Chapter 198 I Can't Help You

As soon as Xia Minmin sat down, she heard Mo Yunhao's words. She couldn't explain it, it was a lie. She glanced at the waiter and said, "Give me a glass of lemonade..."

The waiter responded and stepped back. Xia Minmin found a comfortable position, crossed her legs, looked at Mo Yunhao on the opposite side and said, "I didn't expect you to be so petty that you wouldn't even buy me a cup of coffee. Say, If the target was Mu Niange, would you order all the most expensive dishes in the restaurant and let Mu Niange try them all?"

"Mo Yunhao, every time I see you, I have a different opinion of you. It's beyond my expectation that you protect Mu Niange and like Mu Niange to this extent..."

"You asked me out to talk nonsense with me? You can keep these nonsense, and slowly say to you in the mirror, I don't have time, I'm wasting it here with you..." Mo Yunhao hooked Lips, with a sarcasm smile, he didn't give Xia Minmin any sympathy, got up, and wanted to leave.

Seeing the way Mo Yunhao got up, Xia Minmin's eyes turned cold, and the smile on the corners of her lips gradually subsided: "You really don't know how to give me any face, and I don't know how I used to like you so much." A dog, asked you to help me do this? So now, you know how to let it go and bite me..."

Xia Minmin turned over old accounts, not just joking with Mo Yunhao...

Opening and shutting the word 'dog', he didn't treat Mo Yunhao as a human being at all.

Mo Yunhao turned his head to look at Xia Minmin, he nodded, picked up the water on the table, and splashed it fiercely on Xia Minmin's face, the smile on Xia Minmin's lips froze, this scene attracted attracted the attention of many people.

Ji Jingchen and Xia Youyou just sat down and saw such a scene. They looked at each other, but couldn't understand what was going on...

After Mo Yunhao finished splashing on Xia Minmin, he sat back to his seat and smiled. He looked at Xia Minmin with a fake smile, and said, "You lack education. Just now, I taught you a lesson. Xia Minmin, don't forget. I am the one who dares to fight with you, and if I say such a thing again, I can't predict what I will do to you."

Water dripped down from Xia Minmin's cheeks and wet Xia Minmin's clothes. Xia Minmin took out a few tissues and wiped her face. She looked at Mo Yunhao, her eyes became fierce: "You can do it!" ,you are awesome……"

After Xia Minmin praised Mo Yunhao, she glanced at the people who were looking at her. Those people were frightened by Xia Minmin's eyes, and they all looked away...

"I'm not talking nonsense with you, there is one thing you must do for me!"

"Ask Mu Niange to come out and help me delete some things in Mu Niange's phone..." Xia Minmin took out a file bag from her bag while talking. There was a sum of money in the file bag. Put it on the table, handed it to Mo Yunhao and said: "I didn't let you do things for nothing, this is your reward, and I will give you some more after the work is done."

When Mo Yunhao heard Xia Minmin mention Mu Niange, his expression became colder...

Xia Minmin is a **** who can't be changed by a dog, whenever she asks Mo Yunhao for something, she always has something to do with Mu Niange...

Wanting him to delete some things on Mu Niange's phone, and even offering him a reward, Xia Minmin really took himself too seriously, and Mo Yunhao too seriously.

Seeing Mo Yunhao's indifferent look, Xia Minmin couldn't help but said: "I hate that I don't give you enough money? Mo Yunhao, don't forget that you did things for me in the same way back then, and now you don't want anything? This doesn't mean Do you want to break with me?"


When will things get better between Mo Yunhao and Xia Minmin?
Mo Yunhao was forced to do things for Xia Minmin back then, but Xia Minmin asked Mo Yunhao to do something like that, tied Mu Niange to a strange place, and then threw him into a dark room , and the rest, even if Mo Yunhao didn't ask, he knew exactly what Xia Minmin wanted to do...

Xia Minmin's heart can be as cruel as it wants...

Mo Yunhao couldn't predict it. Mo Yunhao really wanted to know how the following things would progress, but he never dared to ask. He felt ashamed of Mu Niange in his heart, so that when Mu Niange left, he Using her own method, she followed Mu Niange's footsteps, and secretly helped Mu Niange as compensation.

Mo Yunhao put his hands on the table, and knocked on the table. He looked at Xia Minmin, raised his thin lips lightly and said, "What do you want me to delete from the phone that read songs?"

When Xia Minmin heard Mo Yunhao's response, a coolness flashed in her eyes, but she didn't show it clearly, she stepped forward softly, and said in a low voice: "I want you to delete a video from Mu Niange's phone, With the relationship between you and Mu Niange, it is not difficult for you to get her mobile phone, and she trusts you so much..."

One thing, Xia Minmin was right.

Mu Niange believed in Mo Yunhao so much, it was so easy for Mo Yunhao to get something from Mu Niange...

The question is whether Mo Yunhao wants to or not.

Like Xia Minmin, Mo Yunhao leaned forward and said in a low voice: "The video is about you? About you, how can you bully Lu Meiqi? Xia Minmin, you don't dare to do it, do you? Why didn't you think that you would be discovered when you did such a thing?"

Mo Yunhao's words are stimulating Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin dared to do it, of course she didn't dare to be it. If she was found out, how would she gain a foothold in this compound...

Xia Minmin tried to ignore Mo Yunhao's words: "Don't talk so much nonsense, in a word, can you help me? If you don't help me, the secret between you and me will most likely be known by Mu Niange tomorrow."

Mo Yunhao let out a 'huh', picked up the file bag on the table, threw it back to Xia Minmin with a 'bang' and said, "If Mu Niange wants me to delete any videos from your phone, I'll be fine." Not to mention, I will help Mu Niange directly, but it is a pity that the person is you, I feel disgusted even thinking of helping you, do you really think that money can solve everything?"

"You have been talking about that matter all the time, thinking of threatening me all the time, you have a kind, you go and say it, it's okay, I'm not afraid at all, the person who should be afraid is you, when the time comes, cry and shout The person who will be caught will only be you, not me..."

As soon as Mo Yunhao finished speaking, he didn't take a look at Xia Minmin, got up, and walked towards the door of the restaurant!
Xia Minmin was trembling from Mo Yunhao's anger...

(End of this chapter)

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