Chapter 126 Not the same type of person
"Recite...recite the song?" Mu Yuanling's gloomy expression subsided, and the rest was a look of astonishment.

Ji Jingchen raised his eyebrows and smiled, he stretched out his hand to move Lu Yanche and said, "Ache, you are finished, a good-tempered person like Mu Niange has been irritated by you!"

Mu Niange is not kidding.

Ji Jingchen's words attracted Mu Niange to turn around and leave. Lu Yanche shook off Ji Jingchen's hand, strode forward, pulled Mu Niange past him, and ran forward all the way. When he was almost at the gate of the compound, Lu Yanche slightly Panting: "Recite the song, I didn't mean it."

"It's not a question of intentional or not, it's a question of whether you take yourself seriously..."

"Do you think you are so good that you can equal ten with one?"

As soon as Lu Yanche finished speaking, Mu Niange immediately yelled at Lu Yanche...

After yelling, Mu Niange was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what she had just done, since, since she yelled at Lu Yanche in front of Lu Yanche?

"I..." Mu Niange's face changed, and he was at a loss: "No, I..."

Mu Niange wanted to explain something to Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche stretched out his long arms and hugged Mu Niange into his arms. His palm gently stroked Mu Niange's back, trying to comfort Mu Niange. Emotions.

After Mu Niange calmed down, Lu Yanche chuckled, leaning against Mu Niange's ear, and said softly, "Niange, I'm very happy..."

"You value me so much, and you don't want me to be hurt so much. I have seen your relationship and deeply felt it. You don't need to apologize, let alone feel sorry for being yelled at by you. It tastes pretty good."

pretty good……

Mu Niange always remembered Lu Yanche's words. When Lu Yanche did something that Mu Niange couldn't stand, Mu Niange would tell Mu Niange about it...

That night, Mu Niange went to Lu Yanche's house, treated the wound on Lu Yanche's face, watched Lu Yanche fall asleep, and then returned to his own home, thinking that Lu Yanche would fall asleep.

What is the reason that caused Mu Niange to forget such an important matter?

Lu Yanche did not disregard Mu Niange. When Mu Niange was bullied or hurt, Lu Yanche also acted desperately and immediately stepped forward.

After Lu Yanche finished speaking, the living room fell into silence. Lu Yanche couldn't help but want to see Mu Niange's expression. When he turned his head, he saw Mu Niange's ecstasy. His words evoked Mu Niange's memory?
"Niange..." Lu Yanche opened his thin lips lightly and called out Mu Niange's name. He didn't ask Mu Niange, but said directly: "Actually, I like you to yell at me very much, and I miss you once. watching my scene."

Lu Yanche hopes that Mu Niange is happy...

He is with Mu Niange because he really likes Mu Niange and wants to give Mu Niange the best.

It's a pity that what he thinks is just what he thinks.

Looking back on the past, Mu Niange was not unmoved, but she was no longer the Mu Niange who would easily show her emotions to Lu Yanche, Mu Niange laughed twice: "I didn't expect that you Tendency to be abused."

"Not everyone can abuse me!"

is it?

Mu Niange pursed his lips and remained silent.

She got up and packed the leftover soup bowls into the kitchen. When the water from the faucet flowed out with a 'splash', Mu Niange's eyes widened, and she lightly opened her thin lips: "Unfortunately, I'm not the same as you people!'

Yang Zhishuang calculated that it had been almost a month since the last time she saw Lu Yanche.

When Yang Zhishuang watched Mu Niange get off Lu Yanche's car, she blinked, a look of disbelief flashed in her eyes, she stepped forward and grabbed Mu Niange's shoulder and said: " Recite songs, you are really good at it!"

Yang Zhishuang's words were always either mocking Mu Niange, or teaching Mu Niange a lesson, but no matter what, Mu Niange knew that Yang Zhishuang was doing it for her own good.

When Lu Yanche sent Mu Niange to the academy for the first time, Yang Zhishuang didn't know about it. The second time, Mu Niange rejected Lu Yanche and came alone. The third time, and this time, was caught by Yang Zhishuang. She glanced at Lu Yanche and said calmly, "I didn't ask him to come..."

Yang Zhishuang naturally wouldn't think that Mu Niange asked Lu Yanche to send her off.

She nodded secretly, let go of Mu Niange, walked to the driver's car, looked at Lu Yanche inside, folded her arms around her chest, and teased with a smile: "Master Lu, how are you doing, are you happy?"

Yang Zhishuang's 'happy' sound, Lu Yanche's eyes, subconsciously looked at Mu Niange, Mu Niange turned sideways, Lu Yanche couldn't see her expression clearly, let alone her eyes.

From that day on, when Mu Niange brought them back, who were drunk, he stayed, and after pointing out some things to Mu Niange, Mu Niange's attitude towards him changed subtly again. The more he liked him, Mu Niange The song is more unsatisfactory.

Even sending Mu Niange to school, it was Lu Yanche who used Mu Yuanling's name to force Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche pursed his lips and gave a chuckle. He seemed to be in a good mood: "Well, it's very cool. I hope this coolness can last forever."

Lu Yanche was so blunt, what got her was Yang Zhishuang's unsympathetic eyes, she laughed 'hehe' twice, her words were full of disdain: "Do you know what time it is?"

Yang Zhishuang didn't like Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche knew that no matter what Yang Zhishuang said, Lu Yanche's attitude towards Yang Zhishuang would not change. What Mu Niange valued was what he valued. He glanced at the sky and replied truthfully: "During the day ..."

"You also know it's daytime? So what are you daydreaming about in broad daylight?"

Really... She didn't save any face for Lu Yanche.

After Yang Zhishuang finished mocking Lu Yanche, she walked to Mu Niange's side, took Mu Niange's wrist, and walked into the academy swaggeringly. Looking at Mu Niange's indifferent face, Yang Zhishuang felt a little surprised.

During this time, Mu Niange went home more frequently...

What happened to Mu Niange at home, Mu Niange did not tell Yang Zhishuang one by one, Yang Zhishuang knew about one but not the other.

"Hey, Niange!" Yang Zhishuang poked Mu Niange's waist, and said unhappily, "Don't you have anything to explain to me?"

Mu Niange was afraid of itches, Yang Zhishuang's poke made Mu Niange take two big steps aside, she glared at Yang Zhishuang, and retorted, "What do I need to explain to you?"

It seems that Mu Niange's wings are getting harder...

Yang Zhishuang didn't smile, she pointed in the direction of the entrance of the academy and said, "Just now, what happened to that man named Lu Yanche at the entrance?"

(End of this chapter)

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