Chapter 302

After Mu Niange adjusted her emotions, she walked slowly towards the door. She opened the door and appeared in front of Lu Yanche with a cold face. The moment the door opened, Lu Yanche's lips curled up With a smile, he raised the bag in his hand, put it in front of Mu Niange's eyes and shook it: "Good morning, Niange, this is the breakfast I prepared for you..."

Hearing this, Mu Niange frowned, obviously displeased, she glanced at Lu Yanche's bag, and slapped Lu Yanche's bag away with a bit of disgust, she didn't respond to Lu Yanche, but passed Lu Yanche, towards Walking up the stairs, Lu Yanche didn't mind being ignored by Mu Niange, he carefully followed behind Mu Niange, observing Mu Niange's expression...

The living room was very quiet, Mu Niange didn't speak, neither did Lu Yanche, they just sat opposite Mu Niange, watching Mu Niange eat breakfast.

The breakfast that Mu Niange ate was of course not brought by Lu Yanche, who was brought by Lu Yanche and left aside, Mu Niange ate very slowly, Lu Yanche was very patient, just waiting, he stared at Mu Niange Reading songs and watching, it seems that no matter how you look at it, you can't get enough of it.

Mu Niange was looked at by Lu Yanche very unnaturally. At first, Mu Niange was able to pretend, but in the end, Mu Niange couldn't take it anymore. She put the spoon in her hand into the bowl and looked at Lu Yanche with a calm face. Said: "Are you sick?"

What's going on with this bluster?

Lu Yanche couldn't react...

"You can see that my stomach can be full, but I can't eat because of you. Are you trying to harm me?"

Mu Niange stared at Lu Yanche, and said without blushing. When Lu Yanche heard the words, his deep eyes were rippling. What does Mu Niange mean? Lu Yanche didn't want to study it deeply. There is no need for in-depth research. Anyway, what I want to express in general is two meanings.

One is that Mu Niange was embarrassed by Lu Yanche, and hoped that Lu Yanche could take his gaze back.

The second is that Mu Niange is eating alone, and Lu Yanche is watching. Has Lu Yanche had breakfast yet?Doesn't he know he's hungry?Why didn't he eat with Mu Niange?It was probably because of his relationship with Lu Yanche, the corner of Lu Yanche's lips curled into a smile: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hurt you."

Lu Yanche's apology was very sincere.

As soon as the words fell, he looked away from Mu Niange, and opened the bag he brought.

The breakfast he brought to Mu Niange was bought by him when he went out, a glutinous rice chicken, and a few steamed buns. I don't know what Mu Niange likes to eat, but Lu Yanche bought it casually. Mu Niange saw the smile on Lu Yanche's lips When she realized it, her frowning brows became even more severe.

I don't know how Lu Yanche understood what Mu Niange meant...

Mu Niange looked away from Lu Yanche, buried her head and continued to eat, the more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, did her angry complaint really make Lu Yanche so happy?
Mu Niange couldn't understand, really couldn't understand, what was going on?

Mu Niange thought about it for a long time, and after drinking all the porridge in the bowl, Mu Niange realized that she had made a mistake. She cared for Lu Yanche unintentionally, and Mu Niange became angry from embarrassment. She stood up suddenly and made a lot of noise. She looked down at Lu Yanche with a sullen face and said, "You brought me these breakfasts? Lu Yanche, don't you know that I lack nutrition? Outside No matter how delicious or glamorous things are, they are not what I want. If you pursue me with this kind of heart, I will tell you clearly that you can give up, because I am not Will accept people like you..."

Mu Niange's anger was so unsuspecting that Lu Yanche couldn't stand it for a while...

He looked up at Mu Niange, not knowing how to respond to Mu Niange.

If he pursued Mu Niange with such an attitude, it would be impossible for Mu Niange to agree to Lu Yanche's pursuit for the rest of his life. However, didn't they agree yesterday to start over?

Lu Yanche frowned, and stood up unsteadily. He stared at Mu Niange, trying to use a calm tone so as not to irritate Mu Niange: "Niange, didn't we agree yesterday to start over?"

Mu Niange hooked his lips and sneered: "That's what you said, did I promise you?"

Thinking back to the kiss yesterday, there was a slight throbbing, but reason was more real than throbbing, Mu Niange had to take good care of himself, so as not to make Mu Yuanling and Yang Zhishuang worry about Mu Niange again with.

Lu Yanche rubbed the center of his eyebrows, feeling very helpless.

Indeed, he was the only one talking.

From the beginning to the end, Mu Niange never gave Lu Yanche an answer. Although he couldn't start over with Mu Niange, Mu Niange promised to give Lu Yanche a chance to pursue, which means that Lu Yanche has hope in Mu Niange's place. of……

"Okay, I was the one who said it. You didn't say a word. I misunderstood your meaning. So, can you tell me about the rules for chasing you?"

Lu Yanche asked Mu Niange patiently.

His eyes were sincere, as if he wanted to know quickly.

Mu Niange looked Lu Yanche up and down, picked up the bowl on the table, and walked towards the kitchen, ignoring Lu Yanche. When Mu Niange came out of the kitchen and sat opposite Lu Yanche again, she said to Lu Yanche Che picked a thorn in his bones: "Lu Yanche, I can see your sincerity clearly..."

"I just entered the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks. Shouldn't you come out at this time, take the bowls and chopsticks away from my hand, take them into the kitchen and wash them off, and let me sit here and wait?"

Mu Niange was asking Lu Yanche back, he didn't directly convict Lu Yanche, but this is already a big deal, Lu Yanche didn't comply with Mu Niange's request, Lu Yanche felt that Mu Niange was a little nonsensical, and he was about to be overwhelmed , his head hurts, he can only apologize to Mu Niange: "Niange, I didn't do it on purpose, forgive me for my slow reaction..."

"I can forgive your slow response, but I can't allow such things to happen again and again, Lu Yanche, can you understand me?"

Lu Yanche seems to understand the meaning of Mu Niange, but what Lu Yanche can be sure of is that Mu Niange is reminding Lu Yanche that Mu Niange used such adjectives again and again, which is a very bad thing. thing.

Lu Yanche nodded heavily, and said with a serious expression: "I promise, this word that is repeated over and over again will not come out of your mouth, and it will not happen to you and me again."

(End of this chapter)

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