Chapter 124 Old Time

What Ji Jingchen said next, Lu Yanche couldn't listen anymore, he turned around and walked quickly, the moment Mu Yuanling closed the door, Lu Yanche blocked it with his hand, he looked at Mu Yuanling, and said seriously : "I want to be here, wait for the song to wake up..."

Lu Yanche waited for an entire afternoon.

Mu Yuanling went out on business, the entire Mu family, except for Mu Niange, was left with Lu Yanche who was waiting downstairs...

When Mu Niange came out of the room with fluffy sleeping hair and yawning, Lu Yanche got up immediately, walked up the second floor quickly, and walked in front of Mu Niange, staring at Mu Niange .

Lu Yanche's sudden appearance frightened Mu Niange, Mu Niange took a few steps back, and when he saw Lu Yanche's face clearly, Mu Niange said, "Why are you here?"

Why is Lu Yanche here...

Isn't that obvious?

But since Mu Niange asked, Lu Yanche would answer truthfully: "I'll wait for you here."

wait for me?

Mu Niange looked surprised. She bypassed Lu Yanche and walked downstairs. She went to the kitchen, poured herself a glass of water, looked at Lu Yanche up and down, and found that the clothes on Lu Yanche belonged to Mu Yuanling. In other words, Lu Yanche didn't leave here half a step?

Inexplicable emotions surged through Mu Niange's heart.

She didn't say a word, after drinking the water, she casually made an instant noodle and ate it.

Mu Niange prepared porridge for Lu Yanche and the others, and when he woke up, did he eat bad food like instant noodles?
In Lu Yanche's heart, he didn't like to watch it. If he took Mu Niange's instant noodles by hand, Mu Niange would definitely show his face. Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange quietly, waiting for Mu Niange to drink After eating the noodles, he opened his thin lips lightly, and said slowly: "Nange, you brought us back last night?"

"Thanks a lot……"

Lu Yanche continued talking without waiting for Mu Niange to answer.

What he said was not 'thank you' but 'thank you'. These two words have different meanings, and they have more profound meanings when they are spoken to different people.

Lu Yanche stayed here just to tell Mu Niange these things?

This made Mu Niange feel a little uncomfortable...

Thank you, or thanks, to Mu Niange, everything is unfamiliar, and more importantly, the person he is facing is Lu Yanche, and Mu Niange wants to respond, but he doesn't know what words to use to respond...

Mu Niange had to respond to the phrase 'Thank you for your hard work': "Should it be?"

Mu Niange lowered his head and chuckled, the words that automatically popped up in his mind really made Mu Niange drunk.

"It's nothing..." Mu Niange looked calm, and said disapprovingly, "I'm just looking for my brother."

As for Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling, they were just brought back by Mu Niange.

How could Lu Yanche fail to see that Mu Niange's mouth was wrong?

When rushing into the bathroom to take a shower, all that appeared in Lu Yanche's mind was the scene of Mu Niange sitting on the sofa opposite him. Lu Yanche didn't want Mu Niange to see himself in such a mess, but he never expected that he would be in such a mess. Mu Niange is taking care of him.

Lu Yanche was afraid that the smell on his body would infect Mu Niange...

He quickly took a shower and came out quickly, but Mu Niange was gone.

He vaguely remembered that someone called Mu Niange last night. In the words, Mu Niange seemed to warn him that if he didn't seriously respond to Mu Niange's words, Mu Niange would give him a bad look... …

He smiled 'hehe' and didn't take it seriously at all. Lu Yanche couldn't remember what happened next. The only thing he knew was that Mu Niange came out alone in the middle of the night and took him, Mu Yuan Ling and Ji Jingchen were brought back.

In Lu Yanche's eyes, as long as Mu Niange brought him back, that would be enough.

Lu Yanche could narcissistically think that Mu Niange was worried about himself, worried about himself...

The corner of Lu Yanche's lips evoked an invisible smile, he lowered his head, looked at Mu Niange's feet in slippers and said, "Niange, do you remember that once, you brought me back like this, and then, Take care of me who is in a mess, but that time I didn't drink, so I won't make you feel uncomfortable when taking care of me. "

Mu Niange had no impression of what Lu Yanche said...

As if remembering what Ji Jingchen said, when Lu Yanche was yelled at by Mu Niange, he changed his face instantly and became obedient.

Which time exactly?
A look of confusion appeared on Mu Niange's face.

Lu Yanche looked at the confusion on Mu Niange's face, it was a lie that he didn't feel lost.

However, he can't force Mu Niange to remember. Mu Niange remembers it because Mu Niange is willing to remember it. If Mu Niange doesn't remember it, it's because Mu Niange doesn't want to remember it. As for his feelings, it's his own business...

Lu Yanche stood up from his seat and walked towards the glass door behind him. Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche's back and said nothing. After an unknown amount of time, the silent Lu Yanche spoke again: "Six years ago , that autumn, an unforgettable autumn for me..."

Lu Yanche was reminding Mu Niange, Mu Niange listened quietly, thinking back to the autumns that Lu Yanche experienced with Lu Yanche, there were only two or three, and in these two or three summers, there was one of them that Lu Yanche could never forget .

It's not that Mu Niange can't remember the happy time with Lu Yanche, it's just that some happiness will be covered by sadness. When there are more and more sorrows, what is the happiness in the past?
"You don't remember, I don't blame you..." To blame, you can only blame Lu Yanche himself.

The corner of Lu Yanche's lips curled into a self-deprecating smile: "Think about it, that was the first time I protected you, and it was also the most thorough time I protected you..."

While talking, Lu Yanche took Mu Niange's thoughts far, far away. The memory buried deepest in his heart is the memory that Mu Niange wants to keep the most. When he touches it, Mu Niange Hope is happy, not blindly sad.

Lu Yanche's protection of Mu Niange cannot be said to be thorough, but at the very least, except for Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, none of them dared to do anything to Mu Niange.

That time, when Mu Niange was just with Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche secretly called out Mu Niange in the middle of the night, and then the two of them left the compound and strolled on the street.

The streets at night are empty...

Mu Niange and Lu Yanche walked hand in hand, neither of them said a word.

There was a hint of sweetness in Mu Niange's heart, being with Lu Yanche, even looking at Lu Yanche quietly, was a kind of happiness to Mu Niange.

Mu Niange walked with her head down, Lu Yanche couldn't see her expression clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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