Chapter 255 Time Is Changing

Yang Zhishuang spoke too fast, and it was too late for Mu Niange to stop her...

Mu Niange rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, what did Yang Zhishuang want to express to Lu Yanche?If Mu Niange doesn't like it, she can refuse it. However, Mu Niange didn't refuse, but drank silently. This may cause many people to misunderstand that Mu Niange actually likes Lu Yanche. She is willing To accommodate Lu Yanche, no matter what Lu Yanche brought, Mu Niange would drink it.

After Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, she realized that she had said the wrong thing.

She hurriedly changed the subject and said: "Okay, let's go, we have so many people here, are you afraid that we won't be able to take care of you and recite songs? Well, even if we can't take care of you, you don't care about your business, so don't come to join in the fun, bye break..."

While talking, Yang Zhishuang stretched out her hand to push Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche's mind was buzzing, he never thought that Mu Niange didn't like fish head soup, he always thought that Mu Niange liked it, that's why, when making soup, Cook this.

Suddenly, Lu Yanche felt that he really didn't understand Mu Niange at all...

What Mu Niange likes, what hobbies, Lu Yanche can't answer, not even a word.

After Lu Yanche was pushed to the door by Yang Zhishuang, he didn't react. Just as he was about to break free from Yang Zhishuang, the door of the ward opened with a 'squeak'. Mo Yunhao walked in with a thermos, and the people in the ward saw Qi Qi was stunned when Mo Yunhao was at that moment, even Yang Zhishuang didn't expect that Mo Yunhao would appear at this time.

After Yang Zhishuang came to her senses, she said, "Learn...Senior..."

Mo Yunhao smiled slightly at Yang Zhishuang, he nodded at Lu Yanche, and walked inside.

A man came looking for Mu Niange, it's a new article from the sky, and looking at Mo Yunhao, why does Ji Jingchen feel familiar?He seemed to have seen it somewhere before. After looking carefully, Ji Jingchen suddenly realized, he opened his eyes wide, looked at Mo Yunhao in disbelief and said, "'re not..."

Isn't Mo Yunhao the one who appeared in the restaurant with Xia Minmin? did he know Mu Niange? The relationship between them is too messy.

"What am I?" Mo Yunhao met Ji Jingchen's shocked eyes without the slightest fear. After asking Ji Jingchen, Mo Yunhao put the thermos on the table, and he opened it while complaining about Mu Niange He said: "No wonder I asked you to come out these few days, but you didn't come out. It turns out that something is hidden from me..."

Mu Niange lowered her eyes and chuckled, she didn't respond to Mo Yunhao, and Mo Yunhao didn't care.

After she took out a small bowl and filled Mu Niange with soup, she continued: "Well, this is your favorite drink, hurry up and have a taste of my cooking..."

Mo Yunhao naturally sat beside Mu Niange, he took a spoon, fiddled with the soup, then pressed the spoon against Mu Niange's lips, Mu Niange opened his mouth naturally, and drank with.

Mo Yunhao looked at Mu Niange tenderly, during this period, he didn't say a word, and Mu Niange also cooperated with Mu Niange very obediently.

Mu Yuanling frowned, looked at the scene in front of him, and looked at Yang Zhishuang. He was not surprised by Mo Yunhao's appearance at all. Ji Jingchen could conclude that they knew each other before. This alone was enough to make Mu Yuan Ling is wary of contact with Mo Yunhao.

"Did you see that, that's Niange's favorite soup..." Yang Zhishuang challenged Lu Yanche after recovering.

Lu Yanche stared at Mu Niange with both eyebrows, Mo Yunhao looked at him, his hands clenched into fists, endless anger spread in his heart, who is Mo Yunhao?Who is it, how did Mu Niange get so close to him, and why did he feed Mu Niange soup?
Lu Yanche felt unwilling.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in a blink of an eye, what qualifications does he have to drag Mo Yunhao in front of him?

From Mu Niange's attitude, it can be seen that Mu Niange is much closer to Mo Yunhao than to Lu Yanche...

"Lu Yanche, don't you know? This is not the first time that the senior has treated Nian Ge like this. I remember that every time Nian Ge fell ill, the senior took care of Nian Ge. At first, Nian Ge was very resistant. I am used to the contact with strangers, but the seniors are not angry at all, on the contrary, they cooperate with the reciting songs very patiently, from the beginning, watching the reciting songs and drinking, to feeding the reciting songs and drinking, tell me, what changed them?"

"You used to have enough time to consolidate your position in Niange's heart, but you didn't, and let other people take advantage of it. Don't say anything else, just relying on caring for Niange, what you did Is it better than the senior? He knows about reciting songs like the back of his hand, if there is something about reciting songs, he can not only say it, but also do it."

Yang Zhishuang's words stimulated Lu Yanche's brain...

Lu Yanche wanted to leave, but his feet fell to the ground, unable to move.

What is changing?

Lu Yanche finally understood, time is changing, what Lu Yanche lost to was not Mo Yunhao, but time, six years, Mu Niange is changing, Mu Niange is so good, how could there not be one or two suitors around him?
Ha ha……

After Mu Niange finished drinking Mo Yunhao's soup, Mo Yunhao even gave Mu Niange the meat in the thermos...

After Mu Niange had finished eating, Mo Yunhao took out a paper towel, handed it to Mu Niange, and asked Mu Niange to wipe his mouth. After Mu Niange finished wiping his mouth, Mo Yunhao took the paper and was still in the garbage. In the bucket, he helped Mu Niange adjust the pillow behind him, and then covered Mu Niange with the quilt, asking about Mu Niange's injury.

When Mu Niange mentioned his arm, Mo Yunhao frowned, looking very distressed for Mu Niange.

The distress born from the heart is not a fake, it can be faked, you know, Mo Yunhao is really good for Mu Niange, his affectionate behavior towards Mu Niange is natural, touching Mu Niange's head, Arranging Mu Niange's hair, she just missed helping Mu Niange wipe the stains off her hands...

Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao can do this like no one else, it's really admirable...

What Ji Jingchen was most worried about was Lu Yanche who was standing at the door. On the front foot, Mu Niange said not to see each other again, but on the back foot, Mo Yunhao appeared in front of Lu Yanche, showing his affection to Mu Niange for Lu Yanche.

This isn't a dog abuse, it's a heart abuse.

Ji Jingchen walked up to Lu Yanche's side and patted Lu Yanche's shoulder. Just as he was about to comfort Lu Yanche with a word or two, Lu Yanche turned around and left the ward without looking back. The door closed with a loud 'snap'.

(End of this chapter)

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