Chapter 145
But resisted his touch...

This kind of treatment is very different.

Lu Yanche suppressed the emotions in his heart, grabbed Mu Niange's hand, and forced Mu Niange to meet his gaze: "Yes, I want to know everything about you and him, I want to hear You said it yourself, the relationship between you, is it wrong for me to do so?"

"Mu Niange, does it mean that I don't even have the right to know about you now?"

Lu Yanche could see Mu Niange's transformation. Obviously, their relationship had eased a little bit. However, unconsciously, Mu Niange's rejection of him rose again. When he wanted to resist this kind of rejection, , suddenly discovered that Mu Niange was not alone.

Mu Niange didn't have to be Lu Yanche.

But Lu Yanche, he must Mu Niange...

Be sure to get Mu Niange, as long as you have Mu Niange, you must get Mu Niange.

When Lu Yanche said such words, did he ever think about his position in Mu Niange's heart, and how did he view his position in Mu Niange's heart?

Have no right to know.

It's not Lu Yanche who has the final say, but Mu Niange who has the final say.

She wanted someone to know everything about her, but she didn't want anyone to know, even if she treated Mu Niange harshly, Mu Niange would never say a word.

However, Lu Yanche was an exception.

A Mu Niange obviously didn't want to say it, but seeing Lu Yanche's eagerness to know, Mu Niange couldn't help but want to say it, Mu Niange lowered his eyes so that Lu Yanche couldn't see her expression clearly...

Mu Niange was silent, and silence was equivalent to acquiescing. Lu Yanche held Mu Niange's hand slightly tighter, and he shook Mu Niange's arm, but Mu Niange couldn't respond...

Suddenly, Lu Yanche smiled. This smile was ridiculous.

He is reluctantly mumbling the song, when did it start?

Even Lu Yanche himself almost forgot, he slowly let go of Mu Niange's hand, sat back, put on his seat belt, and started the car, Lu Yanche drove the car very fast, as if to vent, but it was short Moments later, they arrived at Mu Niange's college. Lu Yanche glanced at Mu Niange, as if waiting for Mu Niange to get off the car without saying a word.

Mu Niange quickly unbuttoned his seat belt without the slightest pause...

Her hand landed on the car door, and just as she opened the door, there was a 'click'. Lu Yanche was not looking at Mu Niange, but all of Mu Niange's actions fell into Lu Yanche's eyes. Goodbye, I don't even want to say goodbye to Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche's face darkened again and again...

Mu Niange let go of the car door handle slightly. She looked sideways at Lu Yanche, with a patient smile on the corner of her lips: "Ask me, what is the relationship between the senior and me?"

As soon as Mu Niange finished speaking, he looked away, looked at the streets with people coming and going, and the crowd walking towards the college, and said: "He, you can say that he used to be you, or he can do far more than you. Better than you used to be, he has a special place and a special definition in my heart, so I don't allow anyone to hurt him for any reason, or, behind my back, do things to him something."

What Mu Niange said was firm and decisive...

The threats in the words, the warnings, are no joke.

When Mu Niange got out of the car, Lu Yanche couldn't come back to his thoughts for a long time...

It turned out that his position in Mu Niange's heart had already been replaced by someone else, and even that person who replaced him did a better job than him, was much better, more of it made Lu Yanche jealous, and more of it made Lu Yanche regret it.

As soon as Xia Minmin got off the bus and walked towards the academy, she saw Mu Niange getting off Lu Yanche's car. She stopped and hid aside to observe Lu Yanche.

She saw Lu Yanche's expression through the car window. His eyes were staring straight at Mu Niange. Mu Niange's figure disappeared at the gate of the academy. She was still watching. From Lu Yanche's actions, Xia Minmin It can be guessed that something unpleasant must have happened between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange.

In addition, they had to go out earlier than Xia Minmin, and the route was the same. Unlike her, without Lu Yanche's pick-up and drop-off, they took the bus to the subway, and after the subway, they had to walk a long way.

After Xia Minmin waited for Lu Yanche to leave, she came out slowly and returned to the class. Mu Niange sat there and began to draw. Xia Minmin picked her hair and walked slowly to Mu Niange's room. next to the location.

Xia Minmin's figure blocked Mu Niange's light, and Mu Niange couldn't help raising his eyes, meeting Xia Minmin's gaze.

Xia Minmin curled her lips into a smile, she reached out and picked up the sketchbook on Mu Niange's desk, she looked up and down at Mu Niange's paintings, she couldn't help but nodded and said: "Niange, I didn't expect that you still have Such a special hobby, like painting?"

"Hmm... the painting is not bad, but it's unexpected."

Every word Xia Minmin said was an insult to Mu Niange, Mu Niange snatched back the sketchbook from Xia Minmin's hand, and said disgustedly: "Don't touch my things with your dirty hands .”

Xia Minmin's face darkened when he said dirty hands.

She sat down on the seat in front of Mu Niange, and she was lying with Mu Niange, her body was full of chills, she deliberately found fault with Mu Niange, everything on Mu Niange's table, she They were all touched, and then they sneered: "I have touched all your things and they are dirty, so do you want to throw them all away?"

Mu Niange threw the things on the table into the drawer viciously, making a loud 'bang bang bang', and then she responded to Xia Minmin in a leisurely way: "For you, I will take these Throwing things away? Xia Minmin, do you deserve it?"

"I think these things are far more valuable than you."

Mu Niange's ability is getting better and better...

Xia Minmin will be irritated by Mu Niange anyway, this is not the first time she encountered such a situation, Xia Minmin learned to control, she laughed again, and laughed loudly, which attracted the attention of the people around, Xia Minmin approached Mu Niange, lowered his voice: "Niange, you are actually a person who doesn't talk too much, saying that something was dirty by me, disgusted, and reluctant to throw it away..."

"Just like, Brother Che, I have been holding Brother Che's hand since I was a child, so I can understand that, in your eyes, Brother Che is as dirty as me?"

"Then, how can you still bear Brother Che? You came to the academy in Brother Che's car, enjoyed Brother Che's care for you, chanted songs, you refreshed my vision, you are really, really shameless .”

(End of this chapter)

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