Chapter 287 Fever
Lu Yanche asked Xia Youyou, the secret between Xia Minmin and Mu Niange?
Xia Youyou's expression was startled, her footsteps stopped, she never expected...

Xia Youyou hesitated for a while, then looked back at Lu Yanche and said, "In your eyes, what secrets did Mu Niange and Xia Minmin keep from us?"

Xia Youyou's rhetorical question made it impossible for Lu Yanche to answer. If he knew, why did he need to ask Xia Youyou?But precisely because of his inquiry, he knew for sure that even Xia Youyou didn't know this secret. In the past, Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou were so inseparable and shot at Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche turned around without saying a word, and passed by Xia Youyou. Looking at Lu Yanche's lonely back, Xia Youyou couldn't bear it: "I can tell you everything I know, but what I know , not necessarily what you want to know..."

Xia Youyou's words successfully stopped Lu Yanche's footsteps.

It's a pity that Lu Yanche didn't look back, but stood on the spot, motionless, Xia Youyou sighed, recalling the past and complained: "We were all deceived by Xia Minmin, I thought Xia Minmin was helping me, but in fact , she was using me, after I knew she was using me, she kicked me away, I don't know anything about her, but about Mu Niange, I But I know one or two things, that is, Xia Minmin threatened Mu Niange, if you dare to accuse Xia Minmin of crimes in front of you, Xia Minmin will definitely deal with Mu Niange severely..."

Lu Yanche's thoughts gradually drifted away.

He could imagine the scene where Xia Minmin warned Mu Niange, and Mu Niange hid in the corner in fear, his heart throbbed, he didn't speak, waiting for Xia Youyou's next words.

"Mu Niange, who has such low self-esteem, can be with you, she doesn't know how many times she snickered in her heart. Once, I found Mu Niange when Xia Minmin didn't pay attention. Mu Niange thought I was I wanted to clean her up. When I saw me, I ran away in fright. I was so angry that I grabbed Mu Niange back, threw her into the bathroom, and locked her up. I stood at the door , asked her, Mu Niange, how dare a bastard like you stand by Lu Yanche's side, you are not afraid of being laughed at, aren't you afraid of Lu Yanche being laughed at?"

When Xia Youyou said this, her heart tightened...

She was afraid that Lu Yanche would turn around and punish herself severely.

What she did to Mu Niange, Lu Yanche and others knew about half of what she did to Mu Niange through Xia Minmin's disclosure. The other half, if Xia Youyou didn't say anything, it was impossible for Xia Youyou to know. Xia Youyou closed her eyes and mustered up her courage Continued: "Then Mu Niange returned to me, and she said, it's true that I made Lu Yanche ashamed, but you made Lu Yanche even more ashamed, the way you like Lu Yanche is to do this to me behind Lu Yanche's back , and the way I like Lu Yanche is to silently accompany Lu Yanche, as long as Lu Yanche needs me, I will not leave..."

Xia Youyou spoke slowly, reproducing Mu Niange's tone at that time.


and many more……

Mu Niange said that as long as Lu Yanche needs Mu Niange, Mu Niange will not leave Lu Yanche's side, even though Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou bullied him so badly, Mu Niange doesn't care at all, so, what is it, What caused Mu Niange to leave in the end?
"Ache, I was thinking that Mu Niange's departure six years ago had something to do with Xia Minmin, and what Mu Niange said to Xia Minmin just now is a key point. Do you want to try to talk to Mu Niange?" Song communication?"

Xia Youyou took a step forward, she looked at Lu Yanche's back, and said tentatively.

Speaking of this, Xia Youyou felt that there was no need to continue talking...

Now that I understand the general situation of the matter, Xia Minmin is the one who knows the most about Mu Niange.

"There is something, I don't know if I should tell you..." Xia Youyou took a deep breath, and continued: "I forgot what time it was, anyway, it was six years ago, before Mu Niange left, I Seeing that Xia Minmin got the fainted Mu Niange into the car, where did he go, and what happened after that, I have no idea..."

Xia Youyou wanted to know very much, but Xia Youyou didn't catch up at the beginning.

in case……

Xia Youyou went up, wouldn't something like that happen to Mu Niange?

After Mu Niange was brought back to Mu's house by Mu Yuanling, she went straight back to her room and lay down on the bed to sleep. She was sweating from running, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and her whole body was dirty from being beaten by Xia Minmin. She didn't care, Mu Yuan Ling couldn't stand it anymore, went to get some hot water, wiped Mu Niange's face, then applied medicine to Mu Niange's injury, and then left Mu Niange's room...

This time Mu Niange slept soundly and slept for a long time.

In the evening, when Mu Yuanling came to Mu Niange's room to watch Mu Niange again, she noticed that Mu Niange was abnormal. When he touched Mu Niange, Mu Niange's body was hot and hot. Yuan Ling's expression changed, and he called out Mu Niange's name, not getting any response from Mu Niange, turned Mu Niange around, and found that Mu Niange's face was extremely pale.

Mu Yuanling quickly called and asked Lu Meiqi to come and help...

Mrs. Mu was not at home, so Mu Yuanling could not help Mu Niange change clothes.

When Lu Meiqi received a call from Mu Yuanling, she was very surprised. When Mu Yuanling said the key points, Lu Meiqi changed her shoes and changed her clothes, and ran to the next door and knocked on Lu Yanche's room: "Brother, hurry up!" Come out and follow me to Sister Niange's house, Sister Niange has a fever, Brother Yuan Ling wants to take her to the hospital."

After Lu Yanche returned to Lu's house, he was locked in the room all day and never came out...

He was thinking, wondering what the secret between Mu Niange and Xia Minmin would be. He leaned on the chair and fell asleep unconsciously. Lu Meiqi's knock on the door woke Lu Yanche up. After Lu Meiqi finished speaking, Lu Yanche's expression changed, he quickly opened the door of the room, and walked out.

Lu Yanche walked so fast that Lu Meiqi could hardly keep up with Lu Yanche's pace...

When we arrived at Mu's house, the door of Mu's house was open, Lu Meiqi rushed up, and changed Mu Niange's clothes according to Mu Yuanling's instructions.

Then he opened the door to let Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling come in. Mu Yuanling wanted to help Mu Niange, but Lu Yanche stopped Mu Yuanling with one hand and said, "You drive, I didn't drive here!"

This is really a good excuse.

(End of this chapter)

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