Chapter 320

This is no longer a matter of Mu Niange not coming home at night.

"What did you say, can you tell me again?"

Madam Mu asked Lu Yanche sharply.

Lu Yanche rubbed his nose, smiled coquettishly and said, "Auntie, you also know that people who drink alcohol can't control their emotions, I will read the song..."

Lu Yanche said at this moment, he turned his head and glanced at Mu Niange, Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche with wide eyes, a little unbelievable what he heard, what was Lu Yanche talking about?Did he want to make things more and more complicated, and make Madam Mu's opinion of Lu Yanche even deeper?
Lu Yanche didn't care.


He was misunderstood by Madam Mu and didn't like it. It's not a matter of a day or two. He admitted that he is a jerk, but sometimes Lu Yanche's bastard is Lu Yanche's favorite. Say something like this.


Lu Yanche and Mu Niange?
Mrs. Mu's head exploded with a bang. She walked forward quickly, grabbed Lu Yanche and hit him: "Speak clearly, what's so hard to control yourself, what's the matter with you and reciting songs?"

Mrs. Mu slapped Lu Yanche's arm twice, meaning to mean it, but the pain was not meant to mean it.

Lu Yanche frowned in pain, she didn't let go of any of Madam Mu's expressions and said: "I have done something that I am sorry to you, please forgive me..."

I wipe Nima!

Mu Niange wanted to speak rudely.

She stepped forward and pulled Lu Yanche over, and shouted at Lu Yanche: "What nonsense are you talking about? I have nothing to do with you!"

Mu Niange said nothing, Lu Yanche said nothing, who should Mrs. Mu listen to?
Seeing Mu Niange's blushing face, it was obvious that anger had accumulated.

"Niange, how could you be like this? We clearly agreed yesterday that we have to face everything together. I know you don't want me to be hurt a little, but since you did it, you did it. I won't Liar, aunt, I told Niange... I think, I don’t need to elaborate, you all know what happened to us, as the elder of Niange, I respect you very much, so I want to ask Your opinion, how do you want me to be responsible for this matter? As long as you say it, I will definitely do it. "

Lu Yanche's sincere attitude made Madam Mu unable to pick any thorns.

It is because of this that Madam Mu is even more angry...

You said, what is all this?

Mu Niange was eaten by Lu Yanche under his nose?

Oh shit!

Mu Yuanling couldn't help being rude, Lu Yanche pretended to be drunk, was this the idea?But looking at Mu Niange's appearance, it doesn't look like he had any improper relationship with Lu Yanche. Could it be that Lu Yanche is directing and acting by himself?

Mu Yuanling was surprised, but he didn't expose it directly.

He stepped forward, grabbed Lu Yanche by the collar, and punched Lu Yanche fiercely: "Lu Yanche, you are not human. I entrusted my sister to you to treat me like this?"

Mu Yuanling's fist came unprepared, and Lu Yanche was directly knocked down on the ground. Mrs. Mu was startled, and quickly recovered. Mu Niange was not calm anymore. She squatted down, looked at Lu Yanche nervously and said : "How are you? Is there anything wrong?"

Mu Niange is very clear about the friendship between Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling.

Mu Yuanling gave Lu Yanche such a punch for himself, and Lu Yanche might hold grudges against Mu Yuanling, but he didn't know that Lu Yanche was very grateful for Mu Yuanling's punch, and because of Mu Yuanling's punch, Lu Yanche Seeing Mu Niange's friendship for him.

Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's hand, smiled at Mu Niange, shook his head and said, "It's okay, your brother beat you right, I should have come to your house long ago, and asked your brother for a beating!"

Mu Niange's heart was sour when Lu Yanche said it, and an inexplicable emotion spread in his heart. What did Lu Yanche mean by this?
He said that he should have come here a long time ago and asked Mu Yuanling to beat him up. Did he think that the harm he caused to Mu Niange could be written off after being beaten by Mu Yuanling? ?

Mu Niange closed her eyes and put back her worry about Lu Yanche. She broke free from Lu Yanche's hand, stood up slowly and said, "Brother, he likes being beaten so much, then you should be cruel." Beat him up, some people don't know how long their memory is if they don't beat them..."

"This time, he can go against your wishes and refuse to let me go home. Next time, he will very likely abduct me, making it impossible for me to come back for the rest of my life..."

Mu Niange spoke calmly, but every word and sentence was carefully thought out.

What Mu Niange said made sense. Lu Yanche repeatedly violated the taboos of the Mu family. Mu Yuanling leaned over and grabbed Lu Yanche's collar again, and punched Lu Yanche hard. , there is no sympathy at all.

Looking at such a scene, Madam Mu frowned.

If the fight continues, what will happen if the fight is good or bad?
Mrs. Mu felt worthless for Mu Niange, but she didn't want to beat Lu Yanche to vent her anger, after all... Mu Niange didn't want it, and Lu Yanche couldn't force Mu Niange to do so.

Mu Yuanling's strikes were more intense each time, and Madam Mu felt pain in the flesh when she saw it. Madam Mu said: "Yuanling, stop, if he is injured, we will send him to the hospital."

It turned out that he hated trouble...

Lu Yanche curled his lips into a smile, disapproving.

Mu Yuanling wanted to stop a long time ago, but Lu Yanche let Mu Yuanling hit him without even fighting back. This feeling was really weird. Mu Yuanling stood up straight and subconsciously looked at Mu Niange , Mu Niange looked calm, and didn't even look at Lu Yanche.

It seems that Lu Yanche is about to be disappointed...

Sure enough, when Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange expectantly, he didn't get the slightest response from Mu Niange, his eyes were full of sadness: "Auntie, I'm really sorry, I did something wrong to Niange. For such a thing, however, I will be responsible..."

When Lu Yanche said he was responsible, he stood up from the ground, and said with piercing eyes, "I'll go back right away, and let my mother choose a good and auspicious day, and then I will be hired..."

Ha ha……

This is Lu Yanche's real purpose. The previous ones are all paving the way for this sentence.

Mu Niange burst out laughing, not giving Lu Yanche any face. Mu Niange laughed, but it aroused the surprise of Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling. After they looked at each other, they waited for Mu Niange's next words, Mu Niange picked up his steps, approached Lu Yanche and said, "What did you do to me? Why can't I remember?"

Mu Niange pretended to be deep in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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