Chapter 243 Unfair

Lu Yanche heard the words, but did not respond...

Xia Minmin laughed maniacally twice: "Then do you know that the day you came to my house to look for me, what kind of video did I send to Mu Niange, her attitude towards you, did you come here?" A 360-degree reversal?"

Xia Minmin didn't mention that day, but Lu Yanche forgot about it.

His eyes deepened, and the look in Xia Minmin's eyes became colder and colder.

He didn't rush to ask Xia Minmin, but continued to remain silent, waiting for Xia Minmin to speak out, Xia Minmin has a huge shortcoming, the more you don't want to know, the more she wants you to know, just like now, when you stand Looking at her there, motionless, without the slightest reaction!

Xia Minmin really wanted to tear off Lu Yanche's head, to see if Lu Yanche was really so indifferent...

When Xia Minmin came here, she was mentally prepared to be hated by Lu Yanche...

While being hated by Lu Yanche, let Mu Niange be hated by Lu Yanche, isn't this a good thing?Xia Minmin really couldn't believe that Mu Niange could be so despicable. In order to fight against him, he used Lu Yanche. Wasn't Lu Yanche always important to Mu Niange?
In the blink of an eye, Lu Yanche became so worthless.

It's really amazing!
"You're not curious at all, don't you want to ask me anything?" Xia Minmin pressed Lu Yanche straight to look, as if wanting to see through Lu Yanche.

But Xia Minmin was wrong, Lu Yanche thought so carefully, in fact, Xia Minmin could see through if he wanted to?

The more Xia Minmin pressed Lu Yanche eagerly, the more Lu Yanche remained indifferent. Finally, Xia Minmin couldn't help it: "To tell you the truth, I sent Mu Niange a video of us embracing each other!"

Lu Yanche's expression was a little moved.

Lu Yanche understood that Mu Niange's inexplicable attitude and inexplicable reaction...

It turned out that he saw the video sent by Xia Minmin. In the video, Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin were hugging each other. However, when did Lu Yanche do such a thing?
Lu Yanche thought about it, racked his brains to think, and then he finally figured it out. Xia Minmin did something wrong while hugging Lu Yanche's back. According to Xia Minmin's temperament, it was impossible for her to let Lu Yanche go so easily. .

Lu Yanche was so careless that he was used by Xia Minmin over and over again!

Lu Yanche picked up his steps and gradually approached Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin was frightened by Lu Yanche's strong aura, she swallowed, and took a small step back, she continued with a bit of stammer: "Then do you know, the reason Mu Niange is with you Get close, it's all for me to see, she wants to take revenge on me, see me suffer!"

"Lu Yanche, are you so depraved? Let Mu Niange take advantage of your depravity, and you have no regrets?"

Xia Minmin's emotions gradually became agitated...

Lu Yanche, whom Xia Minmin adored, suddenly became someone else's slave one day. How did Xia Minmin accept this? How did she accept it?
Lu Yanche's position in her heart is so lofty, isn't Lu Yanche clear about this?Xia Minmin has always been very obvious...

Lu Yanche let out a 'huh', as a response to Xia Minmin.

It is said that Xia Minmin is using Lu Yanche, so why hasn't Xia Minmin used Lu Yanche?Xia Minmin used it for a full six years. Lu Yanche couldn't accept Mu Niange's disappearance, so he didn't see clearly!

But Xia Minmin knew it very well...

She used Lu Yanche to do those things.

"Do you know that there is a word in this world called 'unfair'?"

Lu Yanche stretched out his hand, and quickly pinched Xia Minmin's chin, as if pinching Xia Minmin's chin, for Lu Yanche, it was a way of punishing Xia Minmin, Lu Yanche's strength was still very heavy...

Xia Minmin wanted to escape in pain, moved and struggled, but it was useless.

"Unfair?" How could Xia Minmin not know that in Lu Yanche's eyes, Mu Niange and Xia Minmin could be described as unfair. The only person Lu Yanche would ever see was Mu Niange, not Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin suddenly felt very ironic...

She looked at Lu Yanche fiercely and responded, "How could I not know, you have always treated me like this?"


It turned out that Xia Minmin was self-aware, which surprised Lu Yanche.

"Well, you are right, I am unfair to you, so you said in front of me that Mu Niange is playing with me, what's going on? Even if Mu Niange is really playing with me , That's what I want, you don't have the right to point fingers in front of me, or in front of Mu Niange."

"You like this, in my opinion, are disgusting..."

"Speaking of using, don't you forget, you and Xia Youyou once used me, how did you hurt Mu Niange? Should we settle this account carefully, huh?"

Lu Yanche's last word 'um' really almost cost Xia Minmin half his life...

It is full of strong warning and dangerous atmosphere...

Xia Minmin opened her eyes wide, her legs gave way, and she almost fell to the ground.


How could Xia Minmin speak so brazenly in front of Lu Yanche that Mu Niange used Lu Yanche?
In terms of using, Xia Minmin is the precedent, and Mu Niange is the latter. Mu Niange just followed Xia Minmin's method to deal with Xia Minmin...

However, if the same method falls into Lu Yanche's eyes, he will be treated differently. Lu Yanche willingly cooperates with Mu Niange, blinding Xia Minmin's eyes and stimulating Xia Minmin's heart, making Xia Minmin unbearable!

As for Xia Minmin...

Using Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche knew, and treated himself in an extreme way.

Lu Yanche pinched Xia Minmin's chin again and again, her chin was about to be pinched off by Lu Yanche, the red spot hurt not on Xia Minmin's face, but in her heart!

Lu Yanche is right. In this world, there is a word called 'unfair'. She is crazy to want Lu Yanche to treat her as fair as she treats Mu Niange...

"Lu Yanche, you can settle the score with me, but before you settle the score, do you want to settle the score with Mu Niange first? After all... What Mu Niange did was to deceive your feelings. She clearly knows that you What kind of mentality she has towards her, but she pretends not to understand and tramples on you..."

Xia Minmin said pretending to be relaxed, she was laughing at Lu Yanche.

(End of this chapter)

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