Chapter 252

"If you want me to give up reciting songs, it will be impossible in my next life!"

In this world, there is no impenetrable wall, let alone a scheming person like Xia Minmin?
Xia Minmin was the first to know about Mu Niange's burn and hospitalization, but she didn't take any action. After two or three days, she looked at Xia Youyou with a bad expression and walked in from the door. Then he asked, "Where did you come back from? You look so ugly?"

Xia Minmin's initiative to ask questions is itself abnormal. He even asked where Xia Youyou came back from, with an ugly face?
Ha ha……

When did Xia Minmin become so caring about people?

Xia Youyou looked at Xia Minmin's eyes full of determination, Xia Minmin was very unnatural when Xia Youyou looked at her, she shrugged, and said with an indifferent expression: "I'm just asking casually, I don't want to say it's your business, don't I thought you could show my face."

Xia Youyou laughed when she heard that.

Her pace of going upstairs shifted, she walked towards Xia Minmin, stopped in front of Xia Minmin, she looked at Xia Minmin and said: "You actually know in your heart, you know where I come from..."

Xia Minmin gave Xia Youyou a sick look.

Xia Youyou didn't care at all, and continued: "An accident happened to Niange, and he was hospitalized."

A simple sentence revealed the information that Xia Minmin wanted to know. Xia Minmin stopped changing the channel, and she said seriously to Xia Youyou: "What did you say? Mu Niange was hospitalized in an accident? Hehe, Isn't that what Mu Niange deserves? It's not that Mu Niange's retribution will not come, but it will arrive later. Mu Niange's accident happened, so you shouldn't be happy? What's going on with your mournful face? No, is it because I caused Mu Niange to be hospitalized? Or is Ah Che's suspicion coming to you? Xia Youyou, you are really ridiculous. At the beginning, you said that you were the one who gave up Ah Che, but in the end you , still failed to win Ah Che's trust, I really feel sorry for you..."

"What are you pretending to be in front of me?" Xia Minmin's sarcasm was useless to Xia Youyou.

Xia Youyou dropped the bag in her hand to Xia Minmin's side, and continued: "You have been waiting for these days, isn't this the news, now, I will tell you the news, can you It is logical to go to the hospital to visit Mu Niange, sneer at Mu Niange, and then drag me into the water?"

Xia Youyou's action of throwing her bag made Xia Minmin very upset. Her expression turned cold, and she put down the pillow in her arms. She stood up and looked at Xia Youyou at the same level: "Don't say I'm not, even if I am, how can you?" What about me? You have been my stepping stone from the very beginning. No matter how hard you try to get rid of this title, you can’t get rid of it. Do you know why? Because... from the moment you appeared, you were destined to be a foil Look at my green color, wait until one day, I climbed to the top, you just stand where you were originally, and admire me quietly..."


Xia Youyou shook her hand and slapped Xia Minmin.

The crisp and loud applause resounded throughout the room.

Xia Minmin laughed twice "hehe", and slapped Xia Youyou back. Her strength was far heavier than Xia Youyou's...

Xia Youyou was slapped and took two or three steps back. When Mrs. Xia entered the door, she saw Xia Minmin slapping Xia Youyou. She stepped forward, slapped Xia Minmin, and complained angrily: "What's wrong with you? Hit your sister, I won't teach you a lesson, you really don't know who you are?"

It was the first time Xia Minmin was beaten by Mrs. Xia. It turned out that it felt like this, and it didn't feel good at all...

Xia Minmin covered her cheeks and stared fiercely at Mrs. Xia. She felt aggrieved, and tears welled up in her eyes. Finally, without saying a word, she bumped into Mrs. Xia's shoulder and ran towards the second floor.

What Xia Youyou said was correct, Xia Minmin used Xia Youyou to pass on the news to herself, and as soon as the news was received, Xia Minmin had a legitimate reason to visit Mu Niange.

Xia Minmin bought a flower basket, went to the hospital, and found Mu Niange's ward...

In fact, Mu Niange can be discharged from the hospital, but Mrs. Mu was worried about Mu Niange's wound, so Mu Niange stayed in the hospital. When Xia Minmin resisted the door of Mu Niange's ward, there was a burst of cheerful laughter, Xia Minmin The hand holding the doorknob paused slightly, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Xia Minmin quickly restrained the look in her eyes...

The moment she pushed the door away, everyone's eyes fell on her. She smiled, and finally turned her eyes on Mu Niange and said, "I heard from my sister that Niange was hospitalized. I came here specially to see the song-chanter."

What kindness can a weasel give to a chicken for New Year greetings?
Yang Zhishuang sneered, folded her arms around her chest, stepped forward, looked Xia Minmin up and down, and then set her eyes on the flower basket in Xia Minmin's hand: "It's so expensive?"

As soon as Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, she reached out and took the flower basket in Xia Minmin's hand, and threw it viciously on the ground...

With a sound of "pop", the flower basket fell to the ground, and the fruits inside were torn apart and rotted one by one. The smile on Xia Minmin's lips gradually subsided. She looked down at the flower basket on the ground and said, "You are Entertaining guests like this? I came to visit Niange with good intentions..."

Well intentioned?

Yang Zhishuang laughed twice with a 'hehe': "Xia Minmin, are you here to be funny? This is the ward, not the front desk. Patients in the hospital should go to register and check to see if there is any problem with your brain, so that the psychiatrist can I am sick, save and save you, so that in the future, when you reach the point of being hopeless, you will harm others and yourself, right?"

While talking, Yang Zhishuang looked behind her, asking Mu Niange and others for their opinions...

Ji Jingchen suppressed a smile, Yang Zhishuang was the only person who could deal with Xia Minmin so badly, he admired Yang Zhishuang from the bottom of his heart, he cleared his throat, and said in agreement: "Well, what you said is absolutely right, you are sick Zhi, there is no way to find it here.”

Xia Minmin clenched her fists...

She suppressed the emotions in her heart, and looked at Lu Yanche, who was sitting beside Mu Niange without saying a word. She found out that Mrs. Mu was very angry because of Mu Niange's burn and hospitalization, and she didn't want to look at it again. Until Lu Yanche appeared beside Mu Niange, what happened to Lu Yanche now?

If you continue to sit here, doesn't it mean that no one stepped forward to take care of Lu Yanche?

Xia Minmin lowered her eyes, and quickly adjusted her grievance. When she looked at Yang Zhishuang again, her eyes were already tearful.

(End of this chapter)

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