Chapter 128
Xia Minmin's feelings for Lu Yanche are far deeper than Xia Youyou's for Lu Yanche. She is persistent, and she won't let go easily...

Even though Lu Yanche slapped Xia Minmin fiercely on the cheek, causing Xia Minmin's heart to throb, but afterwards, she still chose to forget about it. The person who made Lu Yanche make such an extreme move was Mu Nian Ge, all the mistakes are on Mu Niange.

Xia Minmin has no right to blame Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche is an innocent victim, he was only provoked by Mu Niange.

After disappearing for a while, Xia Minmin returned.

She appeared in front of Lu Yanche again, her dark and smooth hair was cut into a neat short hair. When she saw Lu Yanche coming out of the opposite door, Xia Minmin smiled as before, walked forward in small steps, and greeted with a smile: "Brother Che."

"Brother Che", Lu Yanche's footsteps stopped when he shouted.

When he looked up, he saw Xia Minmin who was smiling more cheerfully than before. His expression changed slightly, and he ignored Xia Minmin's greeting. He passed Xia Minmin and continued to walk forward.

Xia Minmin turned her head to look at Lu Yanche's back, the coldness flashed in her eyes, ignore?It means that Lu Yanche still has Xia Minmin in his heart, otherwise, he can just tell Xia Minmin to go away.

"Brother Che, I don't blame you for what happened last time." Xia Minmin followed relentlessly, and while she was talking, she tried to bring back Lu Yanche's memories: "Compared to the way you treated me better than before, you hit me once. I should take a slap, and I shouldn't have any complaints against you."

Is Xia Minmin here, showing his affection for Lu Yanche?

Lu Yanche has a different feeling for Xia Minmin than Xia Youyou...

He treated Xia Minmin as his younger sister, so when Xia Minmin was injured and had an accident, Lu Yanche would care more about Xia Youyou, and he got used to it so naturally that Lu Yanche forgot to restrain himself in front of Mu Niange, which made Xia Minmin feel safe. It was the illusion that she was more important in Lu Yanche's heart than Mu Niange's.

Lu Yanche knew exactly how hard Lu Yanche's slap was.

If it weren't for Xia Minmin's haggard look, Lu Yanche might have multiplied this slap by two. Xia Minmin was too naive, or Xia Minmin took himself too seriously, so he mistakenly thought that Lu Yanche was showing mercy to Xia Minmin.

After his slap, it's over, Xia Minmin won't remember it, and I hope Lu Yanche won't remember it.

"Brother Che, are you really not going to talk to me?" Xia Minmin deliberately emphasized every word she said. She didn't believe it, but Lu Yanche didn't hear it. Lu Yanche just didn't want to talk to her. His attitude towards Lu Yanche was too bad, and he even expressed his dissatisfaction with Mu Niange in front of Lu Yanche.

She was really pushed...

Faced with such a scene, Xia Minmin was helpless.

Xia Minmin stopped chasing Lu Yanche, she stood where she was, and shouted at Lu Yanche's back: "Lu Yanche!"

Shouting with full force, this is probably the first time Xia Minmin has called Lu Yanche's full name in front of Lu Yanche...

The pace on Lu Yanche's feet stopped unexpectedly. He didn't look back at Xia Minmin, but was waiting for Xia Minmin's next words. Xia Minmin looked at Lu Yanche's actions, and a sneering smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "Is it true that I It's useless to humiliate and ask for perfection in front of you?"

Xia Youyou paid for Lu Yanche, why didn't Xia Minmin pay for Lu Yanche?
The phrase "begging for perfection" has covered this period of time. Lu Yanche doesn't understand the feelings and grievances in Xia Minmin's heart. It doesn't matter. Xia Minmin can tell Lu Yanche word by word. It was only when she told her that she realized that in Lu Yanche's eyes, her words were so dismissive.

"Aggression?" Lu Yanche sneered, repeating Xia Minmin's words: "When are you in front of me, when are you making an effort?"

"Hasn't your attitude always been very conceited? Xia Minmin, if I were you, I would learn to give up like Xia Youyou, take the initiative to say that you will not use some means to harm Mu Niange... "

Xia Minmin finally saw Lu Yanche's ruthlessness.

In the past, seeing Lu Yanche's cold stare at Xia Youyou, Xia Minmin was secretly happy, and ridiculed Xia Youyou behind her back, if I were you, I would never be so disgusted by Brother Che, but the facts have proved that she is not To be reduced to be like Xia Youyou is to be reduced even worse than Xia Youyou.

Xia Minmin laughed wildly twice, "Hehe", "Brother Che, according to what you said, you don't intend to see me in your whole life?"


"As long as you stay in this compound for a day, you can't fail to see me. You can say that my ghost is still there, but don't show it off. Anyway, Brother Che, it is impossible for you to escape from my palm." Xia Minmin's expression changed. Change, full of firm words, fell out of his mouth.

"I didn't realize before that you are such a shameless person..." Lu Yanche sneered at Xia Minmin's swearing words, and ignored them. He knew what Lu Yanche wanted and what he didn't want. , no one can force Lu Yanche, and no one can force Lu Yanche...

"Yes, I'm shameless, so... I don't mind letting you see my shameless side, brother Che." Xia Minmin said fearlessly, her eyes turned to Mu's house, There was a cold light in his eyes: "When the time comes, brother Che, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance."

"Are you threatening me?" Lu Yanche turned around, looking intently at Xia Minmin.

The one who got Lu Yanche was that the corners of Xia Minmin's lips curled up into a faint smile. She stretched out her hand to pick her hair, and said calmly: "Brother Che, you can understand that I am warning you. Not threatening you."

"Xia Minmin!" Gritting his teeth, a voice full of anger came out of Lu Yanche's mouth: "Do you dare to try against Nian Ge!"

Mu Niange was the only one who could become Lu Yanche's weakness and let Xia Minmin use it to threaten Lu Yanche.

What Lu Yanche couldn't stop was Xia Minmin's thoughts, but he would definitely eradicate all Xia Minmin's actions before Xia Minmin started to act.

"Could it be that Mu Niange is the only one in your eyes? Whether it's me or Xia Youyou, every time you speak, the person you mention is Mu Niange, that bitch Mu Niange, what's so good about it? It's worth your concern , is worthy of your concern."

(End of this chapter)

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