Chapter 227

How could Mu Niange know the ups and downs in Lu Yanche's heart...

Mu Niange wasn't surprised at all. Lu Yanche did that to Xia Youyou. That time, at Mu's house, Xia Youyou forced herself and caused her illness to flare up. She saw what Lu Yanche did to Xia Youyou. In the eyes, however, those are not enough to impress Mu Niange.

What to say?
What you have missed, you want to recover, that is not an easy thing.

What Lu Yanche did in front of Mu Niange, Mu Niange understood that it was after the fact that Lu Yanche wanted to confess to Mu Niange.

There was not much emotion on Mu Niange's face, it seemed that Xia Youyou's words were not enough to impress Mu Niange: "If you want me to say, you deserved to be treated like that by Lu Yanche, don't tell me, then Didn't you deserve it? Then, you were treated like that by Lu Yanche, and Xia Minmin was safe and sound, which can only prove that you are so stupid. "

"As for what you said, I owe Lu Yanche a reason to leave? I suddenly realized that you are really ridiculous..."

"If I hadn't left, Lu Yanche would have realized the importance of me in her heart? How could you have ended up like this today?" Mu Niange pursed his lips, and said unhurriedly.

While mocking Xia Youyou, while laughing at Xia Youyou.

Everything Mu Niange did was correct, no one can blame Mu Niange, because none of them are qualified!

"Mu Niange, your heart has become iron!" Xia Youyou suppressed the anger in her heart, being ridiculed by Mu Niange, being laughed at by Mu Niange, it doesn't matter, as long as Mu Niange doesn't hurt Lu Yanche, use Lu Yanche , that is enough.

"I don't want to continue communicating with you. Anyway, no matter what I say, you won't listen to me. I would like to advise you in the end, you'd better stop and stop using Lu Yanche, otherwise, you will definitely regret it! "

Want Mu Niange to stop?

This is the funniest joke Mu Niange has heard so far today.

Even if he made a move, Mu Niange didn't want to stop, unless Mu Niange was gone in this compound, or Xia Minmin was gone: "I'll stop, will Xia Minmin stop? I stopped before I ensured that Xia Minmin would stop, doesn't that mean giving Xia Minmin a second chance to hurt me?"

"My IQ is not on the same level as yours!"

After Xia Youyou left, Lu Yanche quickly came to Mu Niange. Mu Niange talked a lot to Xia Youyou, and her mouth was a little dry. She walked towards Mu's house without saying a word. Song's silence means that Mu Niange has something to do...

Lu Yanche frowned, looked at the direction Xia Youyou was leaving, his eyes flashed coldly, he quickly followed behind Mu Niange, asked Mu Niange: "Niange, Xia Youyou told you what?"

Should Mu Niange tell Lu Yanche that Xia Youyou was protecting Lu Yanche the whole time?

If Mu Niange said it, would Lu Yanche be grateful to Xia Youyou?

Mu Niange thought, there shouldn't be any. On the contrary, Lu Yanche would accuse Xia Youyou of being nosy, so Mu Niange chose to remain silent, chose not to mention it, that was the correct choice...

When Mu Niange reached the door of Mu's house, she turned around, faced Lu Yanche and said, "You can go back."

There was no emotion mixed in Mu Niange's words...

This kind of Mu Niange, in Lu Yanche's opinion, is abnormal. Lu Yanche's eyebrows furrowed further and further away. He wanted to ask Mu Niange, but saw that Mu Niange turned around and walked straight away without waiting for Lu Yanche's response. After entering the house, he didn't even look at Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche was very frustrated.

During this period of time, he thought that his image in Mu Niange's heart had changed, but unexpectedly, it was just him making himself sentimental.

Mu Niange is not a heartless person.

She used to like Lu Yanche so much, cared so much about Lu Yanche, when she heard about Lu Yanche, she didn't care on her face, but she cared very much in her heart. She didn't show it, because she didn't want anyone to see her flaws and expose her flaws. mind.

Mu Niange returned to Mu's house and walked towards his room. The moment the door of the room closed, Mu Niange fell to the ground.

Her hands covered her chest, and her chest felt a little uncomfortable. It was not a taste...

Xia Youyou, a person who said she would give up on Lu Yanche, said such things in front of Mu Niange, what did she mean, and what kind of feelings did she have for Lu Yanche?

Could it be that Mu Niange really did something wrong?
She shouldn't have treated Lu Yanche like that. To deal with Xia Minmin, she wanted to use other methods?

Mu Niange's gaze fell on a box on the bedside, which contained memories about her and Lu Yanche, year after year, all the memories up to now!
Mu Niange didn't believe that Xia Minmin would stop, neither did Lu Yanche, and even more so did Lu Meiqi.

Knowing that Mu Niange went to Xia's house and cleaned up Xia Minmin, Lu Meiqi applauded secretly in her heart. Although she hadn't been alone with Mu Niange for a while, every time she looked at her from a distance, she would see The scene where Mu Niange and Lu Yanche walked side by side...

Lu Meiqi was secretly happy in her heart, it seemed that good things for Lu Yanche and Mu Niange were coming soon.

When Lu Meiqi saw Lu Yanche, she didn't forget to tease Lu Yanche. Who would have thought that Lu Yanche didn't even look at Lu Meiqi, and walked past Lu Meiqi directly. Lu Meiqi looked surprised, thinking that Lu Yanche couldn't afford to joke, and I didn't take it to heart.

The weather is rare, and Lu Meiqi is also in a good mood.

When she was about to go to the clinic to look for Mu Niange, she bumped into Xia Minmin who she hadn't seen for a long time. Lu Meiqi was startled and stopped her steps. Then, she swallowed her breath and mustered up the courage to walk up.

Why is she guilty in front of Xia Minmin?

Xia Minmin made a mistake, she has to bear the consequences for her mistake, Lu Meiqi is just a victim, behind the victim, there is protection!

In a word, Xia Minmin deserved it.

Lu Meiqi left the compound and walked slowly behind Xia Minmin. She didn't want to surpass Xia Minmin, nor did she want to say a word to Xia Minmin, but Lu Meiqi didn't want to, it didn't mean Xia Minmin didn't want to.

Xia Minmin felt someone walking behind her, and when she turned her head, she saw Lu Meiqi.

Surprisingly, she smiled at Lu Meiqi...

Lu Meiqi was very uncomfortable at Xia Minmin's smile, she stopped and stood where she was, motionless.

Xia Minmin was used to Lu Meiqi's submissive appearance, and didn't take Lu Meiqi's actions seriously. She walked up, approached Lu Meiqi, and stopped three steps away from Lu Meiqi.

(End of this chapter)

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