's class is leaving."

Due to the competition for resources in the materialization class, the students were under a lot of pressure, and it was hard to avoid graduating.

Several classes in the Biology class were eager to see them. They took out their test papers and wanted to follow suit. They were stopped by the head teacher who rushed over in time. The head teacher gave them a meaningful look: "You will know later."

Sure enough, after a while, they saw the students in the materialization class and their respective head teachers going downstairs to pick up pieces of paper.

The students in the biology class were lying on the balcony and laughing.Nancheng saw several students in Class [-]. They didn't have the small vocabulary books that they couldn't put down all the time, and the smiles on their faces were rare and relaxed.

In the second quarter, the self-study math teacher didn't come again, but the Chinese teacher came. She didn't talk about the precautions that were about to be said, but imagined the future with the whole class.

The classroom is very quiet, the electric fan above the head is spinning leisurely, and the Chinese teacher's tone is always graceful and gorgeous, little by little to build a beautiful dream for them.

It's just that there will be no more of her in that dream, no matter whether it is or not.

At the end, she read a poem "Choice" by Murong to the whole class:
If I come to this world once

just to be with you once

Just for the moment in billions of light years
All the sweetness and sorrow there in one moment

then let it happen

Appear in an instant

I bow my head in thanks to all the planets for their help
let me meet you
parting with you
finished a poem made by god
Then grow old slowly.

When she read the last few words, her tone was a little choked up, but she always smiled.

She looked at the time, then smiled and said to Nancheng and the others, "It's the last class, so I won't be late today."

"Let's end get out of class, students!"

Suddenly there was an uncontrollable sobbing sound from the back of the classroom, and then it seemed that a certain opening was opened, and the sobbing sound became more and more. Many boys' eyes were red, and they felt ashamed, and buried their faces in their arms. It turned out that the tablemate basically followed him.

It turned out that he was not the only one who was crying, so he could cry with peace of mind!
The Chinese teacher likes to procrastinate the class the most. In the past, the students always complained about her, but now they are a little reluctant to leave the get out of class.

Nancheng has been the class representative of the Chinese teacher for three years. She has the most contact with the Chinese teacher and the deepest relationship. It is inevitable that she feels even more uncomfortable. She didn't cry, but immediately fell on the table when she saw the teacher leave the classroom. Eye sockets sour and sniffing.

Shen Beiwang didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only put his hand on the back of her head and gently caress her.

He doesn't have so many feelings of inseparable parting. On the one hand, because we haven't been together for a long time, and on the other hand, because of his own emotional restraint, he just feels a little emotional.

The homeroom teacher was the last one to come over. As soon as he entered the door, he met dozens of pairs of red eyes. He was taken aback for a while, and then smiled slowly, "Since the Chinese teacher has already mobilized your emotions, I won't say anything." gone."

"Take a good exam. The college entrance examination is all about the process, but the result is not so important now."

"What's more," he paused, and said with some earnestness, "I hope you can write better, but I don't want you to write too beautifully, because I won't be able to recognize it."

The students paused for a moment of sadness, and after two seconds of reaction, their expressions were a little brilliant, and some even couldn't hold back their laughter.

The class teacher teaches biology. Biology questions are all objective questions. Right is right and wrong is wrong. There is no room for manipulation. If the Chinese teacher said this, they would still believe it. After all, such subjective things as composition If the teacher gives a few more friendship points based on his familiarity, he can't find anything.

Therefore, the class teacher is simply entertaining them.

With such a pastime, the heaviness and sadness faded a lot.

In the last few minutes, the students started to pack their things. The head teacher just stood on the podium, holding the edge of the podium, without holding his iconic thermos.

The students were very quiet, and some of them slipped away through the back door after packing up, as if it was just an ordinary evening self-study and school, and some walked through the front door, and when they passed by the head teacher, they all said, "Goodbye, teacher."

The head teacher stood there, with kind eyes, nodding his head, and replied to each student very seriously, "Okay, goodbye."

It's as if we will really meet tomorrow.

Nancheng was the last to leave, she was always very slow to pack things, Shen Beiwang sat beside her and waited for her, taking the things she had packed in his hands by the way.

When the two left, the homeroom teacher stood at the door, looked at them and said, "You all need to be well!"

Shen Beiwang was holding Nancheng's book in his hand. Hearing this, he paused, then turned his head and bowed to the class teacher.

"Thank you for your care this year."

(End of this chapter)

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