Chapter 181
Mo Yunhao shook off Xia Minmin's hand fiercely, and met Mo Yunhao's gaze coldly: "It seems that you really don't know how to write the word 'death'..."

"Of course I don't know how to write the word 'death', because that word doesn't suit me at all. On the contrary, it suits you very well. The more you don't want what I do, the more I go back to do it. Mu Niange is sad, you are sad, how about I make you sad to death? Anyway, in your heart, you must hope so, as long as you can do something for Mu Niange, you will be happy no matter what it is, right? "

Xia Minmin was thrown to the side by Mo Yunhao, she stood firm and did not waver...

Seeing Mo Yunhao's annoyed look, Xia Minmin was even happier. She stretched out her hand to pick up her hair, looked at Mo Yunhao again with provocative eyes and said, "You don't have to be so angry, I haven't used all my means. , when I really use it, I am afraid that you will cry and beg my mercy, hehehe..."

"You..." Mo Yunhao raised his hand, intending to slap Xia Minmin across the face.

Xia Minmin looked at Mo Yunhao's raised hand, the smile on his lips gradually subsided, and the rest was gloomy and cold...

Mo Yunhao's behavior reminded Xia Minmin of the scene when she was slapped by Lu Yanche in front of everyone in her swimming pool. The pain was not on the cheek, but in the heart, the pain in the heart, No one can understand, let alone understand, Mo Yunhao now, is he trying to make Xia Minmin recall the pain again?
"Want to hit me? Do it if you have the guts!" Xia Minmin was not frightened by Mo Yunhao's aura. She strode forward and approached Mo Yunhao more and more. Her powerful aura and arrogant words made Mo Yunhao Yunho's slap almost slapped him off.

However, when he was about to touch Xia Minmin's cheek, Mo Yunhao shook his hand away...

Xia Minmin looked at Mo Yunhao's throwing away hand, she didn't feel relieved, but she laughed at Mo Yunhao a little bit: "You are the most courageous man I have ever seen, and the man who does things the least straightforwardly, but That's right, if you slap me, I will get it back from Mu Niange, are wise."

"My time is very precious. In the future, if there is no important event, I hope you will not appear in front of me. After all, seeing you will remind me of the past, and I will go crazy if I am not careful. It's not certain that Lu Meiqi will do anything to Mu Niange." Once Xia Minmin's aura came up, no one could stop her, even she herself didn't expect that she had such guts to deal with Mo Yunhao like this ...

In the past, the object she dealt with was Mu Niange, and she didn't need to expend any effort at all.

Xia Minmin snorted coldly, turned around and walked into the courtyard. Mo Yunhao stood at the same spot, watching Xia Minmin's disappearing back, his hands clenched into fists, his heart was full of anger and unwillingness...

However, no matter what, if Mo Yunhao did one thing wrong, it will always be wrong. Xia Minmin has been grabbing him, how he treats Xia Minmin, in the end, Xia Minmin will fight back against Mo Yunhao, let Mo Yunhao Hao has nowhere to retreat.

Mo Yunhao's current weakness is Mu Niange...

When Xia Minmin returned to the compound, the wound on her palm was getting more and more painful. She kept cursing Mo Yunhao in secret, she is really an unlucky guy, he stepped in on Mu Niange's matter, Xia Minmin could understand, But with Lu Meiqi's matter, what does Mo Yunhao care about?

Could it be that just because Mu Niange would be sad, he couldn't wait to come to the compound and question her?teach her a lesson?
Mo Yunhao didn't even ask, insisting that it was Xia Minmin who did it. It seemed that he really knew Xia Minmin very well. However, the more Mo Yunhao knew Xia Minmin, the more Xia Minmin gradually felt uneasy. Wouldn't it be inconvenient for Xia Minmin to do other things in the future?
As Xia Minmin thought about it, her gloomy eyes instantly turned into viciousness...

When Xia Minmin stopped to think about something, she suddenly heard a commotion behind her. Her expression changed, and she immediately ran to the side, hiding behind a tree, watching Xia Youyou, Mrs. Lu get out of the car, and then, Ji Jingchen Also followed down.

Ji Jingchen didn't know what he said to Madam Lu, so he sat in the car and waited.

As for Mrs. Lu, she followed Xia Youyou all the way towards home.

Xia Minmin saw that Mrs. Lu's eyes were red. It seemed that she had just cried a lot. There were tears in the corners of her eyes. It seemed... Lu Meiqi was found and seriously injured. Otherwise, Mrs. Lu wouldn't be so sad of.

Xia Minmin could imagine how Lu Meiqi was injured. She carefully picked up her steps and followed behind them...

It was actually awkward for Xia Youyou to walk with Mrs. Lu.

It's a fact that she likes Lu Yanche, and it's also a fact that she hurt Mu Niange. I don't know how much Mrs. Lu knows about Xia Youyou, and I don't know what kind of image Xia Youyou has in Mrs. Lu's heart.

When we arrived at Lu's house, Xia Youyou comforted Mrs. Lu, then turned around and went back home...

Mrs. Lu entered the house, quickly packed some clothes and supplies for Lu Meiqi, and hurried out the door. As soon as she reached the door, she saw an anxious Xia Minmin coming up to her. She reached out and grabbed Mrs. Lu's hand , panting heavily, and when her breathing was over, she said, "Auntie, Meiqi...Have you found Meiqi?"

Xia Minmin grasped Mrs. Lu's hand very hard. As soon as she finished speaking, she frowned, and quickly withdrew her hand, holding one hand with the other, as if she was holding back something...

Mrs. Lu was startled by Xia Minmin's appearance. Seeing Xia Minmin's distressed appearance, she frowned, and looked at Xia Minmin's hand. Her palm was faintly exposed. Mrs. Lu saw faint blood stains. Qi thin lips, subconsciously asked: "What's going on with you?"

"Auntie, leave me alone, Meiqi, have you found Meiqi?" Xia Minmin shook her head, as if she was okay.

She questioned Lu Meiqi with an eager look...

Seeing that Xia Minmin cared so much about Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Lu softened her attitude towards Xia Minmin a little. She nodded and said, "I found it, it's in the hospital, but..."

Mrs. Lu said that she couldn't keep up, with a sad expression on her face, Xia Minmin knew in her heart that she didn't take Mrs. Lu's words, but patted her chest, as if she was relieved, and said: "That's good, then Well, just find it..."

"You... did this when you were looking for Meiqi?"

(End of this chapter)

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