Chapter 147 You Are Just a Dog
Xia Minmin folded her arms around her chest, her face was full of amusement.

She pursed her lips and smiled, not intending to speak, as if she was waiting for Mo Yunhao to speak first...

However, Mo Yunhao just took a few glances at Xia Minmin, picked up his steps, and walked towards Xia Minmin's side. This is a typical neglect, and he didn't take Xia Minmin seriously.

The smile on the corners of Xia Minmin's lips gradually subsided, and when Mo Yunhao was about to pass by her side, Xia Minmin said with a hint of anger in her voice: "Mo Yunhao, you are turning your back on me. people?"

Xia Minmin's words did not make Mo Yunhao stop, he continued to walk forward, his face was not moved at all, Xia Minmin's face became angry, he turned around and shouted at Mo Yunhao's back: "Mo Yunhao, it's only six I haven't seen you for a year, not only did you turn your face and deny anyone, but you didn't even want to talk to me?"

"I remember, what you did back then, do you want me to tell you one by one, to help you remember..."

Hearing this, Mo Yunhao paused slightly.

Xia Minmin looked at Mo Yunhao's paused footsteps, her face was full of pride, she walked forward slowly, and stopped beside Mo Yunhao, she looked Mo Yunhao up and down, and said in admiration : "If I'm not very familiar with you, I'm afraid I won't recognize you."

"I didn't expect that you would change so much, and now you're going to be someone else's male god?" Xia Minmin laughed sarcastically.

She reached out to pick up Mo Yunhao's coat, and was slapped off by Mo Yunhao. With a cold face, Mo Yunhao glanced at Xia Minmin, and there was no emotion in his voice: "Human, Mr. It will become, compared to my change, your change is surprising."

"Not only are you becoming more and more annoying, but you also learned to follow? Xia Minmin, you really taught me a lot..."

Who wouldn't say sarcasm?

It's not that Mo Yunhao didn't recognize Xia Minmin, it's just that he didn't care about Xia Minmin. Thinking of everything he did six years ago, he felt nothing but annoyance, and the person who encouraged him was none other than Xia Minmin in front of him.

You can't blame Xia Minmin all, but Mo Yunhao is so stupid that he has no choice but to blame...

"Mo Yunhao!" Xia Minmin's expression darkened, and he shouted!
The adjective 'stalking', used on Xia Minmin, is a shame to Xia Minmin. If Lu Yanche and Mu Niange hadn't pushed her into a hurry, why would she do such a thing?

But because of her impulsiveness, what she did became a joke and a handle. No matter who it is, anyone who talks to Xia Minmin will bring it up. How could Xia Minmin allow it? Things just keep going!

"Did I say something wrong?" Mo Yunhao smiled, and he turned around to face Xia Minmin. Seeing Xia Minmin's angry look, he couldn't help admiring: "I remember that Xia Minmin was like that six years ago. I disdain to do it myself, no matter what I do, it is indirect, what? After six years, you are down? Hmm... Let me think about it, I have been by your side, irritated by your instigation, go to Is Xia Youyou who attacked Mu Niange gone?"

"That's right. It's normal for her not to be by your side. No matter how she looks at it, she is not a stupid thing. It will be a matter of time before she wakes up. Therefore, you have no one to help, so you can only do it yourself."

"To deal with Mu Niange, to entangle Lu Yanche, and even to transfer to the same college and the same major as Mu Niange at any cost? Xia Minmin, I have to admit that you are really a terrible pervert. Disgusting, disgusting nausea..."

Mo Yunhao's tone became more serious as he spoke, and he looked at Xia Minmin's eyes with more and more disgust.

Every time he said a word, he took a step closer to Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin was forced by Mo Yunhao to retreat again and again, until she pushed against the wall, Xia Minmin finally realized that she clenched her fists with both hands, and her face was full of fierceness Look: "What qualifications do you have to say such things to me? Back then, you were just a dog by my side!"

One, following Xia Minmin's orders, ordered the dog to do things.

Now, Mo Yunhao's wings are hardened, he knows how to fight back, dare to speak loudly to Xia Minmin?

The more Xia Minmin thought about it, the more ridiculous she felt. She looked up to the sky and laughed. After laughing, she met Mo Yunhao's gaze again and said, "Have you ever heard the saying that one day is a dog and life will be a dog? Do you think that's right?" If I speak loudly and ridicule me with such a tone, you can erase everything you have done? you think that you can be nobler than me, a grade higher than me? "

"Mo Yunhao, let me tell you, that's impossible. You'd better make up your mind. If you say something so bad to me, how good are you? It's because the dog food I gave you is not enough for you, so , you ran in front of Mu Niange to show courteousness, and now, it's changed to Mu Niange giving you dog food?"

"Oh, Mo Yunhao, you are so pathetic and ridiculous."

Xia Minmin can really step on Mo Yunhao as hard as he can...

However, a few simple words reduced Mo Yunhao's status to that of a dog, or, in Xia Minmin's eyes, Mo Yunhao had never been treated as a human being...

Now, because Mo Yunhao didn't like her, she vented all the anger in her heart.

Xia Minmin is not the Xia Minmin he used to be, and Mo Yunhao is not the Mo Yunhao he used to be. Xia Minmin didn't even think of this. It's not that Xia Minmin is stupid, but that Xia Minmin takes himself too seriously.

Mo Yunhao pinched Xia Minmin's chin without saying a word, his force was very heavy, Xia Minmin frowned and shouted, she stretched out her hand and pulled Mo Yunhao fiercely, pinching her nails into Mo Yunhao's flesh, but Mo Yunhao looked at Xia Minmin with a calm face as if nothing happened.

He was using his description to tell Xia Minmin that his anger, and his anger towards Xia Minmin, was all Xia Minmin's own fault.

"Mo Yunhao..."

Xia Minmin's tears of pain were about to fall out, she really had no choice but to yell loudly, this yell attracted the attention of passers-by, seeing Mo Yunhao treat Xiami Minmin so roughly, some passers-by couldn't help it wanted to step forward.

Mo Yunhao threw Xia Minmin aside fiercely.

Xia Minmin almost fell to the ground. After she stood firm, she touched her chin with one hand. She knew it was red and swollen without looking. Looking at Mo Yunhao, she didn't even look at Xia Minmin. walking.

Mo Yunhao so impatiently wants to see Mu Niange?
(End of this chapter)

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