Chapter 223 You Owe Me
Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange's wound, and his eyes flashed distressed. He rubbed Mu Niange's finger with his fingers very lightly and gently.

A crisp and numb feeling attacked Mu Niange...

Her body froze, she sat on the sofa, and let Lu Yanche's actions, such an intimate action, such an intimate tone, made Mu Niange want to respond to Lu Yanche, but she didn't know how to respond...

Lu Yanche did not directly respond to Mu Niange's question, but asked about Mu Niange's wound, whether it hurt or not.

Mu Niange wasn't made of iron, so how could he not feel pain?
In addition, Xia Minmin's attack was so ruthless, Mu Niange was fortunate that she was blackened by Yang Zhishuang by Yang Zhishuang's side, and had learned all of Yang Zhishuang's tricks, otherwise, the person who was beaten on the ground would have It must be Mu Niange.

Mu Niange was rubbed by Lu Yanche for a while, then silently withdrew his hand.

She looked away unnaturally, not looking at Lu Yanche: "Don't you see clearly?"


Lu Yanche saw it clearly and to the point, but what Mu Niange said was different...

Lu Yanche didn't expect that the first thing Mu Niange said to him was not to tell him coquettishly that she was hurt by Xia Minmin, but to tell Lu Yanche that she had changed, she was no longer the previous Mu Niange, She used Lu Yanche to repay the harm Xia Minmin caused her.

to be frank……

Lu Yanche should feel lucky.

Because of Mu Niange, he finally understood how to protect himself.

The corner of Lu Yanche's lips curled up, as if he was in a good mood.

"What I saw was Mu Niange who was enduring his own pain!" Lu Yanche got up, went to the kitchen, and poured a glass of water for Mu Niange.

Mu Niange said a lot to Xia Minmin, her throat was dry, she spoke to Lu Yanche, her voice was a bit hoarse, Lu Yanche didn't hand the water glass to Mu Niange, but directly to Mu Niange's lips, Let Mu Niange drink it down.

What's different about Lu Yanche?
Unable to resist, Mu Niange opened his mouth and took a few sips.

When Mu Niange finished drinking, Lu Yanche pointed at the place where Mu Niange just drank, and swept away the quilt in the water glass.

Mu Niange's face turned red all of a sudden. This was an indirect kiss with Lu Yanche. Mu Niange was annoyed and angry. Lu Yanche clearly did it on purpose. She stared at Lu Yanche, wanting to reprimand Lu Yanche for something. Looking at Lu Yanche's innocent face, Mu Niange swallowed the words that came to his lips abruptly.

"you can go now."

Mu Niange casually picked up the magazine on the table and read it.

If I stay with Lu Yanche any longer, Mu Niange is really worried that Lu Yanche will do something unexpected by Mu Niange...

Lu Yanche wanted to leave, but looking at Mu Niange, he always felt reluctant.

Yesterday was a change for Lu Yanche, a brand new beginning between him and Mu Niange, even though Mu Niange started them with such an opening, but Lu Yanche didn't mind at all!
Lu Yanche sighed inwardly.

He didn't stand up immediately and walked towards the door, but stared at Mu Niange for a long time, then he opened his thin lips and said, "It's you who are always talking, if you ask again, you I haven't responded to the questions you asked, so you can't wait to drive me away?"

Lu Yanche deliberately emphasized the word 'drive away'!

Hearing this, Mu Niange glanced at Lu Yanche and ignored it.

Lu Yanche lowered his head, stared at Mu Niange's hand and said, "Niange, I'm very happy..."

Mu Niange's expression changed.

Being used by Mu Niange, Lu Yanche actually felt happy?
The unprecedented answer made Mu Niange sneer in his heart. What kind of response will Lu Yanche give next?
"You can use me to prove that I am valuable in your heart!" Lu Yanche looked sad, thinking of the scene of being ignored and ignored by Mu Niange for several months, his heart is not painless, but so what if it hurts ?

Isn't everything caused by Lu Yanche himself?
"In the past, Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou used me to hurt you indirectly. There are some things that I know, but I didn't say anything about them. There are some things that I don't know, but they got worse. The pain they gave you has long been yours." Mental illness, I don't care about it, it makes you sicker, every wound heals, there will be a scar there."

"I think, I don't have the ability to completely heal your scar, but I want to say..."

"You can transfer this scar in your heart to other people, such as Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou, or me. I will definitely pay you back what I owe you. I have no ability to pay it back at once. You, so, I can only pay in installments."

"You are kind to me, making me narcissistically think that you actually care about me!"

"I can be used by you, unconditionally, even if you use me to hurt Xia Minmin, it doesn't matter..."

As long as Mu Niange is happy, to Lu Yanche, everything else is just floating clouds.

Lu Yanche believes that this is the beginning for Mu Niange. In the future, Xia Minmin will be dealt with even worse by Mu Niange. I don't understand why Mu Niange suddenly became enlightened. I'm glad.

Mu Niange listened quietly, silently...

During the whole process, Mu Niange didn't refute Lu Yanche's words.

After Lu Yanche finished speaking, Lu Yanche's words were still spinning in Mu Niange's mind.

Lu Yanche owed Mu Niange more than these?
Mu Niange's plan from the beginning was to use Lu Yanche to deal with Xia Minmin. It is a good thing that Lu Yanche has such an awareness, lest Lu Yanche will turn around and blame Mu Niange in the future.

"Ha ha……"

Mu Niange smiled softly: "Whether I care about you or not is not up to you, but to me. Lu Yanche, please remember, these words are what you said yourself, and you owe them to me." , I can't do a one-time repayment, I allow you to pay in installments!"

Mu Niange's strength lies in his ability to handle many things silently.

Lu Yanche was not the first example Yang Zhishuang saw, but it was the most successful example Yang Zhishuang saw.

Watching Mu Niange get off Lu Yanche's car, Lu Yanche helped Mu Niange carry the schoolbag, and escorted Mu Niange into the entrance of the academy, Yang Zhishuang's eyes were about to drop.

But within three days, what happened during this time, Yang Zhishuang really wanted to know.

Yang Zhishuang snatched the backpack from Lu Yanche's hand, looked at Lu Yanche vigilantly and said, "Did you give Nian Ge the ecstasy?"

(End of this chapter)

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