Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 116 Hurting you is equivalent to hurting me

Chapter 116 Hurting you is equivalent to hurting me
However, Lu Yanche's small voice seemed to have fallen into Mu Niange's ears. After a pause, Mu Niange speeded up and walked towards Mu's house...

Lu Yanche chased after him at this time, what did he want to tell Mu Niange?No matter what Lu Yanche wanted to say, Mu Niange at this moment really didn't want to listen to it anymore. The images that emerged in her mind were what happened since she met Lu Yanche and others.

It seems that there has been a period of time, small things, big things, there will always be one...

If at this moment, Mu Niange stopped, listened to Lu Yanche's words, and responded to Lu Yanche, would Xia Minmin's figure suddenly appear from behind?

Mu Niange was amused by his own thoughts.

She was afraid that she was possessed by a demon to have such an idea.

Seeing that the distance to Mu's house was getting closer, Lu Yanche felt anxious, strode forward, opened his arms, and hugged Mu Niange tightly from behind.

Lu Yanche's sudden hug frightened Mu Niange. She subconsciously broke free from Lu Yanche. She exhausted all her strength, but failed to push Lu Yanche away. Slowly put down his hand, a weak smile rose from the corner of his lips: "Lu Yanche, what do you want to say?"

"Niange..." Lu Yanche put his chin on the top of Mu Niange's head, closed his eyes, and remembered the scene of Mu Niange's drowning...

The time suddenly returned to six years ago. Mu Niange didn't go to every swimming class due to the reason of Mu Niange's class. She either asked for sick leave or skipped class. I won't go on it.

At the beginning, Lu Yanche didn't know, let alone the reason why Mu Niange didn't go to class. After questioning, Lu Yanche realized that Mu Niange was just afraid that his figure would be laughed at.

Mu Niange is afraid of water, no matter what kind of clothes she wears, she dare not walk beside the water. She has been splashed with water on her body countless times, her clothes are soaked, and the protective line on her body is broken Now, everything was presented in front of the eyes of everyone, and immediately after that, there was bursts of laughter...

Lu Yanche tried to get Mu Niange out of this shadow. He tried many methods but failed, until one time, there was no Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, only Mu Niange, Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling, Ji Jingchen The world of others.

Lu Yanche taught Mu Niange to swim. Mu Niange's swimsuit was prepared by Lu Yanche. After repeated persuasion by Lu Yanche, Mu Niange went to put on the swimsuit...

In fact, Mu Niange is not a very fat person. Her fat is mainly in her thighs, calves, buttocks, and arms. Her waist is very slender, which is beyond Lu Yanche's expectation. Lu Yanche enlightened Mu Nian Song, let Mu Niange get into the water, and then, play splashing water with Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche deeply remembers that Mu Niange had a great time playing that day. He promised Mu Niange that as long as Mu Niange liked it, he would bring Mu Niange here every once in a while and let Mu Niange play. , teach Mu Niange to swim...

It's a pity that he hasn't learned how to swim yet, and Mu Niange just like that, disappeared in front of him without a sound.

He searched like crazy, but in the end, he found nothing. It's not that he doesn't feel heartache and sadness, but his heartache and sadness are only left to Mu Niange.

Just like just now, when Mu Niange was drenched and unconsciously carried by Mu Yuanling from the water, Lu Yanche couldn't describe his mood in words. He was holding back, holding back the emotions in his heart. , wishing to tear Xia Minmin into pieces.

He even suspected that the shadow in Mu Niange's heart was caused by Xia Minmin.

He could no longer tolerate such a Xia Minmin, in front of him, doing anything wrong with Mu Niange.

"I don't want to say anything, I just want to look at you quietly like this..." Lu Yanche withdrew his thoughts, he slowly opened his eyes, lowered his head, and looked into Mu Niange's eyes with a gentle expression.

Looking at you quietly?
When Mu Niange heard Lu Yanche's words, he felt a little ridiculous for no reason.

Lu Yanche has always been looking at Mu Niange quietly, except for looking at Mu Niange quietly. Mu Niange was very stupid before. As long as Lu Yanche looked at her, she was satisfied. Until later, Mu Niange Only then did she realize that she was actually dissatisfied, and she wanted to get more from Lu Yanche.

She has low self-esteem, she has no self-confidence, she dare not speak to Lu Yanche, she is waiting for Lu Yanche to notice.

"Lu Yanche, you can look at me quietly, and I have no right to interfere with your freedom, but please let go of your hand holding me when you look at me quietly!" Mu Niange's eyes widened. A cold, tough attitude is something that Lu Yanche cannot refuse.

While talking, Mu Niange pulled Lu Yanche's hand away...

Mu Niange's tearing apart brought Lu Yanche the opposite effect. He hugged Mu Niange even tighter. The tight Mu Niange felt a little difficult to breathe, and his face flushed slightly.

Mu Niange raised his voice: "Lu Yanche..."

"Niange, forgive me, I can't let go of my hand." Lu Yanche's soft words sounded slowly above Mu Niange's head: "I know, you don't want to see me, it's okay, I can stand beside you Behind you, let me look at you, let me talk to you, let me hear your voice."

"I guess, when you woke up, when Yuan Ling questioned Xia Minmin, you thought in your heart whether I believe you or Xia Minmin..."

Lu Yanche's conjecture hit Mu Niange's sore spot.

She had thought about this question, and when Lu Yanche was indifferent, her heart was full of bitterness. Her expectations for Lu Yanche were subconsciously generated. Lu Yanche didn't know, and it was impossible to know...

Mu Niange bit her lips tightly and did not respond to Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange's silence, in Lu Yanche's view, was tantamount to acquiescing. Lu Yanche pursed his lips and chuckled: "Niange, I am very happy."

"I'm happy that you are finally not indifferent to me. No matter what I say or do, I can't attract your attention and arouse your emotions. I am happy. You take my words to heart. You are watching Watch my changes, and watch my actual actions prove it to you."

"Recite the song, I said it, I just do it, don't say it..."

"My trust in you is not a matter of words, but a matter of heart. The slap on Xia Minmin was a warning to Xia Minmin. In fact, what I want to give Xia Minmin is more color. I must Let her have a long memory, let her know the importance of you in my heart, and hurting you is equivalent to hurting myself."

(End of this chapter)

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