Chapter 178

"Meiqi..." Mrs. Lu uttered a crying voice from her throat. She walked forward slowly, squatted beside Lu Meiqi's hospital bed, and grabbed Lu Meiqi's hand: "My poor child , how could it be like this."

Mu Yuanling, Ji Jingchen, and Xia Youyou's expressions became serious.

Lu Yanche's face was very gloomy, and Mu Niange's face was very ugly. Her hands were clenched into fists. The last thing she wanted to see was such a scene.

What exactly happened to Lu Meiqi to become what she is now.

Mu Niange suppressed the emotions in her heart. She knew in her heart that Xia Minmin had nothing to do with this matter, but she never expected that she would do such a cruel thing to Lu Meiqi. Mu Niange hated and hated herself for being incapable. He failed to clean up Xia Minmin, and did not give Xia Minmin the actual proof, so Xia Minmin always thought that Mu Niange was just talking.

Mo Yunhao stood beside Lu Meiqi's bed and accompanied Lu Meiqi, seeing Mrs. Lu approaching, he stepped aside knowingly, his eyes fell on Mu Niange, seeing Mu Niange's expression was ugly, Like the clenched fists, Mo Yunhao felt equally uncomfortable.

Under the gaze of everyone, Mo Yunhao walked up to Mu Niange, Mo Yunhao blocked Mu Niange's sight, Mu Niange raised his head subconsciously, after seeing it, he remembered that it was Mo Yunhao who called to inform them, Lu Meiqi was here, Mu Niange reached out and grabbed Mo Yunhao's hand, and said anxiously: "Senior, where did you find Meiqi? And who sent Meiqi to the hospital? "

Mu Niange didn't explain the situation clearly to Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche didn't know that the person who reported to Mu Niange was Mo Yunhao. Hearing Mu Niange's question, Lu Yanche took a step forward, looked at Mo Yunhao and said, "This is what happened?"

Lu Yanche's low voice revealed some doubts...

It was an accident that Mo Yunhao bumped into Lu Meiqi.

Mo Yunhao didn't know Lu Meiqi who didn't leave the compound all the year round. When Mo Yunhao was going to the clinic to look for Mu Niange, he heard a sound coming from the alley, he walked in the direction of the sound, I saw three or four people, surrounded by Lu Meiqi, scolding Lu Meiqi and hitting Lu Meiqi at the same time.

Lu Meiqi pursed her lips, held her head in her hands, with a painful expression, and let them beat and insult her...

Such a scene reminded Mo Yunhao of Mu Niange. He stepped forward to help Lu Meiqi and took Lu Meiqi to the hospital. When he took out Lu Meiqi's mobile phone, he was about to call Lu Meiqi's wife At that time, he accidentally found Mu Niange's number, and Mo Yunhao dialed Mu Niange's number without the slightest hesitation, and then, this is the screen...

Mo Yunhao had absolutely no obligation to answer Lu Yanche's question.

He was helping Lu Meiqi, not hurting Lu Meiqi. Lu Yanche's unfriendly eyes and questioning words made Mo Yunhao's expression change slightly when he heard the words. He didn't even look at Lu Yanche, and took Mu Niange's hand, wanting To go towards the door.

Lu Yanche quickly reached out and grabbed Mu Niange's other wrist, his eyes were fixed on Mo Yunhao: "I'm asking you something, what's going on?"

Mo Yunhao's relationship with Lu Meiqi is something that Lu Yanche never dared to think about...

Besides, Mu Niange never took Lu Meiqi out alone.

Lu Yanche spoke to Mo Yunhao in such a tone that Mu Niange's brows subconsciously frowned, she shook off Lu Yanche's hand, and lightly opened her thin lips and said, "I am the person who called to inform you, senior. What's the situation, I'm the one who should tell, what's the use of being in a hurry?"

Mu Niange was clearly accusing Lu Yanche.

When Lu Yanche was thrown away by Mu Niange, he didn't show him any sympathy in front of Mu Yuanling and the others. His face darkened instantly, and the look in Mo Yunhao's eyes became more and more unkind, as if It seemed as if he wished he could take Mo Yunhao and go out to challenge him one-on-one!
Mu Yuanling understands Mu Niange...

Lu Yanche's entanglement like this will only affect Mu Niange's ability to understand the truth of the matter. Mu Yuanling stepped forward, put his hand on Lu Yanche's shoulder, pulled Lu Yanche aside and said, "In a while, Niange won't be kidnapped." What's more, the most important thing to understand and care about right now is Lu Meiqi's matter..."

Mo Yunhao and Mu Niange walked out of the ward smoothly. Mo Yunhao bought a bottle of hot drink for Mu Niange at the automatic vending machine. He held the hot drink in his hand, but Mu Niange's heart couldn't help it. Can't get warm.

Mu Niange even felt that his whole body was cold, this kind of cold was icy cold, from head to toe, he was barely shivering.

When Mu Niange was worried, concerned, nervous about something, or alone, she would feel very uneasy. She sat opposite Mo Yunhao, lowered her head, and the small movements of rubbing her fingers against the bottle made Mo Yunhao feel uneasy. Seeing it, Mo Yunhao stretched out his hand to touch Mu Niange's head, and comforted him: "Lu Meiqi suffered a skin injury, the doctor said that he will be fine after resting for a while, don't worry too much..."

What Mu Niange was worried about was not Lu Meiqi's physical injuries at all, but Lu Meiqi's inner injuries.

Mu Niange raised his head and forced a smile at Mo Yunhao: "Senior, where did Mei Qi happen to you?"

"Near the clinic where you work..."

Mu Niange's guess was indeed correct, but she didn't find Lu Meiqi because she went to everything later than Mo Yunhao, but at the same time, Mu Niange was thankful that Mo Yunhao appeared at that time, otherwise, she would I dare not imagine what is waiting for Lu Meiqi next.

"Who did it to Meiqi?"

The question Mu Niange asked may be redundant, because no matter who did it, Xia Minmin couldn't have done it himself...

However, Mu Niange couldn't help but wanted to ask, to ask clearly what happened.

Mo Yunhao withdrew the hand that was rubbing Mu Niange's head, his eyes deepened, he thought about the scene that happened at that time, and their insults to Lu Meiqi: "The four girls, the dress of the younger sister, when I arrived , Lu Meiqi has already been beaten like this, they are scolding Lu Meiqi for pretending to be arrogant and stealing someone's boyfriend..."

Mu Niange laughed "hehe" twice, there is really enough nonsense in this.

Mu Niange's eyes turned cold, and a sneering smile curled up on the corner of his lips: "Boyfriend, is it possible? This is just the reason they came here to beat Meiqi. When they are found out, they just say that someone is wrong. I want to do something!"

It's not that Mu Niange has never experienced such a thing, so she understands the details better than anyone else, and understands the feeling of being beaten and wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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