Chapter 176 Lu Meiqi Is Missing
Mu Niange thought, this interest is an opportunity to fight back against Xia Minmin. Lu Meiqi does not admit it, does not deny it. In Xia Minmin's view, it is equivalent to denying it. Mu Niange asked Lu Meiqi to come over to her ear. language.

Xia Minmin waited in the coffee shop for a full hour, but she didn't see Lu Meiqi coming out. She couldn't do anything, and checked the time over and over again with her mobile phone. A few people she had arranged in advance stood outside, facing her Cast a look why haven't you come yet?

Xia Minmin picked up the phone, found Lu Meiqi's number, and when she was about to dial it, Lu Meiqi walked out from inside. Seeing this, Xia Minmin put the phone away, stood up from her seat, and looked into Lu Meiqi's eyes. A cold look flashed in his eyes.

This is what Lu Meiqi asked for. Don't blame Xia Minmin for not reminding Lu Meiqi beforehand...

The sky was gradually getting dark, and after Xia Minmin finished what she was going to do, she returned home. She was sitting in her own courtyard, brewing a pot of scented tea, holding a plate of small snacks, and tasting there.

Her eyes looked towards the gate of Lu's house vaguely, watching Lu Yanche's figure coming in and out, a sense of tension spread in her heart, this was not the first time Xia Minmin did such a thing, but it was the first time Once, she did this to Lu Yanche's relatives.

The risk that Xia Minmin needs to take is very big, but if she doesn't try to gamble, she will only die...

Mu Niange got off work from the clinic at seven o'clock in the evening. She returned to the compound at eight o'clock. As soon as she got closer, she saw Lu Yanche, Ji Jingchen, Mu Yuanling, and even Mrs. Lu standing at the gate of the compound. , all stood there anxiously, as if waiting for something.

As soon as Mu Niange approached, before he could speak, Mrs. Lu stepped forward, grabbed Mu Niange's wrist and said, "Niange, have you seen Meiqi?"

When Mu Niange heard the words, his expression changed, and he subconsciously responded, "Meiqi hasn't come home yet?"

In a word, the eyes of Lu Yanche and others fell on Mu Niange, Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange with a serious face and said: "Meiqi is at home alone, I don't know when she went out, and she hasn't been here yet. Come back, call her, the response is to shut down..."

Lu Meiqi is not a person without measure.

She has very few friends, it can be said that she has none at all, and it is impossible for her to go out with anyone, go shopping, and leave the clinic at five o'clock sharply, so it stands to reason that Lu Meiqi should be home at six o'clock...

Mu Niange took out his mobile phone and called Lu Meiqi, it was really turned off...

Mu Niange's expression changed and her face turned ugly. She looked at Mrs. Lu and the others, and explained, "Meiqi came to the clinic to look for me at three o'clock, and left at five o'clock. I..."

In Mu Niange's heart, there was a deep sense of worry. In the past, Lu Yanche did not accompany Lu Meiqi, and Mu Niange would tell Lu Meiqi to text Mu Niange when he arrived, or call Mu Niange to tell Mu Niange, Now, without a reminder, Lu Meiqi disappeared?

Hearing what Mu Niange said, Mrs. Lu became even more anxious: "Ache, why don't we call the police, Meiqi has never been out alone for so long..."

"Mei Qi has only been away from home for a few hours. If you call the police, the police will not accept it. Let's look around now..." Mu Yuanling vetoed Mrs. Lu's words. As soon as he said it, everyone agreed and turned in all directions go forward.

While looking for it, Mu Niange was also preoccupied...

I only talked about Xia Minmin in the afternoon, but in the evening, something happened to Lu Meiqi?
Is there really such a coincidence?
Xia Minmin's method, Mu Niange has been taught before, she either does not do it, she must be ruthless if she does it, Lu Meiqi falls into Xia Minmin's hands, there will be no good results, Mu Niange now only hopes that it is not Xia Minmin , but Lu Meiqi forgot the time while playing in front of her.

Mu Niange made Lu Yanche very concerned. The last person who saw Lu Meiqi was Mu Niange. Mu Niange felt a little bit guilty in his heart. After Mu Niange left, he followed behind Mu Niange.

Mu Niange didn't need to look back, she knew that the person behind her was Lu Yanche, she exposed Lu Yanche, walked and called Lu Meiqi's name, Mu Niange searched all the streets, but couldn't find any trace of Lu Meiqi, she I became more anxious.

If it wasn't in the area of ​​the compound, where would it be?

Near the clinic?
As soon as the thought appeared in his mind, Mu Niange immediately ran towards the bus stop. Lu Yanche was startled by Mu Niange's sudden action, he quickly followed behind Mu Niange and said, "Niange, you are going to where?"

This time is not the time for Mu Niange and Lu Yanche to be awkward or quarreling.

Mu Niange glanced sideways at Lu Yanche, and replied truthfully: "Mei Qi left the clinic, maybe she might be waiting for me to get off work somewhere outside the clinic, but I left faster, she didn't Saw me, been waiting."

Mu Niange's words were comforting Lu Yanche and himself...

This is the only thing she can think of and say, otherwise, what can she do?
If Lu Meiqi really disappeared, Mu Niange would have to bear a great responsibility.

"I'll go with you." When Lu Yanche learned of Mu Niange's whereabouts, he didn't need to say anything, he just said something simple, together with Mu Niange, Mu Niange did not refuse, along the way, the whole For a few hours, Mu Niange remained silent, and Lu Yanche also remained silent.

Mu Niange watched carefully on the street where the bus was passing, to see if it was possible that Lu Meiqi appeared.

When he got to the clinic station, Mu Niange turned to face Lu Yanche and said, "There are five coffee shops here, two over there, and three over here. You can look for them over there. I'll look for them here. I found a phone number. If you can't find it, come back here and gather."

As soon as Mu Niange finished speaking, before Lu Yanche could respond, he turned around and walked towards the coffee shop...

While Lu Yanche and others were looking for Lu Meiqi's trace, Xia Minmin was still sitting in the back garden of her home, enjoying afternoon tea. Xia Youyou heard the news from Ji Jingchen and wanted to help find her. When she went out, she saw Xia Minmin The figure sitting there.

She didn't pay much attention to it, let alone Xia Minmin would look for it together.

She walked quickly towards the door, and just halfway there, she seemed to have thought of something, stopped and turned to look at Xia Minmin, and asked, "Xia Minmin, let me ask you, where did you go this afternoon?"

Where did Xia Minmin go in the afternoon, it was Xia Youyou's turn to ask?
Xia Minmin didn't even look at Xia Youyou, and continued to drink the scented tea in her hand...

(End of this chapter)

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