Seducing his wife into the game: the chief courtes 1001 times

Chapter 131 There are plenty of ways to make you look good

Chapter 131 There are plenty of ways to make you look good

Mu Niange was annoyed by Xia Minmin. She kept chattering in Mu Niange's ear, which made Mu Niange's calm face gradually turn ugly. She stopped and turned to look at Xia Minmin. There was no Xia Minmin on her face. Such a bright smile, on the contrary, showed a bit of disgust: "Xia Minmin, what kind of tricks do you want to play?"

As soon as Mu Niange stopped, Xia Minmin folded her arms around her chest. She looked at Mu Niange with her chin up, and when she heard Mu Niange's question, she chuckled lightly, and repeated Mu Niange's words: "Tricks?"

"Recite the song, don't treat me like this, how can I play tricks in front of you? If I want to play tricks, won't your flower protectors be rude to me? Recite the song, I am not a stupid person... ..." Xia Minmin said meaningfully, she looked at Mu Niange's eyes, and her eyes flashed a look that Mu Niange couldn't see through, couldn't figure it out.

It is possible for a person to change after experiencing certain things.

It's just that Xia Minmin's change is too big...

Six years ago, with Xia Youyou around, Xia Minmin would never attack her head-on. She would encourage Xia Youyou to treat herself even more fiercely. In front of Niange, she raised Mu Niange's chin, and said in unprecedentedly gentle words: "Niange, this is a gift from me, do you like it?"

At that time, Mu Niange was more afraid of Xia Minmin than Xia Youyou...

She could never guess what kind of behavior Xia Minmin would do, maybe her next beating would come from Xia Minmin.

Now, Xia Minmin is openly provoking Mu Niange and revealing her true nature in front of Lu Yanche. Does she want to tell Lu Yanche or Mu Niange that she won't let go easily, and this time, she wants to show them openly Her method is definitely not just talking.

"Xia Minmin, you are really pathetic!" Mu Niange curled his lips and smiled sarcastically: "When you became a stray dog, you struggled desperately, broke free, thought about yourself, and you might have a chance to turn around, but you never thought that, The bargaining chip in your hand is no longer a bargaining chip!"

"I'm sad?" Xia Minmin's eyes instantly turned cold when she heard the word 'sad', but soon, she regained her composure. She looked Mu Niange up and down, and praised twice with a 'tsk tsk': " I thought that people like you would call me pitiful, but I didn't expect you to call me pitiful."

"Well, it's true that I'm sad, but where do you think you are?"

"Some injuries cannot be repaired. Even if it is repaired, there will still be a scar on the wound. I don't know who it is. It has sworn in front of me that it will not have anything to do with us. In a blink of an eye, I became an outsider, and you became an insider..."

"It's ridiculous that I, who didn't believe your words, ended up in this situation." Xia Minmin laughed at herself. In the self-deprecating words, Mu Niange could hear that she was full of unwillingness and hatred.

No one expected that the worst person would be Xia Minmin.

"You don't believe my words, so you have fallen to this point, Lu Yanche believes what I said, he tried every means to save me and attract my attention, this is my method, Xia Minmin, you continue to pester me like this , It's not good for you at all." Mu Niange stared at Xia Minmin, his eyes were so cold that there was no warmth at all.

Even if she is persuading Xia Minmin, she is also warning Xia Minmin...

Her long and peaceful life did not want to be broken by Xia Minmin's appearance.

What Lu Yanche brought back, Lu Yanche attracted attention, these words fell into Xia Minmin's ears, they were extremely harsh, Xia Minmin underestimated Mu Niange's tricks, that's why when Mu Niange used tricks, he was caught by Mu Niange Nian Ge suffered a crushing defeat.

All along, Xia Minmin was the one who slapped Mu Niange, when it was Mu Niange's turn to do something to him.

Xia Minmin took a small step forward. Although she was a little shorter than Mu Niange, she was wearing high heels, while Mu Niange was wearing flat shoes. Calculated in this way, Mu Niange was a little shorter than Xia Minmin. Looking at Mu Niange with haughty eyes, she pursed her lips and said slowly, "Mu Niange, are you begging me?"

"Please don't break your peaceful life?"

"Mu Niange, you are so naive..." Xia Minmin withdrew her previous smile, and the corners of her lips curled into a sneer. She reached out and landed on Mu Niange's shoulder, and said while stroking Mu Niange's beautiful hair : "Do you think, why did I transfer here? Is it just to watch Lu Yanche pick you up and go back to school every week, and I can watch from the sidelines with jealousy?"

"I tell you, you are wrong..."

"You have the chance to be alone with Lu Yanche because you stepped me down, but Mu Niange, you forgot, I am an unyielding person, you stepped me down, I have a lot of ways to climb Going up, as for how far I can climb, it's my ability, as long as I'm around, you and Lu Yanche won't have the chance to get along alone, whether it's in the compound or in the school..."

"It's not that I'm naive, it's that you're too narcissistic and shameless..." Mu Niange slapped Xia Minmin's hand off fiercely, she took a small step forward not to be outdone, and met Xia Minmin's gaze, and responded fiercely He said: "The more you don't want to see, the more I want you to see!"

"You said, whether it's at school or in the compound, you will make me lose the chance to be alone with Lu Yanche, then tell me, if it's at my house, in my room, would I be alone with Lu Yanche? What about the chance to get along?" Mu Niange asked with a smile.

As soon as the words finished, Xia Minmin was taken aback, and his face instantly turned ugly...

She stared at Mu Niange fiercely, but did not respond. However, her expression betrayed herself. She is not omnipotent, and there are things she cannot do. As Mu Niange said just now, at Mu Niange's house, Mu Niange In Ge's room, how could she see what Lu Yanche was doing with Mu Niange, and how could she stop it?

"You're good enough!" Xia Minmin took a step back and gritted her teeth.

She turned around and disappeared into the playground under Mu Niange's gaze...

Xia Minmin was determined not to let Mu Niange feel better, Mu Niange walked into the classroom, Xia Minmin followed behind, psychology, so how could Xia Minmin like it?Didn't she study interior design before?

Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange are not in the same major, Yang Zhishuang was shocked when she heard the news.

(End of this chapter)

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