Chapter 196 Video
Lu Yanche clenched his fists, suppressing the anger in his heart. He looked at the four girls coldly, and asked, "What else did she ask you to do?"

" more..." Maybe they were frightened by Lu Yanche's aura, the girls stammered in response: "We just...just bullied Lu Meiqi..."

"What is it, just?" Yang Zhishuang became displeased when she heard such words, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and pulled up the hair of the girl who just spoke: "Tell me again, what is it, you are just bullying Lu Meiqi? Do you really think there is no one behind Lu Meiqi, easy to bully?"

Yang Zhishuang pulled her hair so hard that the girl was about to shed tears from being pulled by Yang Zhishuang...

Mu Niange grabbed Yang Zhishuang's arm, and signaled Yang Zhishuang to stop what she was doing. Yang Zhishuang let go of her hand in dissatisfaction, and stepped aside to watch.

Lu Qingge took out his phone from his bag, clicked on the video, and said to the four embarrassed girls who were being dealt with by Yang Zhishuang: "I ask you, is it a person named Xia Minmin who gave you benefits so that you can treat her well?" Lu Meiqi did it..."

They don't know what Mu Niange wants to do, but there is no doubt that Mu Niange wants to leave evidence. Although they are very reluctant, the four girls always answer for Yang Zhishuang's sake: " yes."

"You guys also bullied Lu Meiqi seven or eight years ago? Xia Minmin also gave you benefits and asked you to do it?"


"If you dare to touch Lu Meiqi's hair again, don't blame us for being rude to you!" Mu Niange took back the phone, clicked save, and warned the four girls with a cold face. Just as the words fell, She turned around and walked out of the alley first.

Yang Zhishuang followed closely behind, and Lu Yanche was the slowest to come out...

Yang Zhishuang watched Mu Niange walk out of the alley, and sent the video she just shot into a text message. Yang Zhishuang frowned, no need to ask, everyone knew who Mu Niange sent it to .

Knowing the truth, wouldn't it be too cheap for Mu Niange to let Xia Minmin go so easily?
"Niange, you can hand over this video to the police for in-depth investigation. Malicious behavior will be punished by law!" Yang Zhishuang wished to kill Xia Minmin until she was killed. ...

However, Mu Niange's thoughts are different from Yang Zhishuang's.

Mu Niange didn't respond to Yang Zhishuang immediately, but waited for Lu Yanche behind her to come to her side, she turned to look at Lu Yanche and said, "This video, if you need it, I can send it to you."

Mu Niange took the initiative to talk about this video, which is of no use to Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche knew that it was Xia Minmin who did it, so he just had to insist on Xia Minmin, so that Xia Minmin had no way to defend himself. Although he didn't know why Mu Niange did this suddenly, and why he suddenly asked, Lu Yanche still shook his head subconsciously, responding to Mu Niange .

Mu Niange nodded with experience, "You can treat Xia Minmin in your own way, and I also have my own way. Don't mention anything about me in front of Xia Minmin. I don't want you to treat Xia Minmin in your way. At the same time, Xia Minmin will think that you are actually helping me, for a hateful and hateful person like Xia Minmin, what do you think is the reason for targeting her?"

Mu Niange's casual words, followed by a casual rhetorical question, expressed his intentions...

Whether it was in the past or now, Xia Minmin's targeting of Mu Niange was all due to Lu Yanche. No matter what Lu Yanche did to Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin would think that it was Lu Yanche taught by Mu Niange, or it was Mu Nian What Ge said in front of Lu Yanche caused Lu Yanche to be so extreme and ruthless when facing Xia Minmin.

What happened to Lu Meiqi is the best lesson...

Mu Niange used Lu Yanche to take revenge on Xia Minmin, and Xia Minmin used Lu Meiqi to take revenge on Mu Niange, but at the same time, he casually took revenge on Lu Yanche, and even used Madam Lu...

Xia Minmin's approach is to kill three birds with one stone, with clever means, which is really beyond what ordinary people can do.

What reason does Lu Yanche need? Only Lu Yanche knows in his heart. Seeing that Mu Niange is so eager to get rid of Lu Yanche, there is no reason for Mu Niange. Lu Yanche tried to understand Mu Niange, from the perspective of Mu Niange, Thinking about things for Mu Niange.

But why, upon hearing Mu Niange's request, Lu Yanche felt a twinge of pain in his heart...

Lu Yanche wanted to solve all the troubles for Mu Niange, but on the contrary, the more he helped, the harder he treated Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin's way of responding became more and more tough. When one came, Lu Yanche had to be rude to Xia Minmin manner.

"Okay." Lu Yanche's deep eyes focused on Mu Niange, he was silent for a while, and responded to Mu Niange with one word.

Madam Lu's obvious refusal of Xia Minmin made Xia Minmin very upset. She originally thought that as long as she used tricks to make Madam Lu stand by her side, it would not be a simple matter for Mu Niange to enter the Lu family's gate. thing.

Mu Niange slapped Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin bullied Mu Niange, so it was a tie between them?
If Mrs. Lu knew that Mu Niange didn't actually slap Xia Minmin, that slap was done by Lu Yanche, would Mrs. Lu let Xia Minmin come back after being bullied by Mu Niange, so that it would be considered a tie between them?

In the next few days, when Xia Minmin went to Lu's house again, Mrs. Lu blocked the door and refused to let her in. Even the things she took were refused by Mrs. Lu to come back. She was surprised, and Lu Madam's change of attitude was too quick. Xia Minmin finally understood when Xia Minmin stood in her room and looked across to Lu Meiqi's room. Unfortunately, she met Lu Meiqi's gaze.

Everything is just a trick of Lu Meiqi behind the scenes...

The only person who can make Lu Meiqi do this is Mu Niange, besides Mu Niange, this damned Mu Niange is haunted everywhere!

Xia Minmin swept off all the cosmetics on the dressing table, she had an angry face, the phone heard a 'ding' sound, she took out the phone and looked, the screen showed that the letter was from Mu Niange, Xia Minmin ticked Lips, with a sarcasm, what kind of text message would Mu Niange send to herself at this time?
Xia Minmin clicked on the message, it was a video, after Xia Minmin finished watching the video, her entire face turned black!

(End of this chapter)

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