Chapter 293 Makes You Sad Again
Mu Niange stood up straight, looking down at Lu Yanche who fell to the ground in a bit of a panic, recalling the songs Lu Yanche sang just now, the first to third songs were all cheerful. In the fourth song, the style of the song began to change, a touch of sadness, and finally became very depressing, very depressing, and the depressing mood of Mu Niange was not good.

"Lu Yanche, you want to say that you are very happy when you are with me, right? But have you ever thought that your happiness is actually based on my pain? Later... you started to feel sad , I started to be sad because I left you, away from your sight, and left you without a person who can build happiness on top of her pain, right?"

"Lu Yanche, you make me feel ridiculous, not only you, but also myself..."

Mu Nian's song explained Lu Yanche's meaning, and subverted what Lu Yanche wanted to express. She just wanted to see what Lu Yanche could do with herself. The more Lu Yanche wanted, the more unhappy Mu Nianche was. Follow Lu Yanche's wishes.

Lu Yanche is always like this...

When he didn't ask Mu Niange for his opinion, he made the decision for Mu Niange himself.

Six years ago, Mu Niange accepted it with pain. Six years later, could Mu Niange continue to accept it with pain?
"Have you considered my feelings? Once, twice, three times, four times... you took me away from the crowd without asking me, into a strange world, in this world, I am alone, even with you."

Lu Yanche exists, so what?

What's the difference between Lu Yanche who didn't care about Mu Niange?
"I can't say it's all your fault. I'm also cheap and let you do it. But Lu Yanche, it's because I love you too much that I let you go and accommodate you. I can be hurt, I can be sad, Only I don't want you to be sad, and I don't want to see you disappointed."

"The first time you brought me from the ordinary world to a strange world was when Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou appeared..."

"The second time was when Ji Jingchen appeared, the third time was when I was bullied by other people, the fourth time, and the fifth time, I can't remember, because every time, it made me so The embarrassment, so I can't wait to escape this strange world quickly, and when I leave for the last time, I want to die, I can't wait to die right away!"

"But...that's not important anymore. When I'm sad, I survived. Then, now you, want me to recall, recall the unhappiness in the past? Lu Yanche, you really disappointed me, I Why do you still have the slightest expectation of you?"

Mu Niange laughed at himself...

She shook her head, grabbed her bag from the sofa, and walked towards the door of the box again. Since Lu Yanche brought Mu Niange here, he didn't want to give Mu Niange a chance to leave. At least, Before making it clear, Mu Niange cannot leave here.

Lu Yanche got up and grabbed Mu Niange's wrist again. He pulled Mu Niange into his arms with force. He imprisoned Mu Niange so that he couldn't move...

Lu Yanche sighed, his voice full of sadness: "So, I made you sad again?"

The result Lu Yanche expected...

It was Lu Yanche who asked Mu Niange to sing to express his emotions. When he took Mu Niange away again, he suddenly thought of it. Mu Niange said that she had the slightest expectation for Lu Yanche. It's too bad, and there's no need to be too desperate...

"You're sick!" Mu Niange resisted Lu Yanche, and scolded Lu Yanche severely.

Lu Yanche nodded and agreed with Mu Niange very much: "Yes, I'm sick, it's lovesickness..."

"Recite the song, I really don't have other meanings, and I didn't expect that you would think so. However, it is precisely because I did this that I understand you a step further, know your heart, and what you think , you are right, I am a selfish rotten person, every time I do something, I do it without asking for your opinion, I am the one who makes you sad again and again, it is I who made you suffer from Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou's bullying was me, all of it was me, so you want to hear the song, what do I think? What do I want to tell you? "

Lu Yanche was asking what Mu Niange meant, that's right...

But without waiting for Mu Niange to respond, Lu Yanche continued: "To be honest, sometimes, I also feel ridiculous, so ridiculous that I clearly care about you so much and want you, but I forcefully take you Pushed out of my hand."

"You hate me so much, it proves that you once loved me very much..."

"Since you have loved before, it is not difficult to love me again, right? Sing a song?"

"The secret you and Xia Minmin were hiding has a lot to do with your departure, right?" Lu Yanche gently stroked Mu Niange's back, as if to comfort Mu Niange, Lu Yanche asked When these words were spoken, Mu Niange's body visibly froze.

How could Lu Yanche think of it?

Did Mu Niange do something that Lu Yanche thought was okay?
Mu Niange was silent and did not respond to Lu Yanche. She broke free and landed on Lu Yanche. Even though Lu Yanche held Mu Niange tightly, his hand could not reach Mu Niange. After being manipulated by Mu Niange, he relaxed slightly. Now, Mu Niange took the opportunity to stomp on Lu Yanche's foot. She took a step back and cursed angrily, "Shameless, shameless, shameless..."

"If you say you love you, will I love you? Let me tell you, stop dreaming. It is enough to be hurt by you once. If you want to hurt me a second time, let alone doors, you don't even have windows. You said so firmly, my departure has a constant relationship with Xia Minmin, so why don't you ask Xia Minmin to see if it's true?"

"Is it useful for you to ask me blindly here?"

Mu Niange wants to say, you don't believe me at all, even if I say it, it's useless, it doesn't make any sense...

However, in this case, Mu Niange would not say it, lest Lu Yanche think that Mu Niange cared about him so much that he would not want to let him be proud.

When Xia Minmin was mentioned, Lu Yanche's eyes flashed with hostility!
How could it be possible for Lu Yanche to ask Xia Minmin? Didn't Lu Yanche experience Xia Minmin's ability to turn right and wrong?Coupled with the fact that Xia Minmin pestered Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche wanted to keep Xia Minmin far away.

(End of this chapter)

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