Chapter 158 I Can See It

Lu Meiqi's eloquent teeth are more and more like Mu Niange...

Xia Minmin's complexion changed slightly, and the smile on her lips was restrained. However, she was surprisingly not angry at Lu Meiqi...

She folded her arms around her chest, looked Lu Meiqi up and down, and then, looking at the way Lu Meiqi looked at her without the slightest fear, she burst out laughing, not knowing why.

Xia Minmin's smile was inexplicable to Lu Meiqi, she frowned, her expression darkened: "Xia Minmin, do you think you are ridiculous, so you couldn't help laughing out?"

"Meiqi, who is being ridiculous? You don't know?" Xia Minmin reached out and touched Lu Meiqi.

Lu Meiqi subconsciously wanted to avoid Xia Minmin's hand, Xia Minmin's eyes turned cold, she quickly grabbed Lu Meiqi's hair, and pulled Lu Meiqi in front of her, Lu Meiqi cried out in pain, she stretched out her hand to grab Xia Minmin hand, trying to break free from Xia Minmin's hand.

Xia Minmin slightly loosened the hand that was holding Lu Meiqi's hair, and changed it to stroking Lu Meiqi's hair. She moved again and again, very lightly, full of pity...

"Actually, I want to love you like a sister, but unfortunately, you not only don't give me a chance, but you don't give yourself a chance. If you gave me a chance, and you gave yourself a chance, I wouldn't treat you like this." , Oh, no, it should be said, I am reluctant to treat you like this..."

"You say I'm ridiculous, I don't deny it, I'm ridiculous, but besides you, you are also ridiculous, ridiculously afraid of me for no reason, ridiculously standing on Mu Niange's side for no reason, becoming my opponent... "

"You think of Mu Niange like this, does Mu Niange know your heart?" Xia Minmin said affectionately while stroking Lu Meiqi's beautiful hair.

She dropped Lu Meiqi's hair in front of her eyes, and lifted it from the back, and then lifted Lu Meiqi behind her ears...

Xia Minmin's cold fingers touched Lu Meiqi's skin. Lu Meiqi didn't know whether it was cold or she was frightened by Xia Minmin. She couldn't help shaking, looking at Xia Minmin's eyes, she was no longer fearless.

Such a scene, such a picture, seems to have been similar...

Lu Meiqi was trying her best to break up the images in her mind. She couldn't change her attitude towards Xia Minmin just because of Xia Minmin's actions. Mu Niange said that Xia Minmin didn't dare to do anything to her. Just treat Xia Minmin with a tough attitude.

"Let go of your dirty hands!" Lu Meiqi slapped Xia Minmin's hand off fiercely, and took a step back...

Lu Meiqi's strength was very strong, and she couldn't control it well. With this slap, Xia Minmin's hands turned red, and the pain came, making Xia Minmin's eyes instantly cold.

She looked at the back of her hand, then at Xia Minmin's retreat, raised her lips and said, "Meiqi, no matter how much you pretend in front of me, it's useless. You're afraid of me from the bottom of your heart, isn't it?" Over time, you can change it if you say it, why don't you obey your own will and listen to me, I will not treat you badly."

Looking at Lu Meiqi in front of her, Xia Minmin couldn't help but think of Mu Niange from six years ago...

At that time, Mu Niange also tried to resist Xia Minmin, but in the end, she still succumbed to Xia Minmin's palm. She just moved her hand slightly, and Mu Niange was so frightened that she didn't want to. Look, it's really Excited to want to laugh out loud.

"Listen to you?" Lu Meiqi curled her lips and smiled disdainfully: "Unless I am crazy, I will never listen to you."

The gloomyness in Lu Meiqi's heart is the shadow in Mu Niange's heart. How can a person who has also been hurt trust a person who hurt others?It can even be said that Lu Meiqi looks down on Xia Minmin very much. No matter what Xia Minmin is doing now or in the future, she will never be able to stand by Xia Minmin's side.

Xia Minmin wanted to regain Lu Yanche's trust, Lu Yanche's kind treatment, that was impossible...

Because, no matter what, Lu Meiqi will not let Xia Minmin take advantage of her.

Xia Minmin laughed twice, "hehe", why didn't she realize that Xia Minmin is such a spineless person?

Unless he was crazy, he would never be able to listen to Xia Minmin's words?
"Since you are speaking so bluntly, then I don't mind listening to your blunt words. If you say, you are crazy, you will listen to me. So, do you need me to help you and make you completely Yes, go crazy?" What Xia Minmin said was not joking with Lu Meiqi.

Hearing this, Lu Meiqi opened her eyes wide, a look of panic flashed across her face...

Her footsteps couldn't help stepping back, but Lu Meiqi was very afraid that there was a door away, Xia Minmin would rush in regardless of everything, and punish Lu Meiqi severely, Xia Minmin used to treat Mu Nian like this The song is what she witnessed.

"You dare to touch me?"

"Why don't I move you?"

"You want to treat me the same way you treated Sister Niange? Aren't you afraid, once I go crazy, you have to pay twice, and it's a terrible price..." Lu Meiqi's eyes were red, she suppressed the emotions in her heart, and One word at a time, he said it to Xia Minmin fiercely.

In a word, treat me the way you treat Mu Niange.

It made Xia Minmin's complexion suddenly change...

How did Lu Meiqi know that the way Xia Minmin treated her was the way she treated Mu Niange?

Could it be that Mu Niange said something in front of Lu Meiqi? It seems that Mu Niange is nothing more than that, but Lu Meiqi knows it, which is equivalent to Lu Yanche, and he will soon know that when the time comes, this endgame, Xia Minmin wants to Packing it up, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

"Mu Niange told you all of this?"

"She told you that I threatened her, forced her, and threatened her?" Xia Minmin narrowed her eyes slightly, she asked, paused for a while, she was observing Lu Meiqi, and wanted to see clues from Lu Meiqi's body .

"Xia Minmin, are you afraid?" Lu Meiqi raised her head to the sky and laughed twice with a 'haha': "Afraid that if I tell you what I know, you will lose your foothold?"

"Lu Meiqi!" Xia Minmin emphasized her tone, and called out Lu Meiqi's name in a warning.

Lu Meiqi kept a cold face, completely ignoring Xia Minmin's warning: "I don't need to tell me about it, I just witnessed it with my own eyes. Six years ago, in this compound, what you did to Miss Niange I am very clear about everything, you think that your work is perfect, no one knows, let alone sees, but you are wrong, you have calculated thousands of times, and you have missed me!"

"I saw your viciousness in a place you couldn't see, your viciousness..."

(End of this chapter)

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