Chapter 229 Not So Competent

Xia Minmin was talking, showing a panicked look, trembling, sitting on a chair, not daring to move...

While Xia Minmin was talking, Mu Niange's eyes turned cold a little bit. The moment Xia Minmin walked in, Mu Niange should have known that Xia Minmin was here to find fault, and that seeing a doctor was just Xia Minmin's excuse .

Everything Xia Minmin said was what happened recently.

It's just that the person who was pushed into the water by a woman was Mu Niange, not Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin's scheming can be said to be understood, and it can be said to be powerful. He directly transformed the object into himself, and let Mu Niange become the villain.

Mu Niange's hand holding the pen remained motionless...

Xia Minmin seemed terrified, but in fact, her eyes had been on Mu Niange all the time. She was observing Mu Niange, seeing how Mu Niange would react, watching Mu Niange's cold Eyes, Xia Minmin secretly smiled in her heart.

After Xia Minmin told the whole story, she kept panting.

There was light sweat on her forehead, she looked at Mu Niange, and tentatively said: "Niange, what disease do you think I have? Is it serious? Will there be sequelae, or, Are you mentally ill like you and Meiqi?"

After Xia Minmin finished testing, she became nervous again: "If I really become like you and Lu Meiqi, I'd rather die."

"However, it's not without benefits to become like you. At the very least, the people around me will give in to me and won't do excessive things to me. Otherwise, I'll get sick, so what should I do? After all, I got sick, not ordinary madness."

Xia Minmin smiled softly.

There was a hint of amusement in her words.

With a 'snap', Mu Niange put the pen in her hand on the table, stood up from her seat, and walked towards the door...

Xia Minmin's gaze followed Mu Niange's movements.

Mu Niange opened the door of the office, turned his head and said to Xia Minmin expressionlessly: "Your illness can only be cured by a mental hospital, you can go!"

Mental hospital?

Xia Minmin let out a 'puchi' laugh. She turned the chair and faced Mu Niange. She raised her legs, raised her eyebrows, and said provocatively: "My illness is really only in mental hospitals. It can be cured, or is it simply because you are incompetent, from my symptoms, I can't diagnose and cure any reason..."

"Niange, you really let me down, I thought you were amazing."

Xia Minmin sighed, and the disappointment gradually appeared on his face, and he did not hide it!

Mu Niange stood at the door of the office, did not respond to Xia Minmin, she looked away from Xia Minmin, it seemed that as long as Xia Minmin did not leave, Mu Niange would not say another word.

Xia Minmin has been fighting with Mu Niange for so many years, how could it be possible that she doesn't understand Mu Niange's temperament?

Tired of playing, enough of playing...

Xia Minmin naturally had to leave.

She stood up, straightened the clothes on her body, and said casually: "Well, you don't have the ability. It's useless for me to stay here."

Xia Minmin walked towards the door while talking, she didn't rush out of the office, but listened to Mu Niange, turned around and faced Mu Niange again: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, I should Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have realized that health is so important to me."

"That day, after you took Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling away, I locked myself in the room and thought about it for a long time..."

"I was thinking, what's the use of me continuing to torture myself? Lu Yanche won't look at me, I'll be your joke, even Xia Youyou looks down on me..."

"Over time, all of you will think that I, Xia Minmin, was defeated by you, Mu Niange, and that you look down on me. I know in my heart that I don't want to be looked down upon by you, so I cheered up. On the second day, I I went to the hospital to see a doctor, and after a few days of recuperation, my body has recovered a lot, and I think, I can continue to appear in front of you."

"Recite the song, do you know what kind of expression I like to see you show the most?"

Xia Minmin blinked and smiled kindly. She reached out and stroked Mu Niange's beautiful hair, it was so light and soft, as if she was afraid that she would hurt Mu Niange and make it hurt...

Mu Niange ruthlessly shook off Xia Minmin's hand without showing any sympathy.

With a bang, Xia Minmin's hand turned red, and Mu Niange's hand hurt. Xia Minmin looked at the hand that was slapped away by Mu Niange, and a coldness flashed in her eyes, but she didn't show it. Pretending not to care, she took her hand back: "Today, I actually wanted to say hello to you..."

"Recite the song, I'm back, in the days to come, please give me more advice!"

Ha ha……

Mu Niange smiled in his heart.

When Xia Minmin walked out, Mu Niange slammed everyone in the office shut with a 'snap'.

Lu Meiqi, who was sitting at the door, was startled by the force of Mu Niange's closing the door...

When Mu Niange opened the door, Lu Meiqi looked at Mu Niange. The conversation between Mu Niange and Xia Minmin was so hidden that Lu Meiqi couldn't understand it for a while. When Xia Minmin left, she greeted Lu Meiqi Lu Meiqi got up without even looking at Xia Minmin, opened the door of Mu Niange's office and walked in.

Mu Niange sat inside, looking at the documents deeply.

But this kind of Mu Niange gave Lu Meiqi a different feeling from when she first came...

Is it because of Xia Minmin?

What exactly did Xia Minmin say to Mu Niange?
Lu Meiqi stood at the door, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Sister Niange, what did Xia Minmin tell you here?"

Lu Meiqi must know, must understand, so that she can go back and tell Lu Yanche at the first time, let Lu Yanche know, if you want to deal with it, Lu Meiqi looks down on anyone, and it is impossible to look down on Xia Minmin. She is so scary, just like a tumbler, you will She fell down, and in an instant, she was up again.

Mu Niange knew that Lu Meiqi was worried about herself...

She looked up at Lu Meiqi, smiled comfortingly at Lu Meiqi, and said, "It's nothing, you forgot, Xia Minmin was treated badly by me that day..."

Mu Niange was right.

Xia Minmin was taken care of by Mu Niange, but that was the only time Mu Niange managed to take care of Xia Minmin. How could such a scheming person be wiped out overnight by Mu Niange?
It was Lu Meiqi who thought too naively, and it was Lu Meiqi who thought things too beautifully.

(End of this chapter)

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