Chapter 300

"Niange, I'm sorry, it might be my fault for misleading you. You really can't be with Lu Yanche. Have you forgotten how you got here all these years in City B? If you forget, I will Help you remember, you are so hard, so painful, so sad, such an experience, do you want to try again?"

Yang Zhishuang's voice choked up.

She is not so strong anymore, she is really worried about Mu Niange, that's why she called Mu Niange after Ji Jingchen's words, and said what she wanted to say in her heart. Song said, who would tell Mu Niange?

Counting on Mu Yuanling?
Ha ha……

Counting on Lu Meiqi?
Counting on Ji Jingchen?
Counting on Xia Youyou?
Or, was she counting on Lu Yanche?
No matter who you are counting on, they are not as reliable as Yang Zhishuang...

Mu Niange has no blood relationship with Yang Zhishuang, but the friendship between them has long been closer than that of real sisters. If Mu Niange makes an important decision, the first person to tell him must be Yang Zhishuang.

When Mu Niange heard that Yang Zhishuang was crying, she felt uncomfortable, she suddenly smiled, very clear and loud: "Shuangshuang, this is the first time I've heard you cry like this..."

Yang Zhishuang is so strong, she is the person Mu Niange admires, she is a Xiaoqiang who cannot be defeated, with Yang Zhishuang around, it is Mu Niange's paradise, no matter how Mu Niange roams around, Yang Zhishuang will follow Mu Niange Behind him, the one who wiped Mu Niange's buttocks.

"Go to your sister!"

"I know you are worried about me. In fact... I am also very worried about myself. You will never know what you will do in the next second. Just like when I said that I want to be with Lu Yanche, It came so unprepared that I couldn't even react myself."

"You are the one who knows me best. You can see my inferiority complex, my timidity, and my cowardice. I even feel that this kind of me is not worthy of Lu Yanche..."

"Damn it, Mu Niange, are you blind? The one who is not good enough is Lu Yanche, and it can never be you. If you are talking nonsense, I will hang up the phone right away!"

Yang Zhishuang yelled at Mu Niange while wiping away her tears.

Mu Niange sighed helplessly, and after Yang Zhishuang finished yelling, she continued: "But yesterday, I suddenly realized that my thinking like this was wrong, who made me like this? Who, Appearing again and again broke my peaceful life. The person who did this kind of thing must pay the price. With this mentality, I faced Lu Yanche, and I talked to Lu Yanche a lot What is in my heart, these words in my heart, are things we have never said to each other before, about some of the things we have experienced in these years, and all the feelings..."

"I was thinking, thinking, and figured it out. The result is that Lu Yanche must be responsible for what he did to the end. When Lu Yanche knew the secret I hid in my heart, what kind of guilt would he feel towards me? How far? I'm looking forward to it, I've been looking forward to it..."

Mu Niange's voice was very soft and soft.

She seemed to be explaining to Yang Zhishuang, and she seemed to be looking for reasons and excuses with herself. Yang Zhishuang really couldn't hold back Mu Niange, and was defeated by Mu Niange. After hanging up the phone, Yang Zhishuang looked out the window, her eyes , blooming with layers of frost.

Like Mu Niange, Lu Yanche stayed up all night.

When Lu Yanche finished washing and wanted to go to Mu's house to look for Mu Niange, his phone rang. He picked up the phone and saw a string of unfamiliar numbers on it. One word: "Looking for death!"

Lu Yanche's deep eyes sank slightly...

There is no need to guess, Lu Yanche knows who sent this text message.

While going downstairs, Lu Yanche resumed the text message: "I'm not looking for death, I'm here to look for death."

Moths to the fire.

When Lu Yanche came to the door of Mu's house, it was exactly nine o'clock in the morning. He thought it was impossible for Mu Niange to get up so early. After all... Yesterday, he said that to Mu Niange, and Mu Niange needed time to digest He had to think about it, his attitude towards Mu Niange had to become tougher, otherwise, he was really afraid that Mu Niange would escape from his grasp.

When Lu Yanche secretly rang the doorbell, the person who came out to open the door was Mu Yuanling.

Because of the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling would not go to work every day. Sometimes Mu Yuanling really admired Lu Yanche. The work is done, in Lu Yanche's eyes, is Mu Niange more important than work? ?

Mu Yuanling asked himself, he couldn't do what Lu Yanche did, after all, one mind can't be used for two purposes.

When Mu Yuanling saw Lu Yanche, his expression was not very good. He expected that Lu Yanche would come, and he was waiting here. He glanced at the breakfast in Lu Yanche's hand, curled his lips and said sarcastically, "Lu Yanche, you only What are you doing at my house with a bag in the early morning? My house is not a trash can, not a place for you to put your trash, if there is nothing wrong, get out!"

There is something in Mu Yuanling's words...

Lu Yanche brought Mu Niange with him, and he took it out when he wanted it, and threw it away when he didn't want it.

What Mu Yuanling dislikes the most is Lu Yanche. Although Lu Yanche didn't think like this, let alone act like this, Mu Yuanling would always look at it like this, because... under the influence of Lu Yanche, Mu Niange, Been treated like that time and time again.

Lu Yanche didn't take Mu Yuanling's words to heart. He took a look inside and said calmly, "I'm here to deliver breakfast to Nian Ge."

There is nothing to show affection, either rape or steal...

Lu Yanche is so kind?

Mu Yuanling pursed his lips again, and smiled sarcastically: "You said that I will deliver breakfast, so I must let you in? You know, people who want to sing songs for our family to deliver breakfast have been lined up from here to In the city, do you want to weigh your identity and importance, and then tell me about this matter?"

In case Mu Yuanling treats Lu Yanche as a joke.

"I'm here to see Niange."

Lu Yanche was still very calm, and changed his way, speaking very tactfully.

Mu Yuanling's good temper was almost out of control. Lu Yanche clearly did it on purpose, did he want to seek excitement from Mu Yuanling?
Yesterday, Mu Niange was taken away without a word. Mu Yuanling hadn't settled this account with Lu Yanche properly. When Lu Yanche came to the door, wouldn't Mu Yuanling treat Lu Yanche well?

(End of this chapter)

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