Chapter 108 A Slap (3)

She subconsciously took a small step behind her...

Xia Minmin saw that Mu Yuanling's approach was not kind, and while Xia Minmin moved back, she stepped in front of Xia Minmin and dealt with Mu Yuanling: "Yuanling, what do you want?"

Mu Yuanling was blocked by Mrs. Xia, he paused, and sneered, "What do I want?"

Mu Yuanling's rhetorical question caused Xia Minmin, who was wet all over, to shudder. Lu Yanche and the others noticed her wet appearance, but none of them stepped forward to give Xia Minmin a towel. The product is so ordinary.

"Who knows what you want? All I know is that Minmin rescued Niange from the water. You don't look like you want to thank you at all!" Madam Xia put her arms around her chest, not to be outdone He responded to Mu Yuanling's gaze.

Mrs. Mu and others didn't know what happened...

I only saw Mu Niange and Xia Minmin in the water together, and then got up together. It is the best way for Mrs. Xia to preemptively strike at this time, lest Mu Niange speak first, and Xia Minmin will not say anything at that time Some people believe it.

Madam Xia's words reminded Xia Minmin...

Her plan was disrupted by Mu Niange.

When Mu Yuanling and others came in, Xia Minmin was hugging Mu Niange, trying to bring Mu Niange to the ground with great difficulty. It was Mu Yuanling who, instead of thanking her, pushed her aside, abruptly. He snatched Mu Niange from her hand.

After Xia Minmin adjusted her emotions, she slowly stood up from the ground. The water droplets from her hair dripped onto her cheeks, and accidentally fell into her eyes. She rubbed her hands, looking very embarrassed. After she finished rubbing her eyes, she pulled away Mrs. Xia who was standing in front of her, and faced Mu Yuanling alone and said, "When I came, only Nian Ge was here, maybe it was me who appeared suddenly. Niange was frightened, and Niange accidentally fell into the water, so I jumped down to save Niange in desperation."

"In the past few days, I have been sick and my body is very haggard. It is inevitable that I will have some difficulty in saving Niange, but I didn't expect, Yuanling, when you took Niange away, since you put me in the water Pushing, do you think my swimming skills are better, or my physique is better than those who recite songs?"

The more Xia Minmin talked, the more wronged she became...

She squeezed two tears from the corners of her eyes, and her voice gradually became choked up. Coupled with her cold shivering appearance, it really made people look at her and couldn't bear it...

Mrs. Lu was the first to react, she saw Lu Meiqi and Lu Yanche surrounded by Mu Niange, Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi helped Mu Niange wipe her hair and cheeks, she swallowed the words that came to her lips Going back, he turned his gaze to Ji Jingchen and said, "Jingchen, go find a towel and wipe Minmin off!"

When Ji Jingchen came in, seeing Mu Niange drowning, his brows were deeply frowned, and he blamed himself a little. If he hadn't stopped Mu Yuanling, Mu Niange might not have encountered such a situation. It can be said , Ji Jingchen indirectly harmed Mu Niange, it can also be said that Ji Jingchen became Xia Minmin's accomplice.

With Xia Minmin's virtue, everyone knows what happened without asking. Only Mrs. Lu and the others are at a loss.

Asking Ji Jingchen to help Xia Minmin get the towel, Ji Jingchen was filled with reluctance in his heart. He looked at Xia Youyou who was standing not far from Xia Minmin, motionless, and said, "Aunt Lu, this is not my home. I'm not familiar with this place. Besides, Xia Minmin's whole body was wet, Xia Youyou didn't go to get a towel for Xia Minmin immediately, but asked me to go, isn't it against the rules? "

Xia Youyou came in after Lu Yanche and others came in...

She deliberately went to the end, because she didn't want to get involved in this matter, and wanted everyone to ignore her existence.

Why Xia Minmin is in the water, she knows better than anyone else, it is impossible for her to help Xia Minmin get the towel, as for Mu Niange, there is no need for Xia Youyou to get it, someone will get it for Mu Niange...

Seeing Mu Niange surrounded by Lu Yanche and others, envy flashed in her eyes, she was waiting quietly, waiting for Xia Minmin and Mrs. Xia's response, and Ji Jingchen's words made everyone Xia Youyou instantly became the focus.

She stood where she was, embarrassed.

She even received Mrs. Xia's fierce gaze, as if warning her.

She obeyed Mrs. Xia's warning, and kept silent without saying a word. What would Mrs. Xia be dissatisfied with? Could it be that Mrs. Xia would be satisfied if she completely disappeared here?
Xia Youyou struggled in her heart, she didn't say a word, let alone look at anyone, she turned around, and left under the eyes of everyone.

"Aunt Lu, Xia Minmin doesn't need a towel. She can go into the water. She has planned it out. She won't get hurt, let alone aggravate her condition..." Mu Yuanling curled his lips after Xia Youyou left. Ridiculously mocking Xia Minmin.

Mu Yuanling should thank Xia Youyou, if Xia Youyou hadn't signaled him to look quickly with his eyes, he wouldn't have seen the scene where Xia Minmin pushed Mu Niange into the water...

In this way, even if Mu Niange said that Xia Minmin made her like this, no one would believe it. First, Xia Minmin's lying skills are first-rate. Second, Mu Niange is not good at explaining. No explanation, it's all an unknown. Third, does Lu Yanche trust Mu Niange more, or Xia Minmin?
Mu Yuanling understood the reason why Xia Youyou didn't want to get involved, and Mu Yuanling thought it was a favor for Xia Youyou!
As soon as Mu Yuanling said this, not only Xia Minmin, Mrs. Xia, but also Mrs. Mu's expression changed. Mu Yuanling's words were very meaningful.

Mrs. Mu was still curious at first, when Mu Niange woke up, what did Mu Yuanling want to do by heading towards Xia Minmin?After hearing Xia Minmin's remarks, she thought that Mu Yuanling wanted to thank her, but after hearing this, she realized that it was not the case.

"Yuanling, what do you mean by that, please explain clearly..." Mrs. Mu patted the back of Mu Niange's hand, got up, and walked towards Mu Yuanling. She stopped beside Mu Yuanling, her eyes widened. He stared straight at Xia Minmin, as if he wanted to see flaws in Xia Minmin's body.

"Mom, Niange has never been able to swim. When we get to the swimming pool, Niange is very cautious. I remember one time, we all made an appointment to swim together. Niange only dared to stand aside and watch, not to approach. It wasn't that we forcibly got Niange into the water, maybe Niange didn't dare to come down!"

"But the swimming pool, after all, is just a swimming pool. Niange played in the swimming pool for a while, and after getting used to it, he played even crazier!"

(End of this chapter)

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