Chapter 360

At the end of Mu Niange's speech, he couldn't continue, and Mo Yunhao couldn't continue laughing at the end, Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao were silent at the same time, Mu Niange looked up at Mo Yunhao, she just said Those words were all to ease Mo Yunhao's mood. It could be seen that Mo Yunhao was not only in a bad mood, but also in a heavy mood.

Facts have proved that Mu Niange is a person who doesn't know how to attract people's attention. In the end, the atmosphere fell into such a situation...

"Senior, I used to be very curious about what you do. Later, you left City B and the school where Yang Zhishuang and I were. You hadn't contacted me for a long time, so long that I forgot how long you met in City A. When I arrived, you always took the initiative to find me, and I rarely had the chance to find you, so I don't know what kind of situation you are in."

"Now, where do you live, where do you work, and what kind of difficulties do you have?"

Looking at Mo Yunhao's eyes, Mu Niange became cautious...

Mo Yunhao was not used to being looked at by Mu Niange with such eyes, he chuckled lightly, trying to ease the atmosphere, but with such a smile, the atmosphere became awkward instead.

Mo Yunhao sighed, and answered Mu Niange's question obediently: "My family environment is not good. At the beginning... I went to the same university as Lu Yanche, but because of tuition fees, I dropped out of school. I agreed. I helped Xia Minmin do that to you because Xia Minmin gave me a lot of money. At that time, I needed money urgently. If I didn’t have the money, my mother’s operation might not be possible. I feel guilty about this matter. I've always thought about it in my heart, I wanted to see if you were alright, but when I looked for you later, I found that you were gone."

"I saw you by chance. I went to the same university as you. I paid attention to you and helped you deliberately. Later, I disappeared without a trace. It was also because of my family relationship. I don’t have a stable job, and I do odd jobs. The hours of odd jobs are more casual and not as dead as stipulated. This allows me to sometimes take care of my mother. I am a single-parent family. When I was very young, my father Not by my side, my mother has raised me so much, her kindness to me cannot be repaid in a day or two, because of me, my mother will tire myself out, I have a great responsibility, I I want my mother to live a good life, but not everyone has such a lucky opportunity..."

When Mo Yunhao said this, a bitter smile rose from the corner of his lips.

The sufferings in life made Mo Yunhao gradually realize that he is so small, so powerless, so... useless at all, if his ability were a little stronger, he wouldn't be like this Look, he didn't complain about anyone, he only resented himself.

"So... how is your mother doing now?"

When Mu Niange listened to Mo Yunhao talking about his family affairs, Mo Yunhao couldn't feel the fluctuation in his heart. She was holding back, and asked Mo Yunhao in a calm tone as much as possible.

Mo Yunhao shook his head, and said sadly: "Not good, very bad..."

"If there is no further operation, I'm worried about my mother..." Mo Yunhao's eyes turned red, and his voice became hoarse.

Mu Niange's body trembled slightly, feeling like she was in the same body, but she was not Mo Yunhao after all, so she couldn't really understand what kind of experience it was, the only thing Mu Niange could comfort Mo Yunhao , to give Mo Yunhao strength, Mu Niange reached out and took Mo Yunhao's hand, she held it tightly, looked at Mo Yunhao with a firm look and said: "Your mother will be fine, trust me ..."

Mo Yunhao also wanted to believe it, but the many difficulties in front of him were telling Mo Yunhao that things were not as simple as imagined.

"Senior, you have always been a very good person in my heart. I admire you very much and dream of becoming someone like you. You smile every day and face the pressure of life. You have never Admit defeat, although you have done bad things, it was because you were desperate, if you can be a good person, who would want to be a bad person?"

"Your mood, your feeling, I can understand..."

"You must not know how my parents died."

Mu Niange's expression was gloomy, she opened her mouth to continue talking, inexplicably... felt a little difficult, she took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, looked at Mo Yunhao with a smile and said: "Didn't you say it before? There is something about You don’t know much about me. Let me let you know now. In fact... I didn’t feel inferior at the beginning. My inferiority is due to my family, my parents, who quarrel all day long and ignore it. Let me tell you, everything is done by myself, I yearn for fatherly love and motherly love, but my parents never thought of satisfying me, I live in a world that I hate."

"Later, my father had other women and neglected my mother. My mother vented all her anger on me. I thought, I shouldn't appear in this world..."

"When I was in school, my mother wanted to burn my father, his lover and children to death. Who would have thought that my mother would be buried with her. From then on, I became an orphan. If my uncle hadn't adopted me , it won't be me sitting opposite you now..."

"I thought, maybe I became a beggar, didn't get to study, was bullied, and starved to death."

"Life has given us a lot of suffering, it tells us that we need to grow up, and as we grow up, we gradually become stronger, become brave enough to face everything, grit our teeth, and we can get through anything .”

"Senior, your mother's illness cannot be delayed any longer. I know you have your self-esteem, you have your pride, you don't want to owe me anything, and you are talking to me. In fact, you don't need to say it. , I can understand, I have this ability, I should help you, I help you, not unconditionally, I believe you are a capable person, you just haven't used your ability well , When the day you shine, you will be dazzling, I am waiting, and even more looking forward to that day, so...Senior, I hope you will not let me down, I am your most loyal fan."

Mu Niange encouraged herself and encouraged Mo Yunhao in her heart. There are similarities between her and Mo Yunhao's encounters.

When Mo Yunhao said those words, Mu Niange felt the same, and when Mu Niange said those words, didn't Mo Yunhao also feel the same?

(End of this chapter)

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