Chapter 369

"I'm with another man, so what? What can you do to me?" Mu Niange smiled charmingly, she took Lu Yanche's arm, leaned against Lu Yanche, and kissed Lu Yanche's cheek affectionately On the bed, kissed: "Lu Yanche already knew about this, my boyfriend didn't say anything, when is it your turn to talk here as an outsider?"

"You want to stand up for Lu Yanche, even if you call me a slut, then you have to see if Lu Yanche agrees with you helping him? Don't forget... I am Lu Yanche's, and you are Lu Yanche's. "

It wasn't the first time that Mu Niange took the initiative to approach Lu Yanche, but it was the only time that Lu Yanche felt unnatural. Lu Yanche knew clearly in his heart that Mu Niange wanted to stimulate Xia Minmin before he said such words, but When those words really fell into his ears, he realized that it turns out that the heart hurts?

This kind of pain is caused by spreading little by little. It's uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. Lu Yanche really wanted to cooperate with Mu Niange, but suddenly realized that he was so powerless, he could only hug Mu Niange's waist, cold Looking at Xia Minmin with a straight face, he said: "Xia Minmin, I don't care about yours. If you dare to be sentimental and do things that hurt Niange, don't blame me for not being merciful to you!"

Xia Minmin looked at Lu Yanche with wide eyes, unable to believe what she heard.

Lu Yanche really... really tolerated Mu Niange so much?
As long as Mu Niange is with Lu Yanche, does Mu Niange have other boyfriends outside?Lu Yanche didn't care at all?Xia Minmin was wrong, it wasn't Mu Niange who was cheap, it was Lu Yanche who was cheap, his cheap is very cheap, his kind of love is not love, if he really loves someone, how can he be willing to let other people share it?

Xia Minmin shook her head and smiled: "No, it's impossible, Lu Yanche, how could you allow Mu Niange to do this? She is hurting you, do you know what hurting is? Lu Yanche, I think you are crazy, I have to take You go to the hospital for an examination to see if there is something wrong with your brain, you love Mu Niange, you are with her, don't you want to be happy? How can you humiliate yourself like this? "

Xia Minmin's heart hurts a lot, it hurts a lot, it hurts him more than she found it out and said it in front of Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche has always known what kind of situation he is in, but he doesn't care, as long as Mu Niange is around, what Mu Niange does is right, and what she does is wrong.

Every word Xia Minmin said was blaming Mu Niange and defending Lu Yanche. Mu Niange didn't know what she was thinking. She wanted to deal with Xia Minmin, but she never expected that she would Doing, saying such words, this is a way to make Xia Minmin hurt, and it is also a way to hurt Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche's heart is hurting, bleeding, did Mu Niange see it?

When Xia Minmin couldn't see, Mu Niange tightened his grip on Lu Yanche's arm slightly.

Lu Yanche felt the strength of Mu Niange, he turned his head to look at Mu Niange, he covered the back of Mu Niange's hand with one hand, and patted gently, trying to comfort Mu Niange.

The person who should be comforted is Lu Yanche. What is Lu Yanche doing to Mu Niange now?
Xia Minmin felt that she was going to suffocate, she was really going crazy, a woman with two legs, what right did she have to be with Lu Yanche?The point is, Lu Yanche still cares so much about this woman and treats her like a treasure. Lu Yanche must be blind, yes, he must be blind.

Xia Minmin rushed forward, trying to separate Mu Niange from Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche quickly protected Mu Niange, and dodged Xia Minmin's impact. Xia Minmin bumped into a tree and fell to the ground. She fell very painfully, but what happened was not as good as her heartache .

"Xia Minmin, don't argue anymore. No matter what you do, Lu Yanche won't change his mind. What he wants is to be with me. He has to do whatever I want him to do. Do you believe me? If you don't believe me, I want him to hit you, and he will beat you to tears immediately."

Mu Niange was protected in Lu Yanche's arms. She looked at Xia Minmin who had fallen to the ground, proudly provoking...

Xia Minmin raised her head and looked at Mu Niange, her eyes were full of hatred, she clenched her hands into fists, and wrote down Mu Niange's account in her heart: "Lu Yanche, one day, you must I will regret it, regret choosing this shameless bitch."

"There is no most regret, only more regret. What I regret is that I met you in this compound at the beginning, and my relationship with you has been good for a while..."


A moment of silence and sadness spread in Xia Minmin's heart.

After Xia Minmin left, Mu Niange and Lu Yanche stood on the same spot, maintaining a posture of embracing each other. Mu Niange was embarrassed, and he didn't know how to deal with Lu Yanche. Those words just now were splashed water. It's impossible to take it back.

"Lu Yanche."

Mu Niange left Lu Yanche's arms and softly called Lu Yanche's name.

Following Mu Niange's actions, Lu Yanche let go of Mu Niange. He stared at Mu Niange, waiting for Mu Niange's next words. Mu Niange was looked at by Lu Yanche unnaturally. She looked away, Biting his lower lip, he said nothing.

Lu Yanche reached out and stroked Mu Niange's beautiful hair, and said with a chuckle, "I know what you want to say to me..."

"I know, you said that just to make Xia Minmin angry, I don't blame you, chanting, really... I don't blame you at all, it's just that my heart still hurts, this is My punishment, the people I provoked, but I want you to help me clean up the mess and recite songs, are you tired too? I should thank you, without you, I really don’t know what to do. "

Lu Yanche became speechless. Did he know what he was talking about?

Mu Niange wanted to grab Lu Yanche's hand and tell Lu Yanche, that's not the case, Lu Yanche doesn't need to feel bad, and doesn't need to worry, he is not Mu Niange's revenge tool, but Mu Niange really has no choice but to deal with Xia Minmin , the one who can be used is Lu Yanche, if even Lu Yanche can't be used, what can Mu Niange use to suppress Xia Minmin?
"Lu Yanche..."

Mu Niange opened his mouth, wanting to say something, Lu Yanche covered Mu Niange's mouth, stopped what Mu Niange wanted to say next, and said: "Niange, don't say it, really don't say it, I'm afraid I can't bear it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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