Chapter 282

Xia Minmin laughed in a low voice, and kept laughing, fools could tell that Xia Minmin was laughing at Mu Niange, Mu Niange looked at Xia Minmin's face coldly, she did not show Xia Minmin's imagination In spite of the anger in his heart, he raised his steps very calmly, approached Xia Minmin, looked Xia Minmin up and down, and said, "Maybe you are right..."

"I am an ugly duckling, an ugly duckling that no one cares about. Before my brother, if he had looked at me more, I would not have been bullied by you. Now, he cares about me so much because he has guilt in his heart. So what? Does my brother treat me sincerely? I have eyes to see, so I don’t need you to gossip here. Xia Minmin, I think, you should be jealous. There are so many people who are caring and helping, but you have nothing, and even your twin sister wants you to die."

"You are so vicious and have such a dark heart. It is normal for Xia Youyou to think that way. You are destined to be alone. There will never be someone by your side to support you. Xia Minmin, you are so pathetic, pathetic and ridiculous, I Poor you, if you need something, you can tell me a little bit, maybe I will be soft-hearted, and I will give you a little charity if I show mercy."

"Mu Niange!" Xia Minmin became furious, and raised her hand to slap Mu Niange. Mu Niange grabbed Xia Minmin's hand, and shook Xia Minmin hard. Xia Minmin took two steps back and stared at Mu Niange fiercely. Recited the song: "What are you so proud of? Do you really think that everything you own is yours?"

"Wait until that day, when you lose all you have, I will see how you should cry and laugh..."

Xia Minmin cursed Mu Niange every second, she couldn't see that Mu Niange was good, and wanted Mu Niange to die, Mu Niange was very clear, how could she be willing to let Xia Minmin's injustice come true: "I'm afraid, I If you have not lost everything you have, you will fall into the abyss, and you will never recover."

"Xia Minmin, you always want to make me suffer, you want to take away what you want from me..."

"You aimed at me, shot at me, and hurt the people around me. Have you ever thought that when you hurt me one point, the people around me will hate you one point? When you hurt me When I’m with someone, the people around me will follow me and don’t wait to see you together. Why do you do this? There is a saying that you can’t live without committing crimes. I think that you will never have a chance to stand up in your life. "

Xia Minmin has no chance to stand up, so does Mu Niange have a chance to stand up?
Mu Niange and Xia Minmin are obviously the same kind of person, and they both have secrets that others don't know about. Xia Minmin was caused by herself, and Mu Niange was caused by Xia Minmin. In the end, it was Xia Minmin's fault alone.

"I know very well what position I am in, but you seem to be confused about what position you are in. I figured it out. During the process of seeing a psychiatrist, why did you and Lu Yanche not come back? Only Mu Yuan Ling waited for the people to come back, and one or two of them didn't look very good, you should have ran out while watching."

Xia Minmin's deep eyes stared straight at Mu Niange, as if she wanted to see through Mu Niange: "Are you hiding everything from them, have something you don't want them to know?"

"Or, I can help you tell them what you are hiding..."

Mu Niange's face turned pale, and the eyes she looked at Xia Minmin changed, how could Xia Minmin know what she was hiding, she...could it be: "It's you?"

Mu Niange's body trembled. She stared at Xia Minmin intently, trying to find the answer from Xia Minmin's body. Xia Minmin picked up her steps and walked around Xia Minmin: "What does it matter if it's me? Anyway, you The secret in my heart is a fact that cannot be changed. It will be a matter of time before it is known. If you tell it yourself, it may make everyone feel better. If it comes out of my mouth, I don’t know how uncomfortable they will be. I'm really worried about them, choosing you... such a fancy but useless thing!"

Xia Minmin turned back and stood on Mu Niange's head.

Mu Niange's brain was buzzing, it exploded, she couldn't hear anything, she couldn't think of anything, since Xia Minmin knew, since she knew, no, it's impossible, even she didn't know Who did it, how could Xia Minmin know what happened to her?

Then the only possibility is that Xia Minmin did it.

It was Xia Minmin who ruined Mu Niange's life and made Mu Niange fall into deep pain.

She never knew that when you hate someone very much, you can't wait to kill her!
"You bitch!" Mu Niange grabbed Xia Minmin and slapped Xia Minmin on the face: "It's all you, it's you who made me into this state, I want your life, you You must pay for what you have done!"

Mu Niange went crazy suddenly, Xia Minmin was not at all prepared for the beating.

Mu Niange's slap was so heavy that Xia Minmin's cheeks became red and swollen...

Mu Niange tore Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin responded to Mu Niange: "I'm a slut, what are you? You're someone lower than me, and you say I did it? What evidence do you have to prove that I did it? I just know, don’t tell me, I don’t even have the right to know? Mu Niange, don’t be afraid of being known about what you do. If you think you’re hiding it, nothing will happen? Let me tell you, when things are exposed When you come out, your fate will be more tragic than mine."

Xia Minmin gave Mu Niange a slap when Mu Niange was not paying attention...

Mu Niange's head was turned away by Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin took advantage of the opportunity and kicked Mu Niange fiercely, Mu Niange fell to the ground in pain, Xia Minmin thought of the last time, Mu Niange took Lu Yan Che, the scene where Mu Yuanling went to the house to humiliate her, she slapped Mu Niange's hands and feet, trying to stop, but she couldn't control it: "How dare you hit me?"

"Mu Niange, you forgot how I abused you back then, right? I want you to know today, and to have a long memory. If you provoke anyone, don't provoke me, Xia Minmin!"

Xia Minmin was like a shrew, insulting Mu Niange, punching and kicking, Mu Niange coughed violently when Xia Minmin beat her, she wanted to stand up and fight back against Xia Minmin, but Xia Minmin held Mu Niange down and refused to give Mu Niange Niange has no chance to fight back!

(End of this chapter)

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