Chapter 190 Who is Crazy than Who
In the next few days, not only Mu Niange often came to visit Lu Meiqi, but also Xia Minmin visited Lu Meiqi more often...

When Lu Meiqi saw Xia Minmin, she was quite emotional. She even picked up the pillow on the bed and threw it at Xia Minmin. In front of Lu Yanche, Mu Niange, and Madam Lu, Xia Minmin could only let Lu Meiqi hit her For herself, she picked up the pillow that fell on her body and fell on the ground, and approached Lu Meiqi aggrievedly: "Meiqi, I am just worried about you and want to come and see you. If you don't welcome me, I can leave right away, and your illness has only slightly improved, so don't get too excited."

Lu Meiqi didn't care what Xia Minmin said...

Xia Minmin approached, and Lu Meiqi slapped Xia Minmin's arm with a loud 'slap'. Xia Minmin frowned in pain, and almost slapped Lu Meiqi back...

Xia Minmin's eyes were red, and tears were rolling in her eyes. She covered her arms and stepped back.

While Xia Minmin was being cleaned up by Lu Meiqi, Lu Yanche and Mu Niange watched coldly from the side. Mrs. Lu saw it and wanted to stop Lu Meiqi, but also saw that Lu Meiqi was in a bad mood. Patted Xia Minmin's shoulder as a sign of comfort: "Minmin, don't take it to heart..."

Lu Meiqi's behavior is the same as when Xia Minmin came to visit Lu Meiqi many years ago.

Mrs. Lu is not surprising at all, the only thing she can do is to comfort Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin came to visit Lu Meiqi, which proved that Xia Minmin has intentions. How could Mrs. Lu drive Xia Minmin away?

Xia Minmin forced a smile at Mrs. Lu and nodded. She looked at Lu Meiqi with a hint of cruelty in her eyes when Mrs. Lu couldn't see it. It seemed that Lu Meiqi was really bad. Under such circumstances, she can't do anything to Lu Meiqi, so... Lu Meiqi treats herself so blatantly?

During Lu Meiqi's hospitalization, the closest person was Mu Niange besides Mu Niange...

Sometimes, when Mrs. Lu asked Lu Meiqi something, Lu Meiqi might not even tell Mrs. Lu, only when Mu Niange asked, Lu Meiqi would answer.

Xia Minmin saw these things in her eyes, and a plot secretly formed in her heart. Combined with her performance in front of Mrs. Lu in the past few days, Xia Minmin believed that as long as she said it, Mrs. Lu would definitely believe it.

On the day Lu Meiqi was discharged from the hospital...

Mu Yuanling, Ji Jingchen, Xia Youyou and others all came.

Lu Yanche, Ji Jingchen went to help Lu Meiqi go through the discharge procedures, and Mu Yuanling accompanied Mrs. Lu to pack up and salute Lu Meiqi.

Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi were in the garden, waiting for Lu Yanche and others to come out. Xia Youyou stood not far away, looking at Lu Meiqi and Mu Niange sitting together. In fact, Lu Meiqi was willing to get close to Mu Niange, not for nothing Reasonable.

Compared to Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou, and Mu Niange, they are thousands of times better than them, ten thousand times...

Xia Minmin looked at Xia Youyou and Mu Niange, and Lu Meiqi's eyes gradually became envious. She curled her lips and smiled sarcastically: "Sister, what kind of eyes are you? Could it be that you are envious of the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi? "

"But yes, you should be envious. Thinking back, if you had such a relationship with Lu Meiqi, Lu Yanche would not be so harsh on you. However, things have passed for so long. It's not that you want to change, so you can changed……"

Xia Minmin narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at Mu Niange, an unpredictable look flashed in Lu Meiqi's eyes.

Everything she said to Xia Youyou hurt Xia Youyou...

Hearing this, Xia Youyou looked away from Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi. She glanced at Xia Minmin, and responded with a smile instead of anger: "Are you envious of Mu Niange's relationship with Lu Meiqi, or am I envious?"

"You have a vicious heart. What happened to Lu Meiqi this time has nothing to do with you. I really admire how you dare to appear in front of Lu Meiqi so blatantly. Aren't you afraid that Lu Meiqi is not happy? Tell Lu Yanche about your crime?"

"That day, at the gate of Lu's house, you almost killed Lu Meiqi."

"My crime?" Xia Minmin's face turned cold, and she responded disdainfully: "What evidence do you have to prove that I did what happened to Lu Meiqi? Don't you give Lu Meiqi bad luck, just happened to encounter such a thing? Let's talk , That day at the gate of Lu's house, Lu Meiqi didn't say anything about the fact that I pinched Lu Meiqi's neck. What's your turn to worry about? If Lu Meiqi wants to say something, why wait until now? Lu Meiqi has always been timid and dare not provoke right and wrong, I will do it Such a thing happened, and such a consequence was expected, sister... Do you want to see my jokes, or do you think that if you get rid of me, there is still a little hope between you and Lu Yanche?"

Lu Yanche...

It's Lu Yanche again...

In Xia Minmin's eyes, the purpose of what Xia Youyou said to Xia Minmin could never be separated from these three words.

Not everyone is like Xia Minmin, it must be Lu Yanche.

From the day she chose to give up, Lu Yanche slowly disappeared in Xia Youyou's heart. Now, when Xia Youyou saw Lu Yanche, she didn't even feel the slightest bit...

Xia Youyou couldn't bear to see that while Xia Minmin was killing Mu Niange, she also killed Lu Meiqi. It was precisely because Lu Meiqi only loved Mu Niange, was only close to Mu Niange, and only talked to Mu Niange, Xia Minmin was heartbroken. Jealousy made Lu Meiqi pay for what she did.

"Whether there is hope between me and Lu Yanche is not up to you, let alone under your control. I just want to remind you that what you do is what you do, and one day, you will be rewarded." You deserve retribution, regardless of whether you did what happened to Lu Meiqi this time, you'd better pray that you will be safe and sound, and if you are in a hurry, you will jump over the wall, let alone a human being?"

"Tell me, Mu Niange is more crazy when he is crazy, or you are more crazy when he is crazy?"

Xia Youyou laughed twice "hehe", and after giving Xia Minmin the last warning, she tossed her hair and disappeared from Xia Minmin's eyes...

Xia Minmin's expression darkened after Xia Youyou's few words...

Xia Youyou deliberately wants to embarrass Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou reminds Xia Minmin all the time, Xia Minmin's ugliness, Xia Minmin's sins, in fact, not only Xia Youyou thinks about it, Xia Minmin also wants to know, she is the one who went crazy, Still, Mu Niange went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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