Chapter 274
Mu Niange's eyes deepened, and a look that Mu Yuanling couldn't see through flashed in his eyes.

The matter of taking Mu Niange to see a psychiatrist soon spread to Lu Yanche's ears. Lu Yanche didn't say a word in front of Mu Niange, but he was always by Mu Niange's side, observing Mu Niange If Mu Niange hadn't drank some wine that day, she might not have expressed the thoughts that were suppressed in her heart.

Lu Yanche appeared by Mu Niange's side too frequently.

All Mu Niange's time was almost occupied by Lu Yanche. Thinking of the way Lu Yanche was playing a hooligan in front of him, when Mu Niange saw Lu Yanche, he couldn't help giving Lu Yanche a hard look.

Lu Yanche was inexplicably stared at by Mu Niange, and seeing Mu Niange's blushing face, Lu Yanche instantly understood that what happened that day left a big impression on Mu Niange, and she was imprinted in his mind, no matter how he wiped it off, It cannot be erased.

Lu Yanche trotted to keep up with Mu Niange's pace, and walked beside Mu Niange, he stared sideways at Mu Niange, his thin lips raised lightly and said, "Niange, do you want to check, did I tell you not to listen to me today?" Do you like the taste?"

Lu Yanche clearly did it on purpose...

Lu Yanche has always had a faint fragrance that belongs to Lu Yanche himself. That kind of smell can make Mu Niange feel at ease the most. Lu Yanche never knew about it, because Mu Niange never told Lu Yanche.

As soon as Lu Yanche finished speaking, Mu Niange quickened his pace, obviously not wanting to talk too much with Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche didn't care either, and deliberately stretched out his hand in front of Mu Niange, shaking it, and poured a smell into Mu Niange's nose: "This smell, if you don't like it, I can change it. Until you are satisfied."

Mu Niange frowned, paused in his footsteps, and turned to face Lu Yanche: "Are you full?"

and so……

I like to go to the place where Mu Niange goes, as long as Mu Niange is there, Lu Yanche will definitely follow Mu Niange, spinning around, Lu Yanche talks to himself, and listens to Mu Niange, Mu Niange doesn't want to Listening, I couldn't help listening to it, the voice full of magic power echoed in Mu Niange's mind when Mu Niange was in class.

"Yes, I'm full and I'm here to digest and digest." Lu Yanche nodded heavily, looked at Mu Niange seriously, and responded.

Mu Niange's face was covered with black lines.

For a moment, she really wanted to kick Lu Yanche away.

What changed Lu Yanche?It's completely different from the previous Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche's hooliganism is getting better and better. I don't know if he learned it from Ji Jingchen. Mu Niange rubbed his brows with a headache, and said helplessly: "You like to be by my side, it's yours. But please don't keep talking in my ear, I'm so tired of hearing it, and, can you stop wearing perfume? A big man, it's really disgusting..."

Mu Niange breathed a sigh of relief and said a series of words. As soon as the words fell, she turned around and walked into the clinic.

Lu Yanche stood where he was, watching Mu Niange leave, with his hands in his belt, a smile curled up on his lips...

Finally, his method worked. At the very least, Mu Niange responded to Lu Yanche's question, and even made a proposal to Lu Yanche. She said that she didn't like Lu Yanche's constant talking in her ear. , she wanted Lu Yanche to accompany her quietly.

She said, Lu Yanche is a big man, wearing perfume, what does he look like? In fact, Mu Niange wanted to say that I hate the smell that belongs to Xia Minmin. Your smell is very good and there is no need to make any changes.

Lu Yanche's mood blossomed with joy.

The fact that there was an extra bodyguard beside Mu Niange spread throughout the clinic. Mu Niange couldn't help but have a pretty face and a good figure. She has always been the girl in the hearts of many boys. A bodyguard with a good-looking He is so handsome, even the blind know that he is Mu Niange's suitor.

The gossip people came to Mu Niange's side and asked Mu Niange, if Mu Niange really didn't like it, why don't you give them your phone number and let them try?
Mu Niange was completely speechless...

This group of people, what they think in their minds are all messy things.

Mu Niange smiled lightly, but didn't respond, she walked out of the clinic, saw Lu Yanche's car parked there, the smile on her lips restrained...

When Lu Yanche saw Mu Niange, he quickly came up to meet him. He walked to Mu Niange's side, escorted Mu Niange to the car, opened the door for Mu Niange, and let Mu Niange sit in it.

Mu Niange was exhausted physically and mentally, and thought of the psychiatrist that Mu Yuanling had made an appointment for her. She really didn't know how to deal with it, the secret she buried in her heart, the secret that Lu Yanche and others didn't know, could it be, really In this way, it will be exposed?
Mu Niange leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes...

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange like this, and turned on the music for Mu Niange, so that he could relax when he was sleeping.

When they arrived at the compound, Lu Yanche drove the car to the door of Mu's house, got out of the car, opened the door for Mu Niange, and let Mu Niange get off. The series of actions were so natural and considerate. I really envied many people who died, but Among them, besides Xia Minmin, who else do you envy the most?

Xia Minmin didn't know what happened at Mu Niange's birthday party, but seeing Lu Yanche's changed attitude towards Mu Niange, Xia Minmin secretly guessed in her heart, it's rare that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are really together?

But if they were together, how could Mu Niange's attitude in front of Lu Yanche be so cold?He treated Lu Yanche indifferently, and even walked into the house without even looking at Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche stood aside, not annoyed. The smile on the corner of his lips was so dazzling that Xia Minmin didn't want to open his eyes. Open your eyes.

Mu Niange...

You are really good.

Xia Minmin used to think that Mu Niange was just an ant, as long as Xia Minmin exerted a little force, Mu Niange would die immediately, but Xia Minmin was wrong, the person who died immediately was not Mu Niange, but herself...

The higher the flight, the more painful the fall. What's more, Xia Minmin didn't have anyone to support her.

Early the next morning, it was the day when Mu Niange went to the hospital to see a psychiatrist. Madam Mu and Mu Yuanling were very concerned. When Mu Niange came down from upstairs, they even had their breakfast. Bao Bao's hand tightened slightly, she was timid, and she didn't want to step down...


Mu Niange lowered his eyes and remained motionless.

Mu Yuanling looked up and saw Mu Niange like this, frowned and said, "Niange?"

(End of this chapter)

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