Chapter 151 On Despicableness
Mu Niange was amused by Xia Minmin's hypothesis...

Maybe Lu Yanche treated her like Xia Minmin with such an attitude and asked her such low-level questions?
Is it because Xia Minmin doesn't know Lu Yanche well enough, or does she take Lu Yanche too lightly?At Mu Niange's place, Lu Yanche clearly distinguishes the importance, what Lu Yanche should say, what Lu Yanche should do, Lu Yanche knows everything.

As for Xia Minmin, no matter what, Lu Yanche would not be able to stop Xia Minmin.

"Xia Minmin, are you speechless by my words, so when you are helpless, use Lu Yanche as a shield? Do you think I will be afraid of Lu Yanche, or do you think your assumption is valid?"

"Why can't my hypothesis be established? Mu Niange, don't take yourself seriously..." Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange's way of not paying attention to her question at all, and the look of contempt on the corner of her lips. Laughing, Xia Minmin's hands couldn't help clenching into fists.

Some anger needs to be vented...

The more you hold back, the more Xia Minmin will be driven into madness.

Mu Niange saw through Xia Minmin at a glance. Xia Minmin has never been a very patient person. It is Xia Minmin's skill to be able to endure for so long in front of Mu Niange. If Mu Niange said two or three more words, Xia Minmin's The anger was even stronger, of course Xia Minmin would ignore it and attack herself.

Mu Niange raised her eyebrows and regained her composure. She looked at Xia Minmin and became serious: "Okay, your hypothesis is valid. Then, similarly, if the person standing in front of you is not me but Lu Yanche, you How dare you be so arrogant, so cheeky, and shamelessly ask such a question?"

Xia Minmin was stopped by Mu Niange's question...

In front of Lu Yanche, how could Xia Minmin show such a face unless she had to?
Xia Minmin didn't need to look in the mirror. From Mu Niange's response, she could see how much she was hated by her means, her schemes, and her face...

Mu Niange once again touched the pain in Xia Minmin's heart. What she had been pretending all along was suddenly shattered and happened, and her image also plummeted, falling directly into the valley.

"Do I dare, will it? That's my business, and you don't need to worry about it." Xia Minmin took a deep breath to calm down her emotions. She stopped looking at the corner road above, and suddenly For a moment, she was stunned, and a casual smile rose from the corner of her lips.

It really doesn't cost anyone who cares...

This time, it was not an opportunity deliberately created by Xia Minmin, but Mu Niange, seeking his own death.

"Well, you're right. Your business is your business, and mine is mine. So, what right do you have to ask me such a question?" Mu Niange agreed with a light 'huh' After Xia Minmin finished speaking, her eyes turned cold, and a chill radiated from her body.

She turned around and was about to walk out towards the compound. Xia Minmin quickly grabbed Mu Niange's wrist, and continued: "Oh? Are you really going to follow what you said? Then, how I treat Mo Yunhao is up to you." Can't you take care of my business?"

Xia Minmin is testing Mu Niange...

Although it is known that Mo Yunhao and Mu Niange are acquainted, it is unknown how good their relationship is. If Mu Niange turns against Xia Minmin for Mo Yunhao, then everything will be easy to handle.

"Are you threatening me?" Mu Niange paused and looked sideways at Xia Minmin.

Hearing this, Xia Minmin slowly let go of Mu Niange's hand. She chuckled lightly, shrugged her shoulders, and said disapprovingly, "Why, didn't you say so? It doesn't matter what kind of relationship I have with Mo Yunhao." It's your business, then, what I do to Mo Yunhao is none of your business, you are so nervous, it's easy for people to mistakenly think that there is actually something between you and Mo Yunhao. "

Ha ha……

How did Mu Niange forget.

Xia Minmin is a person who can do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.

Mu Niange said that it was between Mo Yunhao and Xia Minmin, Mu Niange would not intervene and let them do it, but when Xia Minmin knew that Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao knew each other, something happened Great changes have taken place, it is no longer as simple as Mu Niange imagined.


"Despicable?" Xia Minmin's eyes turned cold when she was scolded by Mu Niange, and said with disdain: "I'm despicable, so what? It's better than you. There are some things that I really want to say, but I keep pretending, which makes people unbearable." Stop, I can't help but want to step forward to ask you, and then, you are using your high profile to trample the self-esteem of the person who asked you on the ground..."

"In terms of despicability, you are actually even more despicable, or you are not despicable at all, but shameless, shameless, I am treating Mo Yunhao in your way now, are you unconvinced, or what? of?"

"Ah, you can do the same, treat me the way I treated Mo Yunhao, but unfortunately, I have looked at you over and over again, but I can't see what is attractive about you, where are you from? Your self-confidence makes you so defiant and arrogant?"

Xia Minmin took advantage of Mu Niange's tricks, and she was proud of herself. In addition, behind Mu Niange, there was someone unexpected by Mu Niange, Xia Minmin especially wanted to seize this opportunity and perform well...

After Xia Minmin's remarks, without waiting for Mu Niange to respond, she continued: "Niange, the conversation with you is over. Now, I'm going to find my prey..."

As soon as Xia Minmin finished speaking, she stopped looking at Mu Niange, turned around and wanted to leave, but Mu Niange's thin lips parted lightly: "Stop!"

The word 'stop' made Xia Minmin, who had her back turned to Mu Niange, even more satisfied. Instead of looking back at Mu Niange, she asked, "What's the matter?"

"What do you really think you can do to Mo Yunhao? Is Mo Yunhao as stupid and hopeless as you imagined?" Mu Niange tugged the strap of his backpack, Unconsciously clenched into two fists.

Xia Minmin's words made Mu Niange have to pay attention...

Mo Yunhao made Mu Niange even more concerned.

"Whether I can do anything to Mo Yunhao, that is my ability. As for whether Mo Yunhao is stupid or not, and whether there is medicine to save him, shouldn't you know best? Look at your nervous look, I Sure enough, I guessed right, the relationship between you is extraordinary..."

"You have such an extraordinary relationship with another man, does brother Che know?"

"If brother Che finds out, how disappointed will he be with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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