Chapter 346

Yang Zhishuang clearly sensed that Mu Niange was a little absent-minded, it was Xia Minmin's words that made Mu Niange care?It's not that Yang Zhishuang didn't have doubts in her heart, but Mu Niange didn't tell herself that Yang Zhishuang thought Xia Minmin was talking nonsense and wanted to make Mu Niange look bad.

Yang Zhishuang opened her mouth, wanting to ask Mu Niange, but seeing Lu Yanche approaching not far away, Yang Zhishuang closed her mouth knowingly, she pulled Mu Niange and stood where she was, waiting for Lu Yanche to come ...

When Lu Yanche walked in, Yang Zhishuang glanced at the box in Lu Yanche's hand, let go of Mu Niange's arm without saying a word, turned and left.

Mu Niange was not online, and the moment Yang Zhishuang let go of her arm, she realized that she raised her eyes and met Lu Yanche's gaze. What kind of way did Lu Yanche greet her?

Mu Niange is embarrassed...

The way I got along with Lu Yanche six years ago is no longer suitable for six years later. If Lu Yanche hadn't been guiding Mu Niange, Mu Niange would have felt that he and Lu Yanche just had the title of boyfriend and girlfriend.

"My brother and the others are back?"

Mu Niange glanced behind Lu Yanche and asked casually.

Lu Yanche nodded, handed the box in his hand to Mu Niange and said, "This is the mobile phone I bought for you in the morning. It contains your original number. I went to apply for it for you... "

When Mu Niange heard this, he was slightly taken aback.

In my impression, to apply for a replacement mobile phone number, you need to register with the number you have contacted recently. How did Lu Yanche know who Mu Niange was in contact with recently?

Lu Yanche seemed to see the doubts in Mu Niange's heart, he reached out and patted Mu Niange's head, and said with a bit of helplessness: "Idiot, you are such a housekeeper, do you like to go out, who are the people you contacted?" , isn’t it something you know right away?”


Mu Niange only contacted Yang Zhishuang, Mu Yuanling and others, and the number saved on her phone could be counted with ten fingers.

Mu Niange nodded, took the box of Lu Yanche's phone, and took out the phone. Mu Niange thanked Lu Yanche when turning on the phone, and then subconsciously picked up her steps and walked towards Mu's house. .

Mu Niange had just taken two steps when Lu Yanche grabbed his wrist. Lu Yanche was a little disappointed with Mu Niange's cold reaction: "Niange, if I didn't do well, you can tell me. , I will change it according to your order."

What's wrong with Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange didn't see any other clues for the time being, except that he was not careful enough to detect Mu Niange's intentions. Subconsciously, he wanted to pull his wrist back.

As she struggled to break free, Lu Yanche was taken aback, and said with a little more force: "You don't like my touch?"

It's not that Mu Niange doesn't like Lu Yanche's touch, it's just that there's something weird about it...

Mu Niange lowered his head, did not look at Lu Yanche, and did not respond to Lu Yanche. Seeing Mu Niange like this, any anger or dissatisfaction in Lu Yanche's heart disappeared. He was the one who forced Mu Niange too hard. It's tight, Lu Yanche let go of Mu Niange's hand, slowly lifted it up, patted Mu Niange's head and said, "I really don't know what to do with you."

"It seems that the fact that we are together is not a fact. Last night, you just said it casually. I can't take it as true..."

Lu Yanche has completely lost information about Mu Niange...

Mu Niange's indifference towards Lu Yanche was not pretended, but subconscious. Lu Yanche disappointed Mu Niange time and time again. Why did Mu Niange believe in Lu Yanche? Can't he believe it?I didn't believe it, but felt that I was wrong, Lu Yanche was not such a person.

"What I say is like water that can't be poured out, and it can't be taken back."

In Lu Yanche's words, she was slowly lost. Mu Niange felt uncomfortable when she heard Lu Yanche's lost tone. She raised her eyes to look at Lu Yanche, and said each word with emphasis.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche's lips curled up into a smile. He should be thankful. At least, at this moment, Mu Niange knew how to say a word or two to comfort Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche really wanted to hug Mu Niange , he took a step forward, Mu Niange stared at Lu Yanche closely, saw through Lu Yanche's mind, did not move at all, and let Lu Yanche do it.

Lu Yanche knew that this was Mu Niange's consent, he stretched out his hand and gently hugged Mu Niange into his arms, fixed his chin on the top of Mu Niange's head, and pressed the hand on Mu Niange's waist very hard: "Niange, I feel that you are very unhappy. Did something happen to you when you came out with Yang Zhishuang?"

In fact, Lu Yanche knew that Mu Niange and Xia Minmin had bumped into each other.

Xia Minmin's voice was so loud and sharp, Lu Yanche didn't want to peep into Mu Niange's privacy, he didn't show up, he believed that Mu Niange could handle it well...

Seeing that Mu Niange had nothing to say when Xia Minmin fought back, while Lu Yanche praised Mu Niange in his heart, he felt a little disappointed. Lu Yanche had always wanted to know what Mu Niange told Xia Minmin. , but dare not know...

Mu Niange looked very painful, and wanted to forget about this matter in pain.

Mu Niange leaned her head against Lu Yanche's chest, and she gave a muffled grace as a response to Lu Yanche: "Couldn't Xia Minmin be the first to know about our relationship together?"

Mu Niange was silent for a while, and asked Lu Yanche back. Lu Yanche was slightly taken aback by Mu Niange's back question, and the next second, he spoke softly, in a very indulgent tone: "You are right, you should be the first to know The person in question is Xia Minmin..."

How could Lu Yanche fail to see that Xia Minmin firmly believed that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange would not be together.

Xia Minmin watched Mu Niange and Lu Yanche walk all the way, Xia Minmin knew what happened between them best, and Xia Minmin played tricks on it, in the end, it would become out of control.

"And when Xia Minmin finds out, she will do even more extreme things."

Mu Niange followed Lu Yanche's words and continued.

"I'm sorry, Niange..." Lu Yanche closed his eyes and sincerely apologized to Mu Niange.

This was something that Lu Yanche could imagine, and it was something that Lu Yanche tried his best to solve. Xia Minmin was a lunatic, a lunatic who could do crazy things anytime, anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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