Chapter 379

Xia Youyou didn't know how Xia Minmin lived these past few days, but what Xia Youyou knew was that she was not having a good time. If Mu Niange was really such a person, wouldn't Lu Yanche have a better time in the future?Although Lu Yanche deserved it, but Mu Niange could use other methods to get revenge on Lu Yanche, why would he use such a method?
Could it be that, as Xia Minmin said, from the very beginning, Mu Niange wanted to use Lu Yanche's feelings to hurt Mu Niange, look... Xia Minmin was crying in front of Xia Youyou, as if The whole world has abandoned Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin is so helpless and urgently needs a warm embrace.

Then, Xia Minmin found Xia Youyou, and complained in front of Xia Youyou, hoping that Xia Youyou would understand Xia Minmin, who knows... Xia Youyou, a stupid person, doesn't believe Xia Minmin at all.

Lu Yanche's enthusiasm for Mu Niange really hasn't diminished at all. Looking at Mu Niange's indifference towards Lu Yanche, Xia Youyou has no choice but to wonder what happened between Mu Niange, Lu Yanche, and Xia Minmin.

Xia Youyou didn't want to participate in Mu Niange's affairs. She felt sorry for Mu Niange, she was sorry for Mu Niange, and she was gradually making up for it. Mu Niange must have seen it, when Xia Minmin hurt Mu Niange , Xia Youyou came forward and told Xia Minmin that there was no longer any grievance between Mu Niange and Xia Youyou.

But the person Xia Youyou can't really let go of is Lu Yanche, and the one who can never get rid of the relationship is Xia Minmin...

Just take one of them out and say that the friendship between Mu Niange and Xia Youyou won't be broken so easily. When Xia Youyou was going out, she happened to meet Mu Niange, and looked at Mu Niange standing in front of her. Waiting for the bus beside her, Xia Youyou couldn't help but said: "I are not just a man like Lu Yanche."

Hearing this, Mu Niange brushed her hair, she glanced at Xia Youyou, and chuckled lightly: "I thought you wanted to be a leisurely person, but I didn't can't let it go, hear something Unable to bear the turmoil, you stood up again? You can directly say, what news do you want to get from me? I listen to it and feel that if I can say something, I won’t hide it from you. After all, you It's different from Xia Minmin."

One sentence, you are different from Xia Minmin, which raised Xia Youyou's level.

Of course, Xia Youyou couldn't be grateful to Mu Niange for such a trivial matter, because, from the beginning, Xia Youyou and Xia Minmin were different people...

"Am I the same as Xia Minmin? I don't need you to tell me, I will judge..." Xia Youyou's face changed slightly, and she was a little disgusted with what Mu Niange said. During this period of time, Mu Niange's changes It was very fast, no matter in terms of attitude, tone, or language, it was hard for Xia Youyou to think that the person six years ago was the same person as Mu Niange some time ago.

"Weighing?" Mu Niange chuckled, his face full of sarcasm: "That's right, you are twins, each of you knows what you are like."

"I don't have any spare time, so I'm wasting it with you. What's the matter with you, just tell me..." The things about Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou made Mu Niange quite disgusted, and it wasn't that Mu Niange wanted to go there on purpose. Like this, but not like this, can't reflect the value between Xia Youyou and Xia Minmin.

"What do I want to ask, what do I want to say, you don't know very well? Mu Niange, don't pretend, just say it, you feel better, and I feel better..." Xia Youyou sighed, Mu Niange After all, Niange didn't understand Xia Youyou's inner feelings. If Mu Niange wanted to understand, he wouldn't treat Xia Youyou with such an attitude.

"I know in my heart? What you are referring to is what happened to Xia Minmin a few days ago? Am I with Lu Yanche and another man? You are really worthy of being two sisters. You can entangle for a problem. It doesn't matter to Lu Yanche after such a long time, what's the matter with you?"

Mu Niange turned around and faced Xia Youyou, she looked at Xia Youyou's face, full of calmness...

Xia Youyou is a rare person who can make Mu Niange speak so calmly, Xia Youyou should be able to feel the kindness Mu Niange treats her.

"Actually... I don't need you to tell me. I can guess that no matter what you do, Lu Yanche will tolerate you. His ability and patience are unlimited in front of you. Maybe it's because he feels sorry. You, feeling guilty, just thought, as long as you are happy, everything is fine."

Xia Youyou lowered her eyes, thinking of Lu Yanche, a bitter smile rose from the corner of her lips.

She could understand Lu Yanche, the place where Lu Yanche was standing was the place where Xia Youyou was standing at the beginning, the same position, the same feeling, Xia Youyou was the one who knew Lu Yanche best.

Mu Niange felt that the people in the entire compound were crazy and abnormal. There was one thing, all the mistakes were due to Mu Niange, all the right ones were due to Lu Yanche, and all the tolerance, patience, and patience , it was Lu Yanche who was doing it, Mu Niange didn't do anything, just pretended to be a young lady there, and asked Lu Yanche to serve Mu Niange, but when the service was not good, Mu Niange even showed signs of embarrassment to Lu Yanche.

If possible, Mu Niange also wants to be the kind of person they see in their eyes...

You don't need to take into account anyone's feelings, what you want to do, I am the only one...

That feeling must be quite cool.

"You and Xia Minmin keep saying that you love Lu Yanche, you like Lu Yanche, and you can do anything for Lu Yanche, but you don't understand Lu Yanche at all, you don't understand Lu Yanche's behavior, you don't understand Lu Yanche's way of doing things, Lu The most selfish person in the world."

Mu Niange shifted his gaze, looked at the stop sign behind Xia Youyou, and said coldly in his eyes: "He selfishly wants to have everything, and he won't realize until he really loses it. The most important thing for him is What, I tried my best to keep it, I tried my best to start again, and I got it. Other things around me are nothing to him. He is a little sad and sad. You all speculate and think, Lu Yanche must have been injured again, the person who caused Lu Yanche to be injured must be me, then why don't you think about it, the person who caused Lu Yanche to be injured may also be Xia Minmin, and it is even more likely to be you..."

"Blindly entangle, blindly attack, don't know to stop and look back, what have you done, fool others, fool yourself, let yourself fall into a desperate situation, and lower your worth."

(End of this chapter)

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