Chapter 337

The crowd in the flower market gradually dispersed, and the rest were the shopkeepers in the flower shop. When the shops closed and the lights in the flower market were turned off, the rest was pitch black.

At first glance, there was nothing. Lu Yanche and the others finally believed that they would not be able to find Mu Niange after searching like this. Yang Zhishuang and Mu Yuanling stood aside without saying a word, and Ji Jingchen stood up and broke the silence: "Nian Ge got separated from us. It is very likely that we will go back to the compound first. Should we go back to the compound and have a look? If Nian Ge doesn't go back, let's make another plan?"

"It's useless if we continue to stay here. Chanting Songs is not the kind of person who will wait in place..."

Ji Jingchen is right about this point. Mu Niange is not someone who will wait in place. When there is no one else, Mu Niange will go back first, but the problem now is that Mu Niange really has money to go back. Compound?
Yang Zhishuang frowned, and couldn't bear to hit Ji Jingchen. Similarly, Yang Zhishuang hoped that Mu Niange had returned to the compound, so that everyone could feel at ease, but why didn't Mu Niange return to the compound? They make a phone call?

It is impossible for Mu Niange not to know that they will be worried...

A series of questions swirled in everyone's minds, no matter how they thought it was wrong, the only correct choice was to look for Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche glanced at Ji Jingchen, and facing Yang Zhishuang, Mu Yuanling said, "You guys go back to the compound first and have a look, I'll wait here, when you're ready, pass the news to me, if Niange doesn't come back, I'll keep looking, Until you find the chanting song."

As soon as Lu Yanche finished speaking, he picked up his steps and continued to search.

What everyone is most worried about is that something happened to the song...

If something happened to Mu Niange, it would be unacceptable to anyone.

Lu Meiqi looked at Lu Yanche's appearance, and suddenly remembered that during the time when Mu Niange dared to disappear, Lu Yanche did the same. He kept looking, kept looking, and he felt that he did something wrong to let Mu Niange hide from him. , When he finds Mu Niange and apologizes to Mu Niange, Mu Niange will be able to accept and forgive himself, but in the end, it's just Lu Yanche's wishful thinking...

"Brother, let's go back together, maybe Miss Niange has no money to go home, so why not just walk home like this?"

Lu Meiqi wanted to comfort Lu Yanche, but didn't know how to comfort Lu Yanche, so she said such a nonsensical sentence...

Everyone's eyes fell on Lu Meiqi in unison. Why didn't they think of this?When he was penniless, he had no choice but to walk home, and after calculation, an hour and a half had passed, and no matter what Mu Niange said, he was about to reach the compound.

Lu Yanche didn't wait for Ji Jingchen and others to speak, he walked out of the road and stopped a taxi and got into the car...

Mu Niange is not penniless, she has a red envelope from Lu Yanche on her body, if you take out any one, you can send Mu Niange home, but Mu Niange damn it, Not willing to use the money, she really did what Lu Meiqi said, walking home, with so many people, it was impossible to find Lu Yanche and the others, and Mu Niange couldn't remember anyone's phone number.

The best way is to go home first, and then ask Mrs. Mu to call Mu Yuanling and tell Mu Yuanling.

But Mu Niange forgot that she was a road idiot, a road idiot who didn't know the way. Along the way, Mu Niange asked many people how to get to the compound, and no one told Mu Niange The answer is correct, Mu Niange can only grope silently by himself, and an hour has passed.

Mu Niange didn't know where she had gone, she was very tired...

Tired, I haven't walked this long for a long time, Mu Niange leaned aside to rest, one taxi after another passed in front of Mu Niange, Mu Niange didn't move and wanted to be a taxi Thoughts, she was thinking, what are Lu Yanche and others doing now?
According to Mu Niange's understanding of Yang Zhishuang and Mu Yuanling, they should look for him in the flower market, and then Lu Yanche will be scolded miserably by the two of them...

Lu Yanche deserved it and didn't deserve sympathy. Lu Yanche didn't take a good look at himself, so he let himself get lost. This is a test for Lu Yanche, and it is also a test for himself by Mu Niange. The more Mu Niange thinks about it, , the more I wanted to laugh, I couldn't help laughing out loud.

Smiling and smiling, she felt in a very good mood, unprecedentedly good...

The experience again and again is something that Mu Niange has never tried before.

Both excited and looking forward to...

It made Yang Zhishuang and others worry about themselves, but Mu Niange really had no choice. It turned out that when you disappeared, there was such a group of people looking for you and anxious about you. It was such a great feeling. Mu Niange used to She didn't feel that she was so important. Since she had Yang Zhishuang and others, Mu Niange felt that her life had real value.

This is not something Xia Minmin or Xia Youyou can compare to...

Mu Niange rested for a while, then continued walking, walking, the familiar route appeared in front of Mu Niange, the more Mu Niange walked, the more confident he felt, seeing that the gate of the compound was not far away, A smile curled up on the corner of Mu Niange's lips, and he quickened his pace.

One after another, the taxis drove past in front of Mu Niange. Mu Niange didn't notice who was inside. When the car drove a long way and stopped, Mu Niange Only then did Ge realize that the people working inside were most likely Lu Yanche and others.

Mu Niange stopped in his tracks, and his heart rose.

She stared closely at the stopped taxi, the back seat door of the front taxi was opened, Lu Yanche's figure walked out, he closed the door heavily, looked back at Mu Niange, The moment he saw Mu Niange, Mu Niange clearly saw the fluctuation in Lu Yanche's eyes.

In the next second, Lu Yanche rushed towards Mu Niange. Without Mu Niange noticing, he hugged Mu Niange tightly in his arms. The familiar smell and familiar embrace made Mu Niange Song's uneasy heart calmed down.

Mu Niange said he was not afraid, that was a lie...

She doesn't have a mobile phone on her body, so she can't follow the map, she can only rely on directness and memory to search, among them, if something happens, what should Mu Niange do?How should we deal with it?

Fortunately, Mu Niange's luck was so good. After looking for it, he was found by Mu Niange, and then, Mu Niange was found by Lu Yanche and others.

Mu Niange was embraced by Lu Yanche, with his head resting on Lu Yanche's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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