Chapter 371

"You were right in the first place? Who dares you to be wrong?" Yang Zhishuang gave Mu Niange a blank look, and said angrily.

Yang Zhishuang felt unworthy for Mu Niange because of being so cautious, "Lu Yanche's sadness was yours back then. Now, you are just exchanging positions with each other. When Lu Yanche deeply understands, your It's not easy, your hard work, your sadness, I think he will treat you twice as well. At that time... there is no need for you to say anything in front of Xia Minmin, Lu Yanche himself will tell Xia Minmin that he is voluntary , for you, even my life may be sacrificed."

Yang Zhishuang was right...

When that painful feeling really appeared on his body, Lu Yanche seemed to be able to see Mu Niange who was in pain, Lu Yanche needed to calm down, and Mu Niange also needed to be calm. Lu Yanche gave Mu Niange Time, even more time for himself, for three full days, Lu Yanche did not look for Mu Niange, nor did Mu Niange ask about Lu Yanche's whereabouts.

This is very unusual for outsiders.

Ji Jingchen is the most restless person. Seeing Lu Yanche's gloomy face and bad mood every day, Ji Jingchen took the initiative to ask Lu Yanche out, and went to KTV to vent. Ji Jingchen actually wanted to pull Lu Yan even more. Che went to the bar, but he thought that Gu Yanshen was a family man, so it might be inappropriate to go to that kind of place.

It would be too monotonous for Ji Jingchen and Lu Yanche to go together...

Ji Jingchen contacted Mu Yuanling and asked what Mu Yuanling meant.

Since Mu Niange insisted on being with Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling seldom cared about the affairs between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange. What to say, he subconsciously thought that Mu Niange was going on a date with Lu Yanche.

When Mu Yuanling came to the KTV and saw Lu Yanche who was drinking hard, he frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

Ji Jingchen greeted Mu Yuanling to sit down, he moved closer to Mu Yuanling, and told Mu Yuanling what happened during this period...

Mu Yuanling listened very carefully, but at the end, he couldn't take it any longer, he said with a calm face, "Ji Jingchen, what do you mean, reciting the song and reciting Lu Yanche, get along with other men? "

Where did Ji Jingchen get this gossip?
No matter how you listen, it sounds like you are slandering Mu Niange...

Ji Jingchen knew that Mu Yuanling cared about Mu Niange, so he didn't allow anyone to slander Mu Niange, but what Ji Jingchen said was the truth, Mu Yuanling couldn't believe it, Ji Jingchen sighed, pointed at Lu Yanche and said: " You can believe me, but you have to believe what you see before your eyes. Look at Ah Che, when has he ever drank like this? Except last time when Ah Che drank like this and ignored Ah Che. gone."

Ji Jingchen's wishful thinking resounded resoundingly.

Lu Yanche's drinking is enough to prove that Lu Yanche is in a bad mood, but to prove that Mu Niange was sorry for Lu Yanche, Ji Jingchen would be too ridiculous...

With a cold face, Mu Yuanling stood up from Ji Jingchen's side. He walked to Lu Yanche's side and sat down. He snatched the wine from Lu Yanche's hand: "Ah Che, between you and Nian Ge, What is the contradiction?"

Mu Yuanling was simple and rude, not beating around the bush at all.

Lu Yanche thought that there was no problem between him and Mu Niange...

But there is no problem, why is Lu Yanche in such a bad mood?Lu Yanche shook his head, reopened a bottle of beer and said, "Is there any conflict between me and Nian Ge? Yuanling, don't worry, I and Nian Ge are very good."

Is it really good?

When Lu Yanche said this, he obviously had no confidence...

Ji Jingchen couldn't stand Lu Yanche's inconsistency anymore. He leaned closer to Lu Yanche and said, "Aren't you out of touch with Nian Ge these days? I watch Nian Ge go out every day, but never once, I watch you and Nian Ge Those who went out together, if something hadn’t happened between you and Niange, I don’t believe it would be so abnormal, Ah Che, you have to know that Niange is so important in your heart that it’s too late for your baby to read the song , how can you be willing to let Nian Ge go out alone, to the place that Nian Ge wants to go?"

Ji Jingchen always speaks out the key points at the most critical moment.

That's right, Lu Yanche loves Mu Niange so much, how could he be willing to let Mu Niange go out by himself?

Transferring to pick up Mu Niange, Lu Yanche even disliked that he didn't take good care of her...

Lu Yanche shook his head and smiled: "What I hope is not what Niange hopes. He doesn't want me to pick her up and see her off. I respect her opinion. What's wrong with that? Ji Jingchen, stop slandering Niange, and continue to slander her. If not, I will turn my back on you."

At such a time, Lu Yanche still refuses to tell the truth?
Ji Jingchen stared at Lu Yanche with wide eyes, unable to believe what he just heard...

Lu Yanche wants to turn against Ji Jingchen?Just kidding, Ji Jingchen is Lu Yanche's most loyal fan. Every time, Ji Jingchen stands by Lu Yanche's side and helps Lu Yanche solve some problems that Lu Yanche cannot solve.

"Ache, don't try to fool me. If you don't tell the truth, I can ask Nian Ge. I believe that Nian Ge won't deceive me..." Mu Yuanling was much calmer than Ji Jingchen, who could only follow Lu Yanche's words. Mu Yuanling could not only get news from Lu Yanche, but also ask Mu Niange himself.

After hearing Mu Yuanling's words, Lu Yanche turned his head to look at Mu Yuanling. Lu Yanche drank a little too much, his eyes were blurred, revealing unpredictable emotions.

Lu Yanche didn't look for Mu Niange, Mu Niange really didn't come to Lu Yanche anymore.

Who can understand the complexity of Lu Yanche's heart?

Lu Yanche couldn't pass his own level. He spoke so nicely in front of Mu Niange, but in the end, they were all nonsense and lies. Lu Yanche laughed twice, took a sip of wine and said, "Yuan Ling , I really want to be together with Nian Ge, but it seems really difficult."

It was the first time I heard such difficult words from Lu Yanche's mouth.

When Lu Yanche was not with Mu Niange, didn't he swear that he could give Mu Niange happiness?Happiness hasn't started yet, Lu Yanche chose to give up?
Ji Jingchen was so confused that he didn't understand Lu Yanche's thoughts at all.

"Ache, tell me clearly, what's going on?" Ji Jingchen stared at Lu Yanche and urged, he was thinking whether he should tell Lu Yanche what he knew...

(End of this chapter)

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