Chapter 315

Lu Yanche couldn't stand being bitten by Mu Niange, he loosened his hand, and Mu Niange immediately escaped from his embrace...

Mu Niange quickly rushed towards the door of the room, feeling like she was running away. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Lu Meiqi and Mrs. Lu standing at the door. The two seemed to be tugging at each other. Mu Niange had the urge to dig a hole and bury herself.

What the hell did she do?
To encounter such a thing?
Mu Niange was very embarrassed, standing at the door, not knowing what to do, but Lu Yanche walked out from behind Mu Niange very calmly, he looked at Lu Meiqi, then at Mrs. Lu, and finally turned to Lu Meiqi Said: "Take Niange to your room to wash up."

Lu Meiqi let out an oh, and very obediently pulled Mu Niange towards her room...

When Lu Meiqi's hand touched Mu Niange, Mu Niange was obviously relieved. The feeling of being watched by Mrs. Lu was really depressing. It's just a matter, why did it become like this?

Lu Yanche was in the assessment period, and Mu Niange hadn't planned to accept Lu Yanche yet, so he was so confused, who was with Lu Yanche?

There is no deeper contact, just someone being together, but this has exceeded the bottom line of Mu Niange, and Mu Niange shut himself in Lu Meiqi's bathroom, letting Lu Meiqi talk outside Even Mu Niange remained indifferent.

Mu Niange's heart is in a mess...

After meeting Lu Yanche again, Mu Niange felt so confused and at a loss for the first time, not knowing what to do next.

When Mu Niange came out of Lu Meiqi's bathroom, Lu Meiqi stood in front of Mu Niange, looked at Mu Niange with guilt and said, "Sister Niange, I'm sorry, I didn't go out on purpose last night. I want to give my brother a chance to be alone with you. I didn't expect things to develop like this. If you feel uncomfortable or unhappy, you can vent it on me. I will never complain !"

Lu Meiqi should understand what kind of person Mu Niange is during the time she spent with Mu Niange.

How could she be so stupid and make such a big mistake, how will Mu Niange face Lu Yanche in the future?You know, Lu Yanche who faced Mu Niange was a big rogue, not that Lu Yanche didn't dare to play a rogue in front of Mu Niange, but that Lu Yanche had never been able to find a suitable opportunity. Right now... Lu Meiqi is undoubtedly It was because of helping Lu Yanche that Mu Niange fell into a crisis.

Mu Niange was really helpless.

Knowing that Lu Meiqi did not come out on purpose, the words of accusation still could not come out of his mouth.

She patted Lu Meiqi's shoulder lightly, walked to the side sofa and sat down without saying anything: "What do you think about this matter?"

Mu Niange did not blame Lu Meiqi, which made Lu Meiqi feel relieved. Hearing Mu Niange's question, Lu Meiqi was surprised. How does she think about this matter, is it really important?Or, Mu Niange wanted to ask Lu Meiqi what he meant, and was deciding how to solve this matter?
It seems that Lu Meiqi's position in Mu Niange's heart is really important...

Lu Meiqi secretly rejoiced, and said that if Lu Yanche bullied her in the future, Mu Niange would undoubtedly be her biggest backer.

"My brother definitely did it on purpose."

Without even thinking about it, Lu Meiqi blurted out: "He can drink very well, it's impossible for him to get drunk so easily."

Two sentences, exposed Lu Yanche's conspiracy, and only Mu Niange would believe that Lu Yanche was really drunk and needed someone to take care of him. Mu Niange rubbed his brows with a headache. Is he in control of the situation, or is Lu Yanche in control of the situation?
Mu Niange was silent and didn't respond to Lu Meiqi. Lu Meiqi shut her mouth wisely and sat beside Mu Niange.

After Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi left, Mrs. Lu and Lu Yanche stared at each other. When Lu Yanche stretched lazily and returned to the room, Mrs. Lu followed behind Lu Yanche impatiently. She looked at Lu Yanche Looking at Yan Che's back, he couldn't help asking, "Ah Che, what's going on?"

"That's what you saw..."

Lu Yanche didn't want to explain in depth to Mrs. Lu, this was a matter between him and Mu Niange, as long as he and Mu Niange understood it.

"Ache, did I tell you not to hang out with Mu Niange anymore? Mrs. Mu doesn't want you to be together. Similarly, I don't want you to be together. Have you forgotten that before you and Mu Niange what happened?"

Mrs. Lu had a sullen face and said very seriously.

How could Lu Yanche forget that he owed Mu Niange, he should pay back to Mu Niange, even if everyone forgets, Lu Yanche will never forget, he will keep him in his heart all his life, wait for that day, When Mu Niange wanted to settle the old score, Lu Yanche was trying to settle the score with Mu Niange.

"The matter between me and Niange is about me and Niange. What does it have to do with you and Mrs. Mu? It's not that you and Mrs. Mu are together..."

Mrs. Lu: "..."

Lu Yanche is now playing hooligans so well that Mrs. Lu is almost overwhelmed.

But on the matter of Mu Niange, Mrs. Lu must not give in to Lu Yanche: "Ache, I'm telling you something serious. There are some things you don't know or understand. I can explain them to you. You know, as for you and Mu Niange, you don't even have to think about it, even if I agree, Mrs. Mu will never agree. If you really like Mu Niange so much, you shouldn't have let Xia Minmin go, Xia Youyou did such a thing."

Knowing that it was because of Lu Yanche that Mu Niange was bullied by Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, to be honest, Mrs. Lu was very angry...

She never thought that her son is so useless, he can't even protect the person she likes, now that he can protect him, what's the use?Those who deserved to be injured, those who shouldn't, Mu Niange was all injured, so what he said now would be useless.

"Mom, you are not Mrs. Mu. How do you know that Mrs. Mu will not agree to be with Nian Ge? Have you forgotten? Nian Ge is not Mrs. Mu's daughter? Nian Ge is only Mrs. Mu's niece. There are some things Madam Mu can make decisions for Mu Niange, and for some things, Niange can make decisions for himself, as long as it is what Niange wants, who can stop Niange?"

Lu Yanche sighed, and turned to Mrs. Lu...

What Lu Yanche said was very certain, as if Lu Yanche was a roundworm in Mu Niange's stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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