Chapter 263 Birthday
However, after all, it wasn't some time ago when Lu Yanche was sitting on his seat, motionless, Yang Zhishuang frowned, and waved to Lu Yanche even more vigorously, Lu Yanche was still indifferent, Yang Zhishuang was angry, Lu Yanche was getting more and more frustrated Put Yang Zhishuang in his eyes.

Didn't Lu Yanche know that before he wanted to get Mu Niange, he had to please Yang Zhishuang first?
Mu Niange didn't need to look back, she knew who Yang Zhishuang was doing this to, she rubbed the center of her brows, and said in a serious tone: "He won't come over."

The movement of Yang Zhishuang's hands stopped, she looked at Mu Niange in surprise, her eyes were clear, how did you know?

Mu Niange looked dazed, recalling what he said to Lu Yanche that day in the ward: "You forgot? I told him, don't appear in front of me again, and we will be safe."

On this point, Lu Yanche listened to Mu Niange very much.

Can't get close, just in the distance, silently waiting, this is Lu Yanche's way of treating Mu Niange so far.

Yang Zhishuang was about to vomit blood, the way Mu Niange and Lu Yanche got along was really weird, but after thinking about it, Lu Yanche treated Mu Niange really well, Yang Zhishuang sighed, just forget it.

When Mu Niange left with Yang Zhishuang, the thermos was still on the table. When Lu Yanche went to recycle the thermos, there was a post-it note on it, in Mu Niange's handwriting, two simple words: "Thank you."

Lu Yanche stared deeply at the two words, tore off the post-it note, and put it in the bag as if it were a treasure.

It's no longer a common thing for Lu Yanche to appear in the academy, sometimes he will appear in the morning, sometimes at noon, and sometimes, even at night, Lu Yanche will appear.

Mu Niange knew that Lu Yanche was very busy.

The time he appeared was all squeezed out by him.

Mu Niange didn't understand, why did Lu Yanche do such a thing?
Whenever Lu Yanche appeared, he would either bring this to Mu Niange, or bring that to Mu Niange, causing people around him to envy Mu Niange very much. You know, Mu Niange is in the academy, Although there are many suitors, Mu Niange has never looked at them directly.

Only Lu Yanche was the first one to successfully deliver the things to Mu Niange...

What to say?
It's envy, jealousy, and hatred.

But they never knew what Mu Niange was thinking.

In a blink of an eye, New Year's Day passed and winter vacation came. Lu Yanche appeared in front of Mu Niange every day. After more than a month, Mu Niange seemed to get used to Lu Yanche's presence. Occasionally, a casual look made Mu Nian The song meeting met Lu Yanche's gaze, his heart fluttering, but his face remained motionless.

Mu Niange's concealment skills are getting better and better.

When the winter vacation came, Mu Niange was no longer in the academy, and Lu Yanche couldn't find Mu Niange in the academy. He returned to his days of three o'clock and one line. He ordered Lu Meiqi to observe Mu Niange Unfortunately, Mu Niange stayed at home all the time, making Lu Meiqi unable to do anything.

Lu Meiqi is Lu Yanche's helper, several times Lu Meiqi wanted to find Mu Niange, but Mu Yuanling sternly refused at the door, letting her shout into the inside, Mu Niange didn't even come out to look at Lu Meiqi.

Lu Meiqi was furious, and called Lu Yanche to complain.

Mu Niange's birthday is coming...

During the years of living in City A, Mu Niange has never had a birthday. It was when she went to City B that Yang Zhishuang started to celebrate Mu Niange's birthday. When Yang Zhishuang returned to City B, no one was by Mu Niange's side. The song was gradually forgotten.

When Mu Niange returned home from the clinic, he saw Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu sitting in the living room, seeming to be looking at something, Mu Niange was slightly taken aback, and after calling for someone, he walked up to see clearly What were they looking at, Mu Niange looked surprised: "Brother, is it your birthday?"

Hearing this, Mu Yuanling rolled his eyes at Mu Niange, reached out and tapped Mu Niange's head and said, "It's not that I want to celebrate my birthday, it's that you want to celebrate your birthday. You forgot, your birthday will be in the next month." Sunday."


It turned out that Mu Niange's birthday was not forgotten by anyone.

Unspeakably touched, even my parents couldn't remember my birthday, Mu Yuanling was my cousin, Mrs. Mu was just my aunt, but they didn't care about Mu Niange in general, He is very caring.

Mu Niange smiled casually and said, "You don't need to be busy, it's just my birthday."

It has always been like this, and Mu Niange has long been used to it.

"Why is it not your birthday?" Madam Mu's complexion sank, and she said with a bit of displeasure: "Before, we didn't know, didn't care enough about you, and didn't understand you enough. Now, we are a family, and your business is our business. , This birthday, I must help you make it big and beautiful, invite your classmates in City A, invite them over, and let them know that you are a veritable Miss Qianjin."

Whether Mu Niange is Miss Qianjin, Mu Niange knows in his heart...

Mrs. Mu knew that Mu Niange had been wronged all these years.

When I was in school, I was either bullied or squeezed out by others. Finally, with such an opportunity, Mrs. Mu wanted to make up for Mu Niange. Mu Niange landed on Mu Yuanling's body, who would have thought that Mu Yuanling didn't even look at Mu Niange, obviously agreeing with Mrs. Mu's approach.

, Mu Niange felt helpless, so he could only respond casually.

The news that Mu Niange was going to hold a birthday party spread throughout the compound. Among them, Lu Meiqi was the most excited. She pulled Lu Yanche and told Lu Yanche the news: "Brother, this is a very rare event. If you don't cherish the opportunity, you may never have another chance in the future."

Even Lu Meiqi felt that Mu Niange's alienation, if Lu Yanche didn't work hard, as Lu Meiqi said, he might really have no chance again.

Lu Yanche's deep eyes sank slightly, and he said 'hmm' to show that he knew.

Who is Mu Niange, who dares to hold a party on his birthday?

Xia Minmin laughed twice, "hehe". She didn't want to laugh at Mu Niange anymore. She thought that if the ugly duckling transformed, she could really become a swan. What she never expected was that this swan would fall down one day. Be the ugly duckling.

Should Xia Minmin say that Mu Niange is innocent, or that Mu Niange is ridiculous?
(End of this chapter)

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