Chapter 318

Laughing miserably and powerlessly...

"Lu Yanche, you are willing to degenerate and let her trample on you. I can't see it. I really want to slap her on the cheek again and again, but I know that you will protect her." Hers, so, I will shoot her in a place where you can't see..."

After Xia Minmin laughed, she regained her composure.

She pointed at Mu Niange and said without any shyness.

Xia Minmin was about to tear her skin apart, anyway, things had turned out like this, what Xia Minmin was saying was meaningless.

"Xia Minmin!" Lu Yanche gritted his teeth and called Xia Minmin's name.

Hearing this, Xia Minmin curled her lips and smiled brightly at Lu Yanche...

Mu Niange shrugged, very senseless, she reached out to hold Lu Yanche's arm, very affectionately: "You want to do something to me, and you don't even look at who is around me? Do you think that Lu Yanche is willing to leave my side? Half a step? No matter where I go, Lu Yanche will follow me, just wait slowly... wait until you find a suitable opportunity to deal with me."

As soon as Mu Niange finished speaking, before Xia Minmin could react, she pulled Lu Yanche past Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin was flustered in the wind, she thought she had won against Mu Niange, but in fact, she lost, and the loss was a complete mess...

Lu Yanche, Mu Niange, hehe, how could these two people let go?

When Lu Yanche and Mu Niange walked out of Xia Minmin's sight, Mu Niange let go of Lu Yanche's hand and walked on by himself. Happiness came so suddenly that it was difficult for Lu Yanche to come out of joy for a while, and then Look at Mu Niange, let go of Lu Yanche's hand, so fast, so ruthless.

Xia Minmin's words rang in Lu Yanche's ears.

Mu Niange is playing with Lu Yanche, using Lu Yanche, has Lu Yanche become Mu Niange's tool?
Suppressing the unpleasant thoughts in his heart, Lu Yanche quickly caught up with Mu Niange, walked up to Mu Niange's side, glanced at Mu Niange and said, "Niange, in front of Xia Minmin, you did that Do you want to swear something to Xia Minmin?"

of course.

Mu Niange didn't hide anything: "As you said."

Lu Yanche was overjoyed, and asked: "So, are you swearing that I am yours, and let Xia Minmin stay away from me?"

"Do you think you are very charming, or do you think I am blind? Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin just said it very clearly, even a fool can see that I am using you. If you like to follow me, then you can continue to follow me. I have a little opinion." nothing."

Mu Niange laughed twice, he really didn't save Lu Yanche any face.

Lu Yanche smiled mischievously and touched his nose.

Lu Yanche still doesn't know what kind of person Mu Niange is?
How could she be as unbearable as Xia Minmin said?

If Mu Niange was really so unbearable, she would have done it when Mu Niange saw Lu Yanche for the first time. I believe that Xia Minmin didn't have that kind of opportunity, and continued to deal with Mu Niange, Mu Niange Disdainful, very disdainful, not at all willing to resort to such means.

Mu Niange obviously opened his heart to Lu Yanche.

When Mu Niange held Lu Yanche's arm, Lu Yanche could clearly feel his own heartbeat. Not everyone could understand the throbbing of his heart.

"Recite the song, don't pretend, I know, I know..."

Lu Yanche said in Mu Niange's ear without thinking, Mu Niange frowned, glared at Lu Yanche and said, "Is there something wrong with your brain? What do you know, what do you understand? I Saying like Xia Minmin, isn't it helping you express your own heart? Is your current attitude the attitude of pursuing people? "

"If you feel impatient, you don't have to pursue me anymore. Anyway, for me, your pursuit is not a good thing..."

Mu Niange stopped, feeling more and more excited. Lu Yanche was stunned by the speed at which Mu Niange turned his face. After hearing Mu Niange say that he wanted to give up by himself, how could Lu Yanche do it?

Lu Yanche reached out and grabbed Mu Niange's shoulders, and said sincerely: "Niange, I started, and I won't stop, so please don't talk about me giving up in the future, you are right , you are helping me express my heart, I can't even thank you in time, how could I have other thoughts for you, right?"

"If you have an idea... also..."

Lu Yanche spoke halfway, but didn't continue.

He looked at Mu Niange with ambiguous eyes, and Mu Niange immediately reacted, and shook Lu Yanche's hand away fiercely. This is what it is, a dirty-minded guy: "What did you do to me yesterday? Do you still remember?"

Mu Niange changed the topic back.

A trace of guilt flashed in Lu Yanche's eyes, he let go of Mu Niange's shoulder, looked away and said, "I drank last night, so I don't remember anything."

"So... you don't want to admit it?"

"how is this possible!"

Lu Yanche responded to Mu Niange reflexively, Mu Niange sneered, put his arms around his chest and said, "I don't dare to measure you, just remember what you did last night, and will feel better later of."

Mu Niange left such a sentence, and walked towards Mu's house without looking back. Lu Yanche stood there, unable to react to his thoughts at once. When Lu Yanche realized, he realized what he had done. Didn't go home at night, Mrs. Mu asked Mu Niange to go home before two o'clock.

Lu Yanche's expression changed, and he quickly followed Mu Niange.

Mu Yuanling thought that after Mu Niange sent Lu Yanche to Lu's house, he would come back immediately. What he never expected was that when Mu Yuanling woke up, he knocked on the door of Mu Niange's room, and there was a little movement inside. nothing.

An ominous premonition arose in Mu Yuanling's heart...

He opened the door of Mu Niange's room by himself, and there was no one in it. Mu Yuanling thought that he was going to die now. Just as Mrs. Mu came out of the room, she saw Mu Yuanling standing in front of Mu Niange. At the door of the room, what happened to Mu Niange, she walked behind Mu Yuanling with a surprised mood, and saw that the room was empty, and there was no sign of Mu Niange at all.

Mrs. Mu grabbed Mu Yuanling's ear, and said viciously: "I ask you, where is the song?"

Mrs. Mu ordered Mu Yuanling to die in front of Lu Yanche, but Mu Yuanling knew very well that Mrs. Mu was just scaring Lu Yanche. When Mrs. Mu went to sleep, when would she come back? Yuan Ling and Mu Niange had the final say, so Mrs. Mu turned a blind eye to Lu Yanche.

However, not all painstaking efforts will be known.

(End of this chapter)

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