Chapter 101
Ji Jingchen smiled "hehe" and said disapprovingly, "Is there anything suitable or not? If you have any whispers, I'll keep them at home and talk to Niange. I have something here and I need your advice..."

When Mu Yuanling couldn't see, Ji Jingchen touched Mu Niange with his arm. Mu Niange was inexplicably touched by Ji Jingchen, but he instantly understood what Ji Jingchen meant. He just wanted to leave by himself, so don't get in the way here. looking into his eyes.

After Mu Niange finished drinking the red wine in her hand, she put the glass on the table with a 'bang'. She stood up, turned her head to Mu Yuanling and said, "Brother, let's talk..."

As soon as Mu Niange left from Mu Yuanling, Lu Yanche immediately followed. Mu Yuanling subconsciously wanted to get up, but Ji Jingchen caught Mu Yuanling quickly with his eyes and hands. He pulled Mu Yuanling to sit down, and with one hand Putting it on Mu Yuanling's shoulder, he said, "Yuanling, sometimes, if you just close your eyes, time will pass."

There are two swimming pools in Xia Minmin's house, one is in the back garden and the other is in the door behind the living room...

The swimming pool where Mu Yuanling and others are located is the one in the back garden.

Mu Niange left from Mu Yuanling's side, and subconsciously wanted to walk into the living room. As soon as she got closer, she heard Mrs. Lu and others talking and laughing inside. Mu Niange paused, Turn around and want to go back.

The moment she turned around, her wrist tightened, and Lu Yanche grabbed her...

Every sudden move by Lu Yanche would frighten Mu Niange. Just when Mu Niange was about to break free, she smelled a familiar smell. She turned her head and saw that Lu Yanche's deep eyes met hers. ...

Lu Yanche raised his eyes and glanced at the living room, then raised his thin lips and said, "Where are you going?"

where to go?
For a while, Mu Niange couldn't answer, she didn't think it through at all, but she was just walking around according to her own mind...

Mu Niange stared at Lu Yanche grabbing his wrist, Lu Yanche followed Mu Niange's line of sight, and understood instantly. However, he was not prepared to let Mu Niange go so easily, he pulled Mu Niange The singer walked into the living room blatantly: "Come with me..."

Mu Niange was startled by Lu Yanche's actions...

She struggled to break free from Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche came back to his senses, and made a 'shh' gesture towards Mu Niange: "If you don't want to be discovered, follow me quietly."

Upon hearing this, Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche suspiciously.

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange's suspicious eyes, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "If you don't believe me, just speak up and see."

Then, Lu Yanche pulled Mu Niange and continued to walk forward.

Mu Niange didn't know where Lu Yanche was going to take her. Every step she took was very careful, trying not to make a sound, for fear that if she was not careful, Madam Lu and the others would find out...

In Madam Lu's eyes, she is just Lu Meiqi's friend and has nothing to do with Lu Yanche at all. She doesn't want to be misunderstood, and she doesn't want to be misunderstood again and make a pair with Lu Yanche abruptly!
Maybe Madam Lu and the others were so engrossed in chatting that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche quietly passed behind them, but they didn't notice...

However, when Mu Niange and Lu Yanche couldn't see, a pair of eyes stared straight at Mu Niange's back, and those eyes seemed to want to tear Mu Niange to pieces!

When Lu Yanche brought Mu Niange to another swimming pool in Xia Minmin's home, Mu Niange's heart tightened slightly. She looked up at Lu Yanche's side face, with complicated emotions in her heart.

This is Xia Minmin's and Xia Youyou's home, but Lu Yanche seems to be in his own home, everything is so familiar, and it's so natural to do it.

Mu Niange silently grabbed Lu Yanche's hand away, she walked past Lu Yanche, and sat down on the edge of the swimming pool, with her hands on the ground, she looked up at the night in the sky...

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange without saying a word. After Mu Niange was seated, he slowly walked to Mu Niange's side and sat down. He turned his head and quietly looked at Mu Niange's profile, The eyes are full of tenderness.

Lu Yanche was looking at him, Mu Niange didn't feel it...

After being stared at by Lu Yanche for another 5 minutes, Mu Niange finally met Lu Yanche's gaze unbearably. She didn't beat around the bush and said, "You brought me here, what do you want to say to me?"

Lu Yanche has thousands of words and wants to tell Mu Niange, but Mu Niange will never know these things...

Pressed by Mu Niange, Lu Yanche didn't know whether to be happy or happy. Compared with the previous Mu Niange, who ran away as soon as he saw Lu Yanche, this kind of Mu Niange made Lu Yanche feel more at ease...

"The words in my heart have already been spoken to your heart. I brought you here because I just want to be alone with you..."

For Lu Yanche, Mu Niange's participation in this party was a surprise, and even more unexpected. Thinking of the past...the party in the compound, Lu Yanche forcibly dragged Mu Niange to attend, and in the middle of the banquet, Lu Yanche would always be led aside by Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, leaving Mu Niange alone, or sitting alone in the corner, eating and watching others play.

Hearing Lu Yanche's words of wanting to be alone with him, Mu Niange actually found it a little funny...

In fact, many memories are not what Mu Niange wants to recall.

She was hurt by the scene...

Right now, six years have passed, and everything in front of me is quite different, but Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou didn't show up together, so Lu Yanche could drag him to the swimming pool here, and be alone with him. If Xia Minmin or Xia Youyou were here If not, Lu Yanche's plan will never succeed.

The ruthless words reached Mu Niange's mouth, and Mu Niange opened his mouth, unable to speak...

In her mind, what Lu Meiqi said to her emerged. Lu Meiqi said that Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin had turned against each other. Xia Minmin hadn't appeared in front of Lu Yanche for a long time. She didn't know what Xia Minmin was planning to make Mu Nian Song be careful.

Anyway, Lu Meiqi would not think that Xia Minmin would let Lu Yanche go so easily.

"Do you remember, the first time you let me pretend to be your girlfriend to attend this kind of banquet?" A bitter smile rose from the corner of Mu Niange's lips...

Her thoughts drifted to a long, long time ago, and the long time Mu Niange was about to be forgotten.

But it turns out that no matter how much time has passed, Mu Niange will never forget...

(End of this chapter)

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