Chapter 325

"Recite the song, recite the song..." Ji Jingchen quickly changed a pair of shoes, and chased after Mu Niange.

Yang Zhishuang pulled Mu Niange, and quickened her pace. Hearing Ji Jingchen's indomitable voice, Yang Zhishuang was upset. Yang Zhishuang pulled Gu Qingge to the side, turned to face Ji Jingchen and said, "Why, do you still want to give me more money?" Our red envelope?"

Ji Jingchen chuckled, his eyes full of cunning: "Of course not, but if you want red envelopes, I can satisfy you, provided that you listen to me..."

Ji Jingchen glanced at Mu Niange, leaned closer to Yang Zhishuang's ear, and said softly, "I know you don't like Lu Yanche, but at this time, we shouldn't talk about whether we like it or not. Every year during the Chinese New Year, we will get together Going out to play, you follow me to find Ah Che now, Ah Che will definitely give each of you a big red envelope."

Ji Jingchen is really dedicated, always thinking about Mu Niange and Lu Yanche.

Yang Zhishuang pushed Ji Jingchen away, wiped her cheek in disgust and said, "Your saliva sprayed on my face."

Ji Jingchen raised his eyebrows, and said disapprovingly, "Don't worry, I don't have bad breath, what's the matter, isn't my suggestion good?"

There is no need for Ji Jingchen to say, Yang Zhishuang will bring Mu Niange to Lu Yanche's place, not for anything else, just because he doesn't want to let Lu Yanche take advantage of it, but if only Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange go, it shows that it is not very good. Well, with Ji Jingchen here, Lu Yanche would naturally think that Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang were forced to come here by Ji Jingchen.

Yang Zhishuang rubbed her chin with one hand, and looked at Ji Jingchen carefully.

Ji Jingchen's scalp was numb from Yang Zhishuang's gaze: "Don't look at me with such eyes, if you don't want it, I won't force you..."

Of course, it is impossible not to want it.


Yang Zhishuang readily took Mu Niange with one hand and Ji Jingchen with the other to Lu Yanche's house.

Lu Yanche was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking towards the door from time to time, Lu Meiqi saw through Lu Yanche's mind, shook the phone in front of Lu Yanche and said, "Brother, do you want me to call Sister Niange. "

When Lu Yanche heard the words 'Sister Nian Ge', Lu Yanche's eyelids moved slightly.

Lu Yanche quickly regained his composure, and hummed lightly as a response to Lu Meiqi...

Lu Meiqi despised Lu Yanche in her heart, obviously wanted to fight by herself, but still pretended not to care, Lu Meiqi pretended to frowned and said, "But I don't know what to say to Sister Niange? Is it to Sister Niange?" New Year's greetings? Then should I get a red envelope from Sister Nian Ge..."

As soon as Lu Meiqi finished speaking, Lu Yanche stuffed a big red envelope into Lu Meiqi's hands. Lu Meiqi's expression brightened, and her hand holding the phone slightly tightened, "Take it out earlier, wasting so much of my expressions..."

Lu Yanche: "..."

Lu Meiqi took advantage of the opportunity and sat beside Lu Yanche. In front of Lu Yanche, she found out Mu Niange's mobile phone number, and wanted to dial it.

Coincidentally, the doorbell rang at home, and Lu Yanche got up to look...

He had just opened the door, and Xia Minmin's smiling face fell into Lu Yanche's eyes.

Lu Yanche's face gradually turned cold. He didn't let go of his hand to signal Xia Minmin to come in, but was waiting for Xia Minmin's next words.

It is not a surprise that Xia Minmin will appear here. Mu Niange did not come to this compound, and Xia Minmin was like this when he left this compound. He came here full of joy, waiting for Lu Yanche to give him a The red envelope, that kind of pampering, is Xia Minmin's favorite pampering, and she hopes from the bottom of her heart that it can continue like this.

But Lu Yanche never gave Xia Minmin such a chance.

After getting the red envelope, Lu Yanche patted Xia Minmin's head, said Happy New Year, and there was no more...

Xia Minmin wanted Lu Yanche to ask him if he had eaten, whether it was cold, or whether there was enough money in the red envelope. If not, Lu Yanche could give it to Xia Minmin again. Everything was what Xia Minmin expected and could not get. It is always the best, so it is not difficult for Xia Minmin to behave himself.

"Ache, Happy New Year..."

Xia Minmin took a deep breath and adjusted her emotions. Here, only she and Lu Yanche are here. She can talk to Lu Yanche calmly and put aside everything about Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche hummed, and was about to close the door, but Xia Min quickly grabbed the door, and said pitifully, "Ah Che, I'm here to celebrate the New Year with you, but you don't even want me in. Are you sitting at home?"

"Xia Minmin, it's a good thing to have a thick skin. At least you won't suffer if you leave the society. But when you come here, it's not a good thing to have a thick skin. Do you want to come into my house? What do you want to do in my house? Shake in front of Qi, tell Mei Qi, even though you did that to Mei Qi, I will forgive you? Still want to recommend yourself in front of my parents, saying that you are suitable to be my wife, Do you want my parents to agree?"

Lu Yanche sneered, and said straight to the point.

Xia Minmin's face turned pale...

Xia Minmin bit her lower lip tightly and her body trembled. She lowered her head and did not respond to Lu Yanche's words for a long time.

Lu Yanche was upset, Xia Minmin still didn't forget to come out to help Lu Yanche make trouble at such a time...

Lu Yanche pulled Xia Minmin's hand away, and closed the door heavily with a bang. A gust of wind blew away Xia Minmin's hair. Although she was unwilling, Xia Minmin would not stay here. Just leaving, she just turned around when she saw Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang, and Mu Niange approaching.

Xia Minmin paused slightly...

Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen's expressions changed, they looked at Mu Niange subconsciously, and found that Mu Niange's expression was calm, and he didn't see Xia Minmin at all.

Xia Minmin curled her lips into a sneer, cast a provocative look at Mu Niange, and returned to her home.

The doorbell rang again, and Lu Yanche lost the intention to open the door. Lu Meiqi pushed Lu Yanche, and ran to open the door reluctantly. After opening the door, a red envelope fell into Lu Meiqi's hands. Looking carefully, it was from Ji Jingchen , Ji Jingchen was followed by Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang.

Lu Meiqi's expression brightened, and she didn't rush to shout out...

She blinked at Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang, and said to Ji Jingchen, "Brother Jingchen, are you here to pay New Year's greetings to my brother? My brother is not in a good mood, or we won't pay our respects this year, So as not to be treated as a punching bag by him later."

(End of this chapter)

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