Chapter 112 My mercy is not for you (1)


"elder brother……"

Ji Jingchen loosened Mu Niange's hand slightly, and he took a few steps forward. When he saw the slap on Xia Minmin's cheek getting deeper, he slapped his hand with a 'snap'. He looked at Lu Yanche , frowned and said: "It's wrong to hit a woman."

Although the words were said in this way, Ji Jingchen did not have the slightest intention of reproach when he said these words, but instead revealed a slight hint of a smile...

Lu Meiqi recovered from Ji Jingchen's words, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, Lu Yanche's slap made Lu Meiqi feel better physically and mentally, with this slap, Xia Minmin would still feel that no matter how much she loved Mu Niange Lu Yanche doesn't care what he does?
Lu Yanche couldn't help reaching out to hold Mu Niange's hand. She moved Mu Niange and called softly, "Sister Niange, my brother actually cares about you."

Otherwise, when everyone turned around, Lu Yanche wouldn't have slapped Xia Minmin's cheek hard, without a prelude or a word of nonsense, and just slapped it down.

Xia Minmin was stunned by Lu Yanche's slap, and when Ji Jingchen's words came out, she almost shed tears.

It doesn't matter if she was beaten by Mu Niange, she will get it back from Mu Niange sooner or later, but if she was beaten by Lu Yanche, how can Xia Minmin get it back?What's more, Lu Yanche's slap not only fell on Xia Minmin's cheek, but also in Xia Minmin's heart.

Xia Minmin seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak...

"Brother Che, this slap of yours is telling me that you believe in Mu Niange and not me?" Xia Minmin's eyes were red with tears in them. She bit her lips tightly and asked Lu Yanche word by word. , She seemed to have exhausted all her strength to ask such a sentence.

As soon as the words were finished, Xia Minmin's tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

She let out a 'wow' and burst into tears: "It doesn't matter if others don't believe me, but Brother Che, if you don't believe me, it will be a great harm to me..."

"You don't know, because of your few words, I was very unhappy for a few days. I locked myself in the room and didn't eat or drink. My mother was worried about me and asked my sister to wait for me at the door. , I waited for you with great anticipation, I thought, if I haven't shown up for so long, you might think of me and come to visit me, but you didn't..."

"It's fine if you just come to see me, just one glance, and I can restore all my vitality in an instant. I didn't want to show up at such a gathering today. Look at me, I'm so haggard. I don't want to bring my imperfect self to In front of you, I want to present the most perfect self to you..."

"The result? I couldn't hold back my heart of missing you. I wanted to sneak down to take a look at you. When I passed the swimming pool gate, I saw Mu Niange drowning. I jumped into the water to save Nian without even thinking about it." Song."

"Mu Yuanling doubted me, Lu Meiqi questioned me, even Ji Jingchen didn't believe me, and Mu Niange even slapped me in the face. You can clearly see these things in your eyes, your indifferent appearance, I thought that you were neutral, you were not confused by their words, you believed in your eyes, you believed in your feelings, I was a little happy in my heart, however, I haven't had these secret joys yet, you This slap, like cold water, drenched me from head to toe."

"Brother Che, I just like me, what did I do wrong, you want to treat me like this?"

Xia Minmin's every word is full of accusations...

The more she talked, the more excited she became. She stepped back, pointed at Mu Niange behind her, and pointed fiercely: "Where is Mu Niange better than me? You must all stand by her side, don't forget , the person who grew up with you is me, me!!"

Xia Minmin was really stimulated by Lu Yanche.

She forgot what her original plan was. At this moment, she just wanted to let Lu Yanche know the grievance in her heart, her tears, her sadness, and her suffering.

However, even though Xia Minmin said so much and complained so much, the expression on Lu Yanche's face did not show the slightest change. He quietly looked at Xia Minmin, looked at Xia Minmin's face, listened to Xia Minmin's words, and waited for Xia Minmin After finishing speaking, Lu Yanche laughed twice "hehe".

That laughter was full of sarcasm.

He picked up his steps and slowly approached Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin felt a slight chill emanating from Lu Yanche's body, and the way he looked at her became colder, her heart trembled, she felt a little scared for no reason.

The closer Lu Yanche got, the more Xia Minmin couldn't help but want to back up. When she backed up and almost fell into the swimming pool, she stopped. She choked her foot and fell to the ground. On the ground, she suppressed the fear in her heart, slowly raised her head, and looked at Lu Yanche again.

Lu Yanche stood in front of Xia Minmin, condescending.

The slap that Lu Yanche slapped Xia Minmin was something Mrs. Xia never expected. In addition to Xia Minmin's accusation, she couldn't react for a while and wanted to help Xia Minmin. When Lu Yanche forced Xia Minmin to fall to the ground, she was alone He stepped forward, trying to get to Xia Minmin's side, but was grabbed by Mrs. Lu who was closest to her.

Mrs. Lu looked at the scene in front of her calmly and said: "The children's affairs, the children can solve by themselves..."

The meaning behind the words is, don't let Mrs. Xia be too talkative, but Mrs. Mu said so. Mrs. Xia has already started sex with her, but the target is Mrs. Lu, so Mrs. Xia had no choice but to swallow the words that came to her lips go back.

"Do you feel wronged?" Lu Yanche squatted down slowly. He stretched out his slender fingers and lifted Xia Minmin's chin. He pinched Xia Minmin's chin so hard that he could see him from a distance. Pinch out imprint.

Lu Yanche, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, his voice was slightly hoarse, so low that only Xia Minmin could hear it.

Xia Minmin was wronged, she was hurt by Lu Yanche pinching her chin, she bit her lips tightly, tears in her eyes, looked at Lu Yanche pitifully, she didn't dare to speak, and couldn't speak, she was very serious Nodding his head, he responded to Lu Yanche's words.

"Did I warn you a long time ago that if you dare to mess around, I will give you a hard time. Why are you so ignorant and learn from it?"

Lu Yanche's thin lips lifted slightly, and he spoke slowly, word by word. When the last word fell, Lu Yanche pinched Xia Minmin's chin with a little more force...

This time, Xia Minmin couldn't help but yelled out, "It hurts."

(End of this chapter)

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